with the boot order that was spoiled during
the summer/early fall of 2009, this week, the Heroes start
to gain back some lost ground, as (as spoiled by
this episode's boot is
As far as spoilers go, Rob's exit is perhaps the most talked-about
boot, at least by survivrcuz, missyae and SurvivorsUnite. Here's
an abbreviated timeline. Our summary? Boston Rob's boot sounds
somerandomdouche (9/24/09): "cirie and tom are both out before
the merge and so is rob."
missyae (9/29/09): "Rob does leave pre jury. His style of
play did not work this time."
missyae (9/30/09): "By Robs gameplay I meant how he controls
everyone in his tribe and dictates who is leaving and who is
going. That did not work very well with another male on his
missyae (apparently inaccurately, 9/30/09): "Rob did not fall
at the hands of Coach. Both Rob and Coach fell to the hands
of The Evil One."
survivrcuz (10/23/09): "In a way boston rob goes because
of coach (in a way) because coach vowed not to write russell
or boston robs name down! and this is used against boston rob."
SurvivorsUnite (10/26/09): [Boston Rob is the 8th person booted].
missyae (10/26/09): "Yes - it was just like 19 - merge with
12 left - Rob barely missing out."
SurvivorsUnite (11/15/09): "No, he [Boston Rob] doesn't quit....
He goes home due to something Coach does. Boston Rob is in
the majority alliance when he exits the game...Coach messes
it up for him."
survivrcuz (11/29/09): "boston rob and his alliance get blindsided
bad by the danielle alliance. coach was said to be the target
and thats what they all thought, they retaliated by writting
down russels name , no idols get played. coach does not go
home on a count that he promised to rob and russell never to
write their names down so he stays neutral, danielles alliance
use this info and take out rob who thought coach was on his
side and would vote with them to oust russell , but coach decided
not to take sides against russell or rob."
SurvivorsUnite (12/1/09): "The minority alliance is Randy/Tyson/Coach/Jerri.
Parvati/Russell/Danielle/Sandra/Courtney/Boston Rob team up
to get rid of them, notice how they go one after the other.
Then Coach F**ks it up for Boston Rob, and they turn on him."
Update: Hmm. Well, it still
doesn't make sense as of Ep6. As shown thus far, it should be Russell-Parvati-Danielle
vs. Rob-Sandra-Coach-Jerri-Courtney. Even with Coach opting to
vote neither Russell nor Rob, that's still 4-3-1 against Russell,
so we're not seeing how Rob gets booted without someone else flipping,
or an idol getting played.
Updated update: As should have
been obvious, but was suggested by some guy named
Fishbach in his
People column the day
after Ep6, the
other flipper (with her former showmance-mate,
should be
Jerri, who had a
on the CBS site weeks ago complaining about Rob's heavy-handed tribal leadership.