Week 6: Relish every single moment that this gift is
Published: August 28, 2022
It seems like we only just started, but SurvivorSA has already awarded its 2 million prize and aired its (fully stocked) reunion show. But fear not, Ryan has recapped and praised the final week, and season as a whole, and most importantly, crowned his Santoni Stan Star of the season. Who could it be?
Week 5: Shifting in my pants
Published: August 20, 2022
As the last named SurvivorSA alliance disintegrates, the pace slows down to watch the slow-motion implosion, but Ryan is here to pick up all the pieces, especially any marked with a Salan symbol. The finale approaches, and who among the final five is best situated to take home the two million rand?
Week 4: Is a friendship going to buy me a house?
Published: August 12, 2022
An already super-sized week of SurvivorSA became even super-er-sized, with a whopping four boots for Ryan to mourn, cheer, mourn, and mourn again. Who finds themselves atop the Stan Star charts this week, and who does Ryan see as having the best chance to win?
Week 3: Who are you with, and how many are there?
Published: August 5, 2022
Ryan recaps a tumultuous week, as multiple underdogs try to stay in the game, only to fall just short (of the merge). Ryan takes stock of the remaining players, and prepares for another four days of heartbreak next week, as the post-merge commences.
Week 2: Blown up by
tribe swaps
Published: July 29, 2022
It was a week of well-executed blindsides, underdog comebacks falling short, color-filled swaps and shocking medevacs that were not actually medevacs but still ended in shocks. A massive four-pack of Survivor SA, and Ryan has all the action recapped and stan stars dispersed.
Week 1: I was hoping
I wasn't Uranus
Published: July 22, 2022
Ryan has enjoyed, absorbed, and now thrown stars at (you'll see) the first four hours/three boots of SurvivorSA's super-sized, first-ever returning player season, Return of Outcasts. Who will claim fandom's ulimate stan crown? (2 million rand not included in (figurative) crown.)
Kaiser has been a lifelong fan of Survivor since
the show first aired during his days in elementary school,
and he plans to one day put his money where his mouth is by
competing in the greatest game on Earth. Until that day
comes, however, he'll stick to running his mouth here and on
Twitter: @Ryan__Kaiser