Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Survivor: Micronesia

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 20 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

Tracy Hughes-Wolf on social media: Instagram

Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S16: Micronesia 0.38 2.55 0.15 3 7 5 0.57 1.53 - - - 0.71 1.91
Career 0.38 2.55 0.15 3 7 5 0.57 1.53 - - - 0.71 1.91


Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile



Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Challenge record
Survivor 16 logo  S16: Micronesia

Nut Bucket - Ep3 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (3-for-12; 1 sit-out):

  • Micronesia Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Reinventing the Wheel" - Helps with the puzzle, as Airai wins.
  • Micronesia Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Smash & Grab" - Would have worked the puzzle, but Airai doesn't get there, loses.
  • Micronesia Ep. 3 RC: "Beach Brawl" - Various grappling and tugging, but Airai loses.
  • Micronesia Ep. 3 IC: "Nut Bucket" - Helps hold the basket, and finally, Airai wins.
  • Micronesia Ep. 4 RC: "Diver Down" - Would have worked puzzle; Airai doesn't get there, loses.
  • Micronesia Ep. 4 IC: "Crosswalk" - Sits out, as Airai loses again.
  • Micronesia Ep. 5 RC: "Cat and Mouse" - Tethered to Cirie, loses one point, Malakal loses, 3-2.
  • Micronesia Ep. 5 IC: "A Stone's Throw" - Breaks a tile, but Malakal loses again.
  • Micronesia Ep. 6 RC: "Build It Up, Break It Down" - Participates, but Malakal is slow, loses.
  • Micronesia Ep. 6 IC: "United We Stand" - Malakal is out-strategized by James, loses big.
  • Micronesia Ep. 7 RC: "Money Roll" - Collects the smaller money stones; somehow, Malakal wins.
  • Micronesia Ep. 7 IC: "What-er Drag" - Turns the crank; Malakal returns to losing.


Individual challenge record (0-for-1): (Mean % finish: 50%)

  • Micronesia Ep. 1 ind. IC: Does not find Airai's medallion/idol thing (tie-2nd/10).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Micronesia: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 3
Played: 12
Win%: 0.25
Sat out: 1
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 1
Win%: 0.00
Mean% Finish: 50%
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Tribal Council record
Survivor 16 logo  S16: Micronesia

Ep7 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Micronesia: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (3/5):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Mary Mary Sartain (voted out, 6-2-2) Yes
Ep4 Mikey B 'Mikey B' Bortone (voted out, 6-3) Yes
Ep5 Joel Joel Anderson (voted out, 6-2) Yes
Ep6 Erik Chet Welch (voted out, 5-2) -
Ep7 Erik Tracy Hughes-Wolf (voted out, 5-1) -

VAP - Votes against (7):

  • Micronesia, Ep. 2: Two votes, from Joel and Mary.
  • Micronesia, Ep. 7: Five votes, from Amanda, Ami, Cirie, Erik, and Ozzy (voted out, 5-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Micronesia: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 3
Tribals: 5
VAP: 7
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Pictures
Survivor 16 logo  S16: Micronesia
  • Tracy Hughes-Wolf S16
    Micronesia intro shot
Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Interviews
Survivor 16 logo  S16: Micronesia

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Joe Legge at WDEF News 12 (3/19/08): "Survivor: Micronesia interview - Kathy Sleckman & Tracy" (video)
  • Dalton Ross at (7/14/20): "Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire: Tracy Hughes-Wolf broke her nose on Micronesia"
Tracy Hughes-Wolf - Bio
Survivor 16 logo  S16: Micronesia

From the now-missing official CBS bio page (1/3/08):

"Tracy Hughes-Wolf is a commercial and residential builder. She formerly worked as a fitness studio owner and did some acting and modeling. She attended some college at Chowan College in Murfreesboro, North Carolina and Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, before dropping out to start her own aerobic workout company.

Hughes-Wolf's hobbies include scuba diving, skiing (snow and water), rollerblading, parachuting and kayaking. She describes herself as charismatic, funny and fit. She believes her resourcefulness, athletic ability, resilience, and competitive, yet forgiving, nature will help her on Survivor. She is a member of the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America and is a Room Mother at Fredericksburg Academy when she can fit it in her schedule.

Hughes-Wolf currently resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia with her husband of 10 years, Phillip, and their children, Madison and Abigail. They have two Boston terriers, Elliot and Eleanor, and one hamster, Wesley. Her birth date is July 9, 1964."