Episode 9: Julia now understands how swiftly it can change
Published: April 14, 2019
Pat talks about how the collapse of Julia's game can be explained by the 'swift trust' organizational theory: as in, while trust is necessary in Survivor, rapidly-acquired bonds are more easily broken, as the younger Kamas did in the previous episode by blindsiding Eric.
Episode 8: The cost of inflexibility: Did Devens just get sunk?
Published: April 6, 2019
With the players realigning seemingly at random, Pat turns his attention to Rick Devens and his refusal to work with Wardog. Is Rick's refusal a Survivor example of the behavioral economics concept of the sunk cost fallacy?
Episode 7: It's time for the semi-annual (post-) merge Power Rankings!
Published: April 2, 2019
This one is all about power, as Pat takes a mid-season sabbatical to re-rank the remaining dozen (plus four) Edge of Extinction players and their likelihood of victory: Likely, Possible, and Unlikely (no win is impossible at this point).
Episode 4: I hope this season becomes extinct, soon
Published: March 18, 2019
Pat hits pause on the theory this week, to present a new, emerging hypothesis: Is Edge of Extinction the worst Survivor season?
Episode 3: It's time to stack some thoughts together
Published: March 11, 2019
Pat takes a look at the concept of stacking — a form of stereotyping, especially in sports — as it applies to Survivor. Specifically, in the Manu tribe's unsupported assumptions in selecting some of its 'weaker' players.
Episode 1: Let's talk about Reem and stereotyping
Published: February 26, 2019
Dipping into his communication theory background, Pat looks at the cognitive process of stereotyping, and asks whether that played a factor in Reem's semi-exit in the premiere of Survivor: Edge of Extinction.
Pre-season: The TDT EoE contestant draft
Published: February 17, 2019
As the new season nears the True Dork Times writers (Ben Martell, Dan Otsuki, Pat Ferrucci, Ryan Kaiser, and Jeff Pitman) gather to draft fantasy teams of three players. Whose prediction skills will drive their team to extinction? Whose prognostication will give them an edge and a victory?
Pre-season: Are y'all ready to laugh? Here are some predictions
Published: February 7, 2019
As is his custom, Pat has restricted his predictions exclusively to CBS bio-related information, and has a forecast for Extinction at the ready. Read on to discover whose chances to win he sees as most likely, possible, unlikely or impossible.
Pat Ferrucci started watching Survivor when episode two of Borneo first aired. He's seen every episode since. Besides recapping here, he'll be live-tweeting this season from the Mountain Time Zone. Why? Because nobody cares about the Mountain Time Zone except when they want to ski. Follow him @patferrucci for Survivor stuff and tweets about anything and everything that enters his feeble mind.
Other Well, in theory... editions:
Survivor: Island of the Idols |Survivor: Edge of Extinction | Survivor: David vs. Goliath | Survivor: Ghost Island | Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers | Survivor: Game Changers | Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X | Survivor: Kaoh Rong | Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance
See also: The full True Dork Times index of past seasons.