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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 14: "Anything Could Happen" (Season finale) Filmed: September 14-16, 2009
Airdate: Sun., May 16, 2010
Episode 14: F5 IC | F5 Boot | F4 IC | F4 Boot | Jury vote | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 14 detailed jury vote spoilers/ spec
   As has been spoiled by SurvivorsUnite and missyae the final three appear to be Russell, Parvati and Sandra. Later spoilers from SurvivorsUnite and blackwhale (noted below) round out the votes.
   So let us now henceforth commence filling out this page with our worthless guesses as to jury voting preferences*. Updated as the show airs.

*Legal disclaimer: Keep in mind that our track record on these things is probably worse than picking by chance. Use at your own risk. So we'll leave it to the people who are allegedly spoiling the show.

  Why should I vote for...
Voter: Russell Parvati Sandra
Jerri - No obvious reason. - No obvious reason. - SurvivorsUnite: Jerri votes for Sandra.
- blackwhale: Parvati lost the female vote, 4-1 (so Jerri votes for Sandra).
Colby - No obvious reason. - SurvivorsUnite: Colby votes for Parvati. - No obvious reason.
Rupert - No obvious reason. - No obvious reason. - SurvivorsUnite: Rupert votes for Sandra.
- blackwhale: Rupert votes for Sandra.
Danielle - After her final tribal council, seems highly unlikely. - In an alliance with Parvati to the end.
- SurvivorsUnite: Danielle votes for Parvati.
- blackwhale: Danielle votes for Parvati.
- No obvious reason.
Candice - blackwhale claims an anti-Russell speech. Seems likely.
- Her F2 alliance with him did her in?
- blackwhale claims an anti-Parvati speech. - SurvivorsUnite: Candice votes for Sandra.
- blackwhale Candice votes for Sandra.
Amanda - No obvious reason. - Well, they were in an alliance before, and didn't seem to have any major hard feelings. - SurvivorsUnite: Amanda votes for Sandra.
- blackwhale: Parvati lost the female vote, 4-1 (so Amanda votes for Sandra).
JT - After getting screwed by the idol he gave him, probably not, although JT did shake his hand after getting booted. - SurvivorsUnite: JT votes for Parvati. [Update: No, see at right]. - SurvivorsUnite: JT votes for Sandra.
courtney - blackwhale claims an anti-Russell speech. Seems likely. - No obvious reason. - They were in an alliance.
- SurvivorsUnite: Courtney votes for Sandra.
- blackwhale: Courtney votes for Sandra.
coach - Seems unlikely (Ponderosa punching bag video).

- blackwhale claims Coach makes a pro-Parvati speech.
- SurvivorsUnite: Coach votes for Parvati.

- Briefly in an alliance together, while Tyson and Boston Rob were in the game.
Projected totals: Russell: 0; Parvati: 3; Sandra: 6
Projected winner: Sandra

   So who wins? We're guessing Russell's registration of wasn't an attempt to whine just about the S19: Samoa jury vote. survivrcuz claims "in S20, russhole tells them all hes there only for the title he doesnt need the money, but they refuse to stroke his ego and will not give him what he wants, thus not recieving any votes." (Of course, survivrcuz also swore that Russell got no jury votes in Samoa, which turned out not to be true).

   How the vote actually turns out remains to be seen. From Sandra's "Sandra wins!" quote in Ep1, we'd put our betting money on Sandra, which agrees with what SurvivorsUnite and blackwhale claim to know. Although in a close vote, if or two votes that are allegedly "known" are off, the outcome switches. So, take it all with as much suspicion as you deem appropriate.

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