Melinda Hyder - Survivor: Panama - Exile Island

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 6 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

Melinda Hyder on social media: Instagram

Melinda Hyder - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S12: Panama 0.00 0.54 0.00 1 5 2 0.27 1.56 - - - 0.27 1.56
Career 0.00 0.54 0.00 1 5 2 0.27 1.56 - - - 0.27 1.56


Melinda Hyder - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Melinda Hyder - Challenge record
S12 logo  S12: Panama challenges

Ep1 IC: 4x4

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-3):

  • Panama Ep. 1 IC: "4x4" - Older women are third to the puzzle, but fail to solve it (4th/4).
  • Panama Ep. 2 RC: "A Reptile Dysfunction" - Crosses obstacles, but Casaya loses.
  • Panama Ep. 2 IC: "Anchor Management" - Helps bail, but Casaya loses again.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Panama: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • Panama Ep. 1 RC: "Skull Crush" - Did not participate.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 3
Win%: 0.00
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Melinda Hyder - Tribal Council record
S12 logo  S12: Panama Tribal

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • Panama: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (1/2):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Tina Tina Scheer (voted out, 3-1) Yes
Ep2 Shane Melinda Hyder (voted out, 5-2) -


VAP - Votes against (5):

  • Panama, Ep. 2: Five votes, from Aras, Bob Dawg, Courtney, Danielle, and Shane (voted out, 5-2).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Panama: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 1
Tribals: 2
VAP: 5
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Melinda Hyder - Pictures
S12 logo  S12: Panama image gallery
  • Melinda Hyder
    Panama intro shot
  • Melinda Hyder
    Panama intro shot
  • Melinda Hyder
    Full cast arrival at Exile Island, Day 1
  • Melinda Hyder
    With the "older women" tribe
  • Melinda Hyder
    The older women don't lose! (Hero challenge)
  • Melinda Hyder
    Arrival at Casaya beach
  • Melinda Hyder
    Talking about setting up camp
  • Melinda Hyder
    Starting a fire
  • Melinda Hyder
    Starting line, Ep1 IC
  • Melinda Hyder
    Raft released, heading to the beach
  • Melinda Hyder
    Watching the other tribes as her tribemates dig
  • Melinda Hyder
    Working the puzzle
  • Melinda Hyder
    The losing older women
  • Melinda Hyder
    Cirie is the weakest link at the moment
  • Melinda Hyder
    Casaya, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Melinda Hyder
    Listening to Ruth-Marie
  • Melinda Hyder
    Tribe swap time, Ep2
  • Melinda Hyder
    The new Casaya tribe
  • Melinda Hyder
    Starting line, Ep2 RC
  • Melinda Hyder
    Casaya hits the bridge obstacle, trailing
  • Melinda Hyder
    Pretty sure she and Cirie are screwed on this new tribe
  • Melinda Hyder
    The non-majority alliance gathers
  • Melinda Hyder
    Starting line, Ep2 IC
  • Melinda Hyder
    Shane wants to quit?!
  • Melinda Hyder
    Shane changed his mind. Back to being screwed
  • Melinda Hyder
    I think it's me, I was last picked
  • Melinda Hyder
    Heading to Tribal
  • Melinda Hyder
    Casaya, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Melinda Hyder
    It's crazy that someone wants to quit, and I'm begging to stay
  • Melinda Hyder
    The second person voted out of Panama...
  • Melinda Hyder
    Snuffed, Day 6 (Episode 2)
Melinda Hyder - Interviews
S12 logo  S12: Panama interviews

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Polly Leider at (2/10/06): "Survivor Castoff: An Age Thing?"
  • Allison Corneau at (2/16/06): "Master Plan Sinks Survivor's Melinda"
Melinda Hyder - Bio
S12 logo  S12: Panama bio

Official Survivor: Panama - Exile Island bio page excerpts (1/9/06):

"Melinda Hyder was born and raised in Elizabethton, Tennessee. She has one sister, Regina, and is proud to point out that her parents, Richard and Carol, were high school sweethearts and have been married for 44 years. Hyder began singing in church at the age of four. She trained in ballet, tap, jazz and gymnastics for 12 years. She attended classes and taught at the Watt Dance Studio in Elizabethton.

Hyder graduated with honors in music and math from Elizabethton High School. She then attended East Tennessee State University in Johnson City on a full vocal scholarship and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in music. While in college, she performed with the music groups 10BucsWorth, Chorale and Women's Ensemble.

After college, Hyder entertained at Six Flags over Georgia for two years. She then toured Europe while performing on a cruise ship. She also spent six years performing at Dollywood (often times with Dolly Parton). In addition, she has worked as a real estate agent, private vocal coach, dance instructor, pageant coach and model.

Hyder describes herself as vivacious, competitive and compassionate. Her hobbies include creative home decorating, collecting Marilyn Monroe memorabilia, watching CBS soap operas and jogging.

Currently single, Hyder resides in Sevierville, Tennessee, with her Pomeranian, Lexi. Her birth date is May 23, 1973."