challenges visible in the web promo, but luckily the press
photos came out before we had a chance to
update. So from that, it's clear the RC is "Basketbrawl," last
seen as the Ep2
RC/IC in Tocantins. Which means Coach,
JT, and the recently departed Tyson have all played it before
(JT was on the winning tribe). Not that this likely has much
impact on the outcome, of course.
The challenge is essentially full-contact basketball,
played in knee-deep water. First team to some pre-set score wins
(with that score likely being edited down for TV). Various all-male/
all-female/ mixed-gender combos of contestants switch in and
out after each score.
challenge vidcaps: click
to view larger picture
Boston Rob throttles Rupert
I love you, man!
Amanda vs. Danielle, Villains women not watching
Villains women: still not watching
who wins? Not clear yet.
some info we missed? We'll take it: Click