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True Dork Times Survivor 20 (also in Samoa) spoilers
Survivor 20: HvV general/ pre-show spoilers Filmed: Aug.-Sept., 2009
Airdate: Spring, 2010
As far as we know, anyway...
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Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains general spoiler/ speculation summary
SurvivorsUnite at Sucks
October 26, 2009: After dropping various hints about the outcome of S20 (which we're far too lazy to compile, along with those of others), SurvivorsUnite posts the entire Heroes vs. Villains bootlist, in a series of pictures at Sucks. Normally, we'd object to giving away the entire boot order before the cast list is even officially announced, but he gets points for being concise. So, here is SU's bootlist, links go to his individual posts at Sucks:

Pre-jury boots, in order: 1. Sugar; 2. Stephenie, 3. Randy, 4. Cirie, 5. Tom, 6. Tyson, 7. James, 8. Boston Rob
Jurors, in order of finish: 12th place: Coach; 11th place: Courtney; 10th place: JT; 9th place: Amanda; 8th place: Candice; 7th place: Danielle; 6th place: Rupert; 5th place: Colby; 4th place: Jerri
Final three: Russell finishes third. Winner is either Parvati or Sandra*.

*Note: SurvivorsUnite says that he's also told two Sucks posters the winner's name, and that they will reveal that at a later date. Scrambling to avoid complete scoopage, missyae (who'd previously claimed "Sandra doesn't do very well") promptly announces that the winner is Sandra.

*Yawn*. Only eight months until S21 starts filming, assuming CBS renews the show.
Sucks and beyond
September 19-20, 2009: Note to CBS/SEG - we're sure it's a completely random coincidence that this flood of info came right as the S20 cast and crew returned home. Nothing to see here, move along....

   For the non-SEG people still reading, a flood of alleged "spoilers" on people getting booted in S20 made the rounds this weekend. We were going to hold off and verify them before putting them up here, but there are so many of them, we're starting to lose track of who said what. Hopefully, we'll be able to refute or confirm at a later date. Until then... a brief compendium:

- garyw at Sucks (9/19, 3:56 pm): "LA cast dominate the season! Jerri at least makes merge. The cast know russell is a +%!% now so I'm guessing he plays the same character in s20."

- somerandomdouche at Sucks (9/19, 7: 52 pm): "gary's right, and i'll add to it.. james gets evacuated again, cirie and tom out before the merge, sugar and steph are the first two out."

- garyw at Sucks again (between threats and various insults, 9/19, 9:44 pm): "steph and rob are voted out before the dominating Micronesians." And here, "At this stage I can say Boston rob definetely does not win or make the merge."

Parts of the following (greyed out) are inaccurate:
- somerandomdouche then (9/20, 11:32 am) asserts the dominant alliance as "it's parv-amanda-courtney-danielle. cirie is out before the merge."

- FranklinBluth (9/22, 3:30 pm) uploads a screenshot of a facebook discussion between Cirie and Randy, showing essentially that Cirie added Randy as a friend after getting back, with Randy making a couple of comments on Cirie's wall on Sunday, 9/20.

- missyae (9/29, 9:19 pm): starts the "Evil Alliance" thread, says Russell H and Parvati do very well together
   - (7:37 pm): "Rob does leave pre jury. His style of play did not work this time."
   - (7:39 pm): "Someone asked about Parvati - if you like her - you will like Survivor 20. Once again she knew to attach herself to."
   - (10:13 pm): "Amanda... does well for herself." and "Did I mention how dumb of a move J.T. made to the Evil One?"
   - (10:32 pm): "Merry Christmas to the Russell Haters because they get a back to back dose of him going far."

- SurvivorsUnite (10/3, 12:28 a.m.): "Jenna Morasca was indeed out there on location, interviewing (thats all) all the Villains & Heroes...btw, it's VILLAINS vs Heroes, not the other way around.
- On Natilie Bolton, she was there and eventually cut on location.
- Who said Boston Rob is on Heroes? Nah, he's a Viallain.
- This "LA Alliance" does NOT exist.
- Danielle DiLorenzo is really, actually out there. I just personally didn't want to believe it. But, yea she really is and she's a Villain.
- Sandra is indeed a Villain, while Candice Woodcock is a Hero."

