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Heroes vs. Villains episode 2 detailed reward challenge
spoilers/ spec |
originally had "Slip, Slide & Score" here, but after comparing
Colby's beard growth in the intro shots of that challenge and
the Ep1 IC, it seems unlikely that it could have taken place
a single day later. So instead, we're left to guess, at least
until CBS shows more ads, maybe.
One clue may be Rob's collapse, which presumably takes place
either before the RC or between the RC and IC. If it's between
(most likely), he may have overexerted himself during the RC,
leading to dehydration and collapse (as with Mike Borassi and
Russell Swan in Samoa). We also note this passage from
cwalton's interview with Mark Burnett at the 10-year reunion
party in January, posted on
"We liked ["Schmergen Brawl"] so much that
we brought it back and another person was injured.
I won’t
say whether it was an evacuation, but there was
another major problem. So then that challenge
was thrown in the trash. It will never be back."
Originally, "Schmergen Brawl"
was the Ep2 RC/IC in Samoa. CBS video
of the S19 version is here. See
the future challenges page for other (potential)
Another option is that there
may be no (separate) reward challenge at all,
but a combined RC/IC instead. Although there's
no obvious sign of reward items near Probst in
the IC shots.
Update: chapera
rocks makes a good point
at MeSS, as does survs18 on
twitter, and those are that James is due to be
injured in a few episodes, then voted out shortly
thereafter (see SurvivorsUnite and missyae posts
from October at Sucks). This
seems like a better fit for an unfortunate (and
challenge-deep-sixing) outcome from Schmergen
Brawl. So, upon review: either there's some boring
RC they didn't feel like wasting ad space on,
or it's just a combined RC/IC this week.
again: Upon reviewing
the IC video, it appears there's a reward table
next to the idol, so it looks like no separate
RC this week.
challenge? vidcaps: click to view larger picture |
So who wins? See
the IC page to find out.