Screaming at the Screen - Damnbueno's Survivor 47 recaps
Comeuppance is best served sweet
By Damnbueno | Published: October 24, 2024
Survivor 47 Episode 6 recap/ analysis

Comeuppance is best served sweet

First off, a couple of notes from my rewatch from last week’s episode. In the Secret Scenes, we see Gabe returning to Tuku camp by himself while the rest of his tribe is at the Survivor Social Hour. He searches furiously for an Idol but doesn’t find anything. This means Sue didn’t tell him she’d already found it. So maybe Sue isn’t quite as devoted to her partnership with Gabe as we thought.

Last week, I said since Sam and Sierra learned the other tribes see them as leading the Gata tribe, they had reason to be suspicious of Andy since he probably leaked that info while on his Journey with Teeny and Caroline. My mistake was in identifying Andy as the informant. I should have named Anika, who leaked that info while on her Journey with Kyle and Rome. Kyle asked if Sam and Sierra were dating, and Anika told them “They both have couples back home. Sam is actually engaged. They made a tight bond.” Once Sam & Sierra confirmed the other tribes did indeed believe they were leading Gata’s tribal decisions, there were only two possible sources – Anika and Andy. But it was Anika who reported their “couple” status when she returned from her Journey. Andy hadn’t gone on his Journey yet. This of course gave Sam & Sierra even more incentive to remove Anika instead of Andy.

I have one small note about the Immunity Challenge. Lavo and Gata were still throwing sandbags to knock off their puzzle pieces, both tribes had one block still partially touching their stand. Sol and Rome missed several shots at that last piece, Gata rallied back to pull even with Lavo. Probst yelled “Lavo, keep working, they cannot be touching the frame.” Andy threw a bag that knocked Gata’s last piece off, but it fell back against the stand. Probst told Gata they could start on their puzzle. Then Rome knocked off Lavo’s last piece and they started. I don’t think there was any conspiracy here at all, I just think Probst missed it when Gata’s last piece fell back against their stand. Gata started on the puzzle just a tiny bit before Lavo, but it didn’t make a difference. I think Sam had it right when he said Andy’s slow work in cutting through the rope is what cost them the win.

I know, I know, these are insignificant, ticky-tack things that have almost no significance in the big picture, but I needed something to put in this week’s intro. This week’s promos promised only one person will have Immunity, so I’ll speculate as to who could be in trouble.

In the New Era seasons, Sydney, Lydia, Elie, Josh, J. Maya, and Moriah all left at the mergeatory vote. What they had in common was 1) most knew they didn’t have an Idol to protect them, and 2) They weren’t part of a majority alliance. Following that loose theory, that leaves Tiyana, and possibly Genevieve as the most vulnerable. Most also know Sierra and Sue haven’t been on a Journey, so they could be in trouble too, but they’ve got alliances to help protect them.

Kyle has taken the most spotlight roles in challenges with 6. Rome, Andy, Sol, Caroline and Rachel have all done that 4 times – Rachel and Caroline emerging as puzzle masters. However, challenge beasts haven’t been the merge target for quite some time. It doesn’t seem likely any of them will be targeted, but stranger things have happened.

And away we go ...

Rome is voicing the “Previously on ...” segment??? This is a Survivor first. This tells me the Producers really like the entertainment Rome is giving them. And we get nothing about Tuku either?

I’ve got to agree with Rachel here.

Not boring

Andy sure is doing a lot of gloating about the Anika blindside. He really thinks he’s the one who made it happen. I thought this was all Sam’s doing. If anyone shared credit, it would be Sierra.

Sam in confessional “I chose to see if I can use it (my Idol) as a decoy of fake further down the road or something to have some fun with.” That’s exactly what I was thinking, Sam. You’ve already heard that Gabe and Rome are aggressive Idol hunters. Use it to fool one of them.

Rachel is reacting well to the blindside by not outwardly reacting much at all. She’s showing humility which tends to put others at ease. She’s got an option open with Teeny and Caroline because of her chat with them at the Social Hour, but she shouldn’t be so aggressive about talking to them when everyone meets up.

