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Heroes vs. Villains episode 2 detailed immunity challenge
spoilers/ spec |
challenge was last used in Tocantins (good news for JT, Tyson
and Coach) as the Ep3
RC, entitled "A Crate Idea." Here,
it appears to be the immunity challenge, since the immunity idol
is visible just to the left of Tyson and Sandra, in a cap below.
The challenge is fairly simple: contestants run out in pairs,
and roll large cubes back to a stacking area. There, they assemble them into
a pyramid-like shape, and everyone climbs to the top and cheers. The red tribe
(Jalapao) won this the last time.
Update: Upon further checking of the video,
there does appear to be
a table with an item on it next to the idol (visible at the extreme left of one
of the shots of Colby and Stephenie running out, just above Tyson & Sandra's
cube... see below). That
indicates that this is indeed a combined reward/immunity challenge,
and that there's no separate RC this episode.
challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture |

I don't think we're in China/Micronesia any more

Villains lined up |

Start: Rob, Danielle vs. JT, Cirie |

Villains sitting out: Courtney, Randy |

Cirie, JT roll past Probst |

Boston Rob, Danielle rolling cubes |

Steph, Colby running out; Rupert sitting out |

Table with reward, mid-screen left side

(Idol) Tyson, Sandra vs. Steph, Colby |

Colby, Steph rolling cubes |

Russell, Parvati rolling cubes |

Russell plays whack-a-Parv |

Amanda, James rolling cubes |

Heroes get stacking |

Rob shoulders the Villains' load |

Rob shoulders the Villains' load |
So who wins? Based
on the boot, it would appear the red tribe wins again. Go Villains!