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Heroes vs. Villains episode 7 detailed immunity challenge
spoilers/ spec |
two challenges visible in the web promo, but luckily the press
photos came out before we had a chance to update. So from
that, it's clear the IC is "Caught in the Web," last
seen (unless we forgot a season) way, waaay back in Survivor's
third season (Africa) as the Ep4
RC. So nobody currently playing has done this one before,
as far as we know.
As far as the challenge goes, in the original
version, contestants ran across a net, climbed another net, and
retrieved baskets tied to the vertical net. Colby appears to
be grabbing a bag (where there are bags, puzzles usually follow).
Although based on who wins, we can't imagine how there could possibly
be puzzles involved, unless the Villains all injure themselves
retrieving the bags, or something.
challenge vidcaps: click
to view larger picture |

Colby on the (netted) ropes |

Dropping onto the net to head back |
who wins? Since the boot comes
from the Villains tribe this week, that would indicate the Heroes
win immunity this week (finally). Which might explain
the web promo's focus on how Colby has a chance to redeem himself.
How dramatic.