This merge could be interesting since Amulet holders Andy and Teeny are both looking to make a move, but Caroline who has the third Amulet feels secure in her Tuku alliance. I’m really curious to see who brings it up first.


This is the first good look we got of Sue’s Idol, and I can confirm it’s the same one Gabe found earlier and played when TK was voted out. This one definitely returned.

Sue washes her idol

The tribes get off the boat, and Caroline’s first hug is with Teeny. I bet her second was with Andy.

When I read this sign, I was pissed. Why can’t everyone here just make the merge already?

Don't make me read the sign

Yeah, I saw the shot of the buoy floating in the ocean. I bet the Advantage is there.

I’m glad these players were smart enough not to be so aggressive about finding this Advantage. He/she who holds an Advantage everybody knows about shall be targeted sooner than later.

Merge tribe not advantage-hunting

Everyone sees the red paint around the Well. Caroline figures out Sue found the Idol ... but vows to keep it secret? I think I’d tell Sue about everyone finding the paint, then give her a chance to volunteer that she’s got the Idol. If she does, then I can keep trusting her. If she doesn’t, then I start figuring out how I can use that info to gain trust from some others when I need it. But first, I start sizing everyone up because if I’m gonna cut Sue loose, I’m gonna need a trustworthy replacement for her.

Genevieve finds the Advantage and tells everyone about it. Since they were bound to find out anyway, that was really her only option. Just the same, now everyone knows she’s capable of finding something they can’t find. Genevieve just raised her threat level.

Genevieve: “Now we know the red paint was something different. Someone’s got something else." If I’m Tiyana, I take advantage of this and drop a bug in someone’s ear that Gabe the Idol hunter probably has it, even though she probably knows Sue has it.

Caroline tells Sue she knows what’s up. So much for testing Sue’s loyalty to you.

Happy for Sue

Sue: “If I have to chop the head of the snake (Tiyana) off, I will.” When did Tiyana become the head of the snake? I have to wonder how accurate Sue’s reads are.

I haven’t cared for Rome’s game much this season, but I have to give him props for gathering info from Kyle. The real test will be how Rome interprets and uses that information.

Rome warns Sue about Kyle’s information leak. Then he warns Sam and Tiyana. Does Rome think nobody will figure out he’s stirring the pot? He’s bouncing from person to person like Kaleb did in 45. This is bound to bounce back on him.

Damn Sol, did you read my mind several months early, or did I read your mind several months after the fact?

Sol: He stirs the pot

Kyle: “Damn, what a dick!” I’m glad I’m writing a little earlier tonight. I couldn’t hold my laughter, but my wife is still up. I didn’t startle her. But my dog isn’t happy with me.

But Kyle, why would you volunteer to Sol that you don’t have a vote??? It’s ok to share some information at a merge but don’t share something that gives people a reason to think you’re an easy target!

Kyle picks Rome as a target almost as fast as Gabler picked Elie. That didn’t take long at all. The only problem is Genevieve was part of that group. She’s got a dilemma now. Does she warn Rome, or do the smart thing and cut him loose? Trying to save him now could get you booted instead.

Kyle at the well

Only two lanes for the Immunity Challenge? The Promos promised only one person would have Immunity. Does that mean two people are leaving tonight? Two teams, and whoever gets voted out from the losing team doesn’t make the merge or Jury?

The players are lined up by height again. This means a “random” rock draw probably won’t be so random. Also, two teams of 6 people means one person doesn’t get to compete.

Pre-challenge lineup

Genevieve gets guaranteed food and skips the first part of the challenge. That’s a pretty good Advantage.

This challenge set up is interesting for those who want to get rid of Rome. If he’s on your team, do you tank the first part since you’re not fighting for a team Immunity? That’s got to be tempting.

I like that they used a schoolyard pick to determine the teams. I hate that we didn’t find out who were the captains, and what order players were picked.

These teams look pretty balanced. Sam and Kyle’s height advantage will help their team climb up the ramp. They’ll be able to boost Sierra, Rachel, Sue and Teeny up. But there’s more overall muscle on the other team.