Also from SurvivorsUnite (same thread): - (1:16 a.m.) "I think missaye said Boston Rob is pre jury, and he is. But, not b/c of gameplay. His head was not in the game....he jst had a baby=)
- No former Survivors make any kind of an appearance, and there is no what's your Survivor knowledge challenge."
- (1:23 a.m.) "Missyae is wrong on James. There are NO medivacs this season...he is indeed a voted out player."
August 24, 2009: As threatened, we've compiled an extensive list of popular ex-contestants who are not on Survivor 20, as well as those we're unsure about (and those who actually are on). Full list here (or through the Cast link, above).

Update: Complete cast list is on the Survivometer now, so this is fairly obsolete.
August 21, 2009: Pro wrestling writer Jason Powell delivers the following, not particularly accurate "news" (as posted by KidShacky at Sucks):

jenna"TNA News: A female personality won't be appearing on TNA television for at least a couple months
By Jason Powell Aug 21, 2009 - 02:42 PM
As reported on the Dot Net Members' website over two weeks ago, Jenna Morasca will not be appearing on TNA television for at least a couple months. She is currently in Samoa working as a contestant on the 10th anniversary of Survivor."

missyae at Sucks
Update: Oops. Looks like not so much. (What, the pro wrestling press can't be trusted?) From missyae at Sucks:
"If Jenna was on she didn\'t last long. She was in Orlando, Florida this past Monday night filming 2 weeks of TNA wrestling. One of the shows aired last night and she was on it. The other will air next Thursday night on Spike TV."

jenna-tnaIt's true, as PleasantMama at Sucks noticed - she appears on TNA Impact's 8/20 show: video here on Spike TV's site. Even with a two-week lag, that would have been during filming, so Jenna Morasca cannot be on Survivor 20.

(Since this problem comes up fairly often, we'll try to make a post listing potential and oft-rumored All-Stars who are NOT on Survivor 20 fairly soon).
Survivor Sucks
August 18-21, 2009: In a series of posts, Sucks posters Dr Coach Wade and Emcee Batley putatively name the first four Survivor 20 boots. (Highlight to read, don't click the links if you're easily offended by alleged boot spoilers). Also note that we have not independently verified these (yet):

- Post 1 (8/18): "Sugar, Randy, Danielle and Rob are the first four boots. Not in that order. Take it as you will."
guatemala fanfic at Sucks
August 20, 2009: Sucks poster guatemala fanfic produces evidence that suggests Survivor: Tocantins winner James "JT" Thomas, Jr. may not be a contestant on Survivor 20, after all:

"New information suggesting that J.T. is not on after all. Not "confirmed," but fairly solid.
jt    Saying he was an alternate was my speculation to explain why he's not on, since I do believe survivor300's list is fairly accurate overall. Alternates still fly out to location, so if J.T. did go to Samoa (as was apparently reported somewhere?) but is not in the cast, then that would mean he was an alternate.
   In looking into it a little more, it appears that not only is J.T. scheduled to appear at the Houston Survivor Challenge just after filming would end (Sept. 24-27), there's also a new interview with him from the [New Zealand] channel that airs Survivor. These are two additional strikes against him:
    [This] interview is apparently from the future, as it is dated 08/21/2009, but posted just this morning, I believe. I looked back at other interviews and there's also an interview with Coach from 08/07/2009 (linked here) If it was posted the day before like this one, it was really from August 6, just after Coach would already be in Samoa. Since that's before the game starts, it's possible he was allowed to do the interview from Samoa so his disappearance wouldn't be suspicious. Since the game has already started now though, the only way for J.T. to actually do this interview is (A) for him to not be on S20 to begin with [or to have been an alternate] as I suspect, or (B) for him to be voted out already.
    Interestingly, Taj was not available to do an interview with them last week."
marynkids at the CBS Survivor board
August 11, 2009: A poster from the CBS site's boards, marynkids, reports some ex-Survivors were seen together on a Pacific-bound flight:

"Looks like there's definitely an all stars coming sis in law's pastor was flying to New Zealand (he's been transferred) and said the plane was chock full of "survivors". Even had pics of himself and JT, but no one was talking about what they were up to."

Two posts down the thread, marynkids adds: "Yes coach was there....I've got a pic but for some reason can't post it."
guatemala fanfic at Sucks
August 10, 2009: Sucks poster guatemala fanfic adds in his accumulated Survivor 20 cast info:

"Fine, I'll post the ones I heard were definitely on then, since they're already on Survivor300's list: Tyson, Sugar, Jerri, Courtney Yates, and Stephenie.

The only different one is Sugar, although she was an obvious choice anyway and s300 may have accidentally left her off. I am expecting more information soon, so I was going to wait until I had that but hopefully it will match what s300 said."
survivor300 at Sucks
August 10, 2009: With filming safely underway, Sucks poster survivor300 posts a compiled list of alleged Survivor 20 participants. Note that the list contains 10 men and eight women, so it's either missing a couple of women or has extra men. Also, keep in mind that one or more may have been alternates. But it's a good starting point:

Boston Rawb, Coach, Colby, James, JT, Randy, Rupert, Tom W, Tyson, Male from Samoa
Amanda, Candice W, Courtney, Danielle, Jerri, Parvati, Sandra, Stephame
Rad Reality Show
August 6, 2009: Former Survivor: Pearl Islands and Survivor: Micronesia - Fans Vs. Favorites contestant Jon "Jonny Fairplay" Dalton, who really should have left already if he was on S20, is on the "Rad Reality Show," allegedly spilling S20 casting secrets:

(We haven't actually listened to the whole thing, which seems fairly painful because it combines a Big Brother discussion with Fairplay, so we'll take the word of people at Sucks about what was said, at least for now):
- Redmond: "Hmm, Jonny Fairplay on The Rad Reality Show basically just said that the cast fly out tomorrow night."
- Emcee Batley: "Fairplay says Cirie, Rupert and Amanda are in (him too) and that it's mostly 3rd timers."
- tullfan2: "No one mentioned this but the BB 11 podcast, Fairplay said that he filmed a commercial for S20 with Coach and James."
August 4, 2009: Former Survivor: Panama - Exile Island contestant Shane Powers, who apparently just missed the cut for Survivor 20 ("Repeats vs. Threepeats"), makes his displeasure with being jerked around by casting for S20 known. A must-read. We don't want to spoil it too much by over-quoting, so we'll just tease it with the first sentence:

"This is the part where I tell you to go fuck yourselves."

Read more at Shane's site.
Billy Garcia at Skills
July 25, 2009: Survivor: Cook Islands contestant (and Candice paramour) Billy Garcia drops by SurvivorSkills with an update on the Discovery Beach Restaurant Survivor Florida Party 2009, along with some casting spoils, and a behind-the-scenes power struggle over the future of the show between casting director Lynne Spiegel Spillman and Jeff Probst. Highlights:

courtney"Those contestant that were cast for S20 that did not tell CBS they were coming...well, CBS just played dumb and they came! But the few that told CBS they where booked to come got told to cancel! So Courtney [Yates, Survivor: China] is a no-show...Told to cancel."

"Lynn Spellmen is showing her recruits favoritism. Basiclly, if she recruited you the first time then your in S20. If you audiotioned or where some one else's're out or not even asked! S20 seems to be a power play behind the scenes. The scuttlebutt is that Jeff probst wants more stroke to call shots or he may just walk. It's not about money! Lynn Spellmen is hooking up too many of her friends at the expense of the show and Jeff is NOT cool with it."

"More Scuttlebutt: Shane is an alternate and he's pissed! Survivor will continue after 20 with a reduced budgit so get used to back to back season being filmed at or near the same locations from now on."

"Spellmen's being accused by some of the old schoolers here of stacking the deck in recent seasons to help her recruits get farther so that she looks good to CBS. The old schoolers(myself included) are worried that S20 is gonna be the worst case of that yet cause they are all gonna be her recruit and she can just surround her favorites with the right people!"
smokeitgood at LTS
July 19, 2009: Longtime spoiler smokeitgood disorientedly pops into LTS to add a set of S20 casting spoilers to the CobySucks thread:

" -from what ive been told, the only black men asked to interview were james and - get this - gervase [Peterson]. i figure thats who beatles was alluding to for someone from season 1 being asked. i have no idea what his response was, but it was probably no. earl was not asked even though he won unanimously, i guess thats what happens when youre on the worst season.
   -there are still rumors of it having a fans/faves element (as tdt posted in spoilers, since filming isnt starting til august 7th or so, this can ALL change at the drop of a hat)
   -i was told that in addition to the winners on cobys list, JT [Thomas] , bob [Crowley] and aras [Baskauskas] were wanted and asked. (still have no idea what their responses were)
   -in terms of the future of the show, the rumors im hearing are suggesting that by doubling up the locations and filming them back to back they saved a significant amount of money and the series will likely continue past 20 with them continuing to double up. until probst and cbs renew officially though theres no guarantees."
CobySucks at LTS
July 18, 2009: So he went and did it... CobySucks spills the full can of beans (what was left after Clarence opened it, anyway) on the rumored set of people considered for Survivor 20 (we've numbered and added last names to the list):