Andy slows his team down yet again. He’s the last one through the mud pit. Sol was smart for clearing out the wood chips for the rest of his team. This reminds me of when Ozzy pushed lettered coconuts to the front of a submerged cage for his tribe.

Sol clears a path

Why isn’t the yellow team using Sam and/or Kyle as a human ladder?

Gabe and Rome take the spotlight roles on the maze. I wonder how Sol feels about his chances for Immunity riding on Rome again?

Gabe, Rome on the table maze

It looked like Rome made the mistake every time the Blue team dropped a ball. Then again, Gabe had similar trouble trying to work with TK in a previous challenge. I feel bad for Sol yet again. Rome’s presence has tormented him the entire game.

It feels like this challenge is taking forever to complete. I understand why the schoolyard pick was cut out, but I still wish I could have seen it.

We’ve seen the second part of this challenge several times before – in South Pacific, Millennials vs Gen X, Game Changers and Edge of Extinction.

Bow Diddley challenge

Sierra and Sam are using the more awkward overhand grip. Sierra is the first one out, closely followed by Sam. Note to future players: An underhand grip is better for this challenge.

I never thought about how hot that beam is. Moving down to a skinnier section has got to be tough on everyone’s bare feet. I wonder if they weren’t allowed to wear their shoes?

Probst says Sue’s ball is moving. Teeny turns to look at Sue and drops the ball. It’s got to be hard to tune Probst out, but the best players are able to do it. I’ve said it many times. Probst is the enemy just like any of the other players. He doesn’t want to stand and narrate a marathon challenge. He’ll try to trip you up.

Kyle wins Individual Immunity. He’s taken most of the spotlight roles in the Tribal Challenges too. But in the New Era, the male challenge beasts haven’t become immediate targets. The women have actually been targeted more. Does this mean Sue just increased her threat level?

I think I like the fact that the two groups will be separated for a while. This makes it tougher to agree on a target. It also rewards the person who did some early prep work. But it seems too easy to think Kyle’s attempt to go after Rome will work. I wonder if Genevieve will try to save Rome? If she does, will Sol and Teeny take advantage of that and get Genevieve targeted instead?

Sam is excited about eating a ton of food, but I thought he was the guy who refused to try a lot of new food.

The seating arrangements are always interesting to me. I wonder if Sam and Sierra sat apart from each other on purpose?

Reward feast

Kyle: “So, are we all in agreeance on Rome?” Does Kyle think it will be that easy? Does Teeny think Genevieve will fall in line? Do any of these people know that “agreeance” isn’t an actual word?

Oh wait. It really is a word. I just looked it up. Nevermind.

Andy’s plan on getting rid of the Amulets ASAP is a smart one, but it’s tough for me to see how they’re gonna agree on who to use it for. Teeny will know Andy is the proposed backup vote. Teeny also knows Rome had Teeny in his crosshairs. If Teeny helps protect Andy, and Rome votes for Teeny, guess who goes home if for some reason Rome doesn’t get voted out?

But Rome wants to go after Sol, and is trying to gain sympathy to get it done? I wonder if they’re buying it?

Rome talking to Caroline

Since Rome is such a clear target, I think it’s inevitable someone else will try to pull a surprise and blindside someone else since “we can get rid of Rome anytime.” I’m thinking Gabe will try to remove Tiyana and will use Sue and Caroline to get it done.

Rome in confessional: “I’m a mastermind.” This dude doesn’t have an ounce of humility, but again, I believe he’s playing to be remembered, instead of playing to win.

Smiling Rome

Rome: “This isn’t Magic vs Larry, this is Michael Jordan vs Kirk Hinrich.” For those of you who don’t know, Hinrich was an NBA player. What Rome doesn’t know is Hinrich never played against Jordan. Jordan’s last season was 2002-2003. Hinrich’s first season was 2003-2004. So, this means Rome is not only a dick, he’s a dumbass too.

This Rome boot is gonna be anti-climactic now. They’ve spent way too much time showing how ridiculously overconfident he is. I’d have used that time to show the schoolyard pick.

I thought for sure they’d make Rome and Sol sit next to each other. Oh well.