- 07/18/09 2:32 AM
"Okay, bitches tired of sitting on this info lol so I am releasing the 'list' of people I was told were asked, said yes and have the best shots of getting on...
1. Tom Westman, 2. Johnny Fairplay, 3. Big Tom (Buchanan), 4. Shane (Powers), 5. Rupert (Boneham), 6. Randy (Bailey), 7. Ozzy (Lusth), 8. Coach (Wade), 9. James (Clement), 10. Ace (Gordon), 11. Jean-Robert (Bellande);
12. Cirie (Fields), 13. Parvarti (Shallow), 14. Sierra (Reed), 15. Tina (Wesson), 16. Twila (Tanner), 17. Amanda (Kimmel), 18. Jerri (Manthey), 19. Jenna (Morasca), 20. Sandra (Diaz-Twine), 21. Stephenie (LaGrossa), 22. Natalie (Bolton), 23. Sugar (Kiper).

Not asked- Eliza, Ami, Bobby Jon, Tyson, Judd, Katie...
Rafe was asked but had to turn it down...he is writing on a major prime time show and couldn't leave.
I do believe Richard not being able to do it leaves a strong hole in the 'winners' hero side...can't just be Tom. So safe to say Todd, Aras, Yul, Brian or Earl would have to be in there too with all these woman winners mentioned. As you can count I only have 23 out of the 30-ish people picked for interviews so we will see... "
CobySucks at LTS
July 12, 2009: The CobySucks S20 cast spoiling rampage continues, unabated. To get the full story, read the whole thread, starting with the link at right. In the meantime, recent highlights:

- 07/10/09 2:17 PM
"Out of the 35 contacted for interviews and most of whom were in LA last week for those interviews. Over 10 that I have heard of being there were 3rdpeats :) YES over a 3rd of them contacted we have seen before...and before *gag*"

- 07/10/09 7:08 PM
"I can tell you I don't think anyone from Gautemala is on I don't know what they have against that season. I am not saying people from that season weren't ASKED...just don't think they are gonna be on. and p.s. no I don't consider Steph from that season since she was a Villian cuz we all know they will stick her on Heros which is from Palau."

- 07/11/09 10:14 PM
"P.s. Everyones lists are close but nobody has nailed it, few more 'randoms' in there people are missing and to remind Judd lovers...nobody from Gautemala. I know of one who was asked but had to turn it down."

- 07/12/09 6:38 PM
"A Survivor told me that their sister was in LA a few weeks ago picking someone up from the airport and had some extra time on her hands so went to a hotel bar near by...
Who was sitting there? Shane. Hmmmm interesting was just sitting a hotel bar 2 weeks ago :)"

- 07/12/09 8:16 PM
"The woman above [Ed.: Amanda Kimmel and Parvati Shallow, final two from S16] were BOTH asked 'gag' from what I was told. I could only dream I got invited back just to dunk these 2 bitches."

Summary of those asked, based on posts so far (7/35):
- Men: Richard Hatch, Shane Powers, Johnny Fairplay
- Women: Amanda Kimmel, Parvati Shallow, Natalie Bolton, Stephenie LaGrossa
(Of these, Richard, JFP, Amanda, Parvati and Stephenie would all be third-timers).

Jim Taricani,
July 11, 2009: Sucks poster tullfan2 notes a press report by Providence, RI's Jim Taricani (WJAR, on Richard Hatch's attempts to get an early release from his tax-dodging prison sentence. Included is a (.PDF) copy of an alleged letter from SEG casting director Lynne Spillman to Hatch. Full video, transcript and doc links at the link above, right). Included highlights:

Dear Mr. Hatch:

SEG, Inc, the producer ("Producer") of the highly acclimated [sic.] SURVIVOR television series (the "Series") which airs on the CBS Television Network, would like to extend an offer in which you may participate in the upcoming cycle of the Series ("Cycle 20) which will be filmed in Samoa. This cycle is particularly significant given that it coincides with the 10 year anniversary of the series and your victory as the winner of Cycle 1 of the Series.

You would need to be available for principal filming on Cycle 20, which is presently expected to commence on or around August 1, 2009 and conclude on or around September 20, 2009 (dates may vary slightly depending on production needs)....

The filming start date fits with the alleged two week gap between S19 and S20 filming (S19 ends on July 19th), although we note that the full period covered is 51 days and not 39 days, so the actual start date should lie somewhere between those two dates.

CobySucks at LTS
July 6, 2009: Some former player who creatively disguises his identity with the nic "CobySucks" hijacks his own thread to go on a spoiling spree with Survivor 20 casting rumors. Highlights:

- 07/06/09 9:09 PM
"...what do you guys think of this Heros Vs. Villians bullshit I am hearing about?"

- 07/06/09 11:25 PM
"o you just wait...there are some coming back for the 3rd time you will die over :) and not in a good way lol"

- 07/08/09 1:06 AM
"Yes, them maybe bringing JFP back a 3rd time *gag* who wants to see that after such a major let down of Favs? I too thought it was just 'spec' the whole Heros Vs Villians idea partly because it is cuter in theory than reality. I mean okay where do people like Stephenie fall? Half of us would say Hero and half would say Villian."

- 07/08/09 8:54 PM
"So 'nugget' for today....there are NO gay people on it from what I hear. And yes I said lesbos were even asked." (later amended to allow that a bisexual, namely Natalie Bolton of Micronesia: Fans Vs. Favorites, was in fact asked).
seltzer3 at Sucks
July 5, 2009: Sucks poster seltzer3 notes a poker board-based rumor of a possible Survivor 20 contestant, professional poker player Tiffany Michelle:

"Just saw this on poker news, on the live updates.

LOPPER [26 minutes ago]
anyone hear the news? Tif d michele is leaving for survivior?

Tiffany Michelle was the girl got 17th place in the main event of WSOP last year. Its kind of flaky post, since anyone can make it up. Then again we did have two poker players on a reality tv show."


Source (update)
Chateau d If and puddin at RFF

Update (7/18/09): Chateau d If at RealityFanForum presents a photo of a team from The Amazing Race 15, which puddin identifies as professional poker players Mario Ho and Tiffany Michelle. So Tiffany Michelle is not actually a Survivor 20 contestant, but rather a TAR racer. (Somewhat close, except she's on the show that actually wins Emmys).

June 24, 2009: (Hat tip to Sucks poster guatemala fanfic): CBS officially announces their premiere schedule for fall 2009, including the debut of Survivor (19): Samoa (Follow link at right for full release):

"CBS today announced dates for the fall premieres of its new and returning series, which include a pre-season debut for SURVIVOR: SAMOA and the launch of the new Sunday drama series THREE RIVERS in early October. The Network will introduce the majority of its schedule beginning Monday, Sept. 21, the official start of the 2009-2010 season.

SURVIVOR: SAMOA, the 19th installment of the hit reality series, will debut a week prior to the formal start of the season, on Thursday, Sept. 17 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT)."

Note that this defines a cut-off date for filming of Survivor 20, since Probst will need to be back in the U.S. possibly as much as a week beforehand, to do his S19 advertising duties (teleconference, appearances on various talk shows, etc.). We've noted this on the calendar.
Andy Dehnart, Reality Blurred
June 15, 2009: A Jeff Probst interview conducted by Andy Dehnart of Reality Blurred confirms the back-to-back filming of seasons 19 & 20, and gives a ballpark for the shooting schedule of S20:

"“This season we’re also doing back-to-back seasons because of budget cuts, and that’s just the truth. We are having to do two seasons to save money, because every television show is undergoing some sort of a cut,” Probst said. “And I think that’s going to be hard on people. It’s a long time to be away from home. We’re gone nearly four months. Six weeks was one thing; 14 weeks is another,” he said."
Maxine Shen, of the New York Post
June 9, 2009: As noted in a post by VolcanicGlass at Sucks, Jeff Probst, apparently giddy to pimp his vanity show (an attempt to one-up Ty Pennigton in schmaltzily exploiting the misfortune of others for ratings gold) spilled the beans about back-to-back filming of Survivors 19 & 20 in Samoa to the New York Post (although, to his credit, few people would say "If it's in the Post, it must be true!").

"Turns out that be cause Probst is shooting two seasons of Survivor back to back -- he's currently in Samoa, gearing up for the 19th season of the compet ition show -- he "can't even start shooting [Live for the Moment] until the end of September, when I'm back from double duty on Survivor.)"
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