Tribal, 13 deep

Sol says everyone looked for the Challenge Advantage for about one minute, then said ‘Screw it.’ I LOVE that they did this. Maybe the players are outwitting the Producers and know a trap when they see it.

Ahh, now I see why Rome got to do the “Previously on” voiceover. Probst must love this guy to give him the floor like this.

Probst and protegé

I must admit, Rome’s recap of the Amulet (dis)Advantage was pretty good. But it also feels like Rome’s story is complete now.

Andy: “Blindsiding Anika was fun as hell, dude.” That was funny, honest, and “good TV,” but it probably didn’t do anything to help Andy get Rachel, Sierra or Sam’s potential Jury votes.

I have the sinking feeling Rome is gonna pull out an Idol, and we’ll see him finding it in a flashback.

My thoughts exactly.

Andy: Your game was really bad

Who are the Amulet holders gonna save? It’s Teeny. That’s gonna tell the entire tribe how well-liked Teeny is. That’s probably bad news for Teeny but I don’t know who else they should have played it for. Maybe saving Sol would have been “Good TV.” We’d see Rome’s shocked face a little sooner.

I love how nobody will make eye contact with Rome as the votes are being read. I love it even more how happy this is making Sol.

Happy Sol

At least Rome went out with class. It’s just too bad he couldn’t play with class.

Now we get to see how Sol actually is as a player since he’s no longer shackled with Rome.


Genevieve made the smartest possible move and cut Rome loose before he could destroy her game. Removing Rome greatly reduced her threat level. In Heroes vs Villains, Parvati suffered because she was too closely connected to Russell and appeared to approve of his tactics. That won’t happen to Genevieve now. But I wonder if she locked things up with Teeny and Sol?

Genevieve's vote

I also thought the Amulet holders were smart for burning this one at the first chance they had. But again, this one was pretty much a no-brainer, especially after they told everyone about them. I wonder where these three will fit in with each other now that their Amulets are gone?

Sam caught a break when Rome voted for him. Now he has plausible deniability with Andy. Unless somebody spills the info to Andy, Sam might get away with signing off on approving of Andy being the backup vote. Much like Genevieve with Rome, Sam needed to distance himself from Andy a little, and I think he did that very well. Maybe after winning on the Anika vote, Sam realized he had to pull back and let Sierra appear to drive this decision.

Is it safe to say nobody found a re-hidden Idol at Lavo or Gata’s camps?

As for Rome, he played an awful game. The dude was creating reasons for people to want him out left and right. In my season preview, I said “He’s looking to make a big impression on the audience but doesn’t seem to realize those same things tend to make a negative impression on those who can vote him out. Yeah, I think Rome will be playing to the cameras a lot. Look for particularly spicy confessionals from him.” I’ll pat myself on the back and say I nailed this one, but this was an easy call.

As badly as Rome played, I’m not sure if he’ll make my “Worst Players” list because he did show some signs of savvy strategy. He earned trust quickly from a majority on his tribe, even if his methods for doing it were sloppy. He figured out how to use the Steal-A-Vote Advantage effectively, which hadn’t been done before. His strategic ideas all had merit. It’s just the way he went about executing his plans were far to Russell Hantz-esque to ever result in people wanting to give him money.

Now that the weekly Rome distraction is gone, where do you think everyone else fits into the big picture? Do the alliances remain tribe-loyal? What does Rachel do in this situation? She’s on the bottom at Gata but would trading that position for a bottom slot with Lavo or Tuku be any better? With Rome gone, is Andy the most delusional? He seems to think he’s got power and is running some things. Or is Gabe the overconfident one now? Did Rome just bump Q from a spot in Season 50? If he does return, I don’t think he’d change his style at all, do you? This season’s game is wide open, and I love it. Let me know what you think in the comments.

damnbuenoDamnbueno got his nickname in 8th grade Spanish class when his friend shouted out "You're pretty damn good at Spanish." The teacher insisted he say it in Spanish, so the friend said "Esto es damn bueno en Espanol." The nickname stuck. These days, when he's not forgetting his 8th grade Spanish, Damnbueno is indulging his obsession with all things Survivor. Reach him in the comments section here at True Dork Times.