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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 14: "Anything Could Happen" (Season finale) Filmed: September 14-16, 2009
Airdate: Sun., May 16, 2010
Episode 14: F5 IC | F5 Boot | F4 IC | F4 Boot | Jury vote | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains ep. 14 detailed F5 IC spoiler/speculation summary
   Wherein the Survivors run around, trying to get the immunity necklace. After this, one more shot at immunity.

F5 Immunity challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture

So close, and yet so far... oh well, back to sleep.

   So who wins? Not clear yet. As you might expect, Sucks poster blackwhale has a story for this challenge. We'll abbreviate: "The ultimate irony is, that when [Colby] most needs immunity on day 37, the person who ends up winning it is none other than Jerri Manthey." So there you go.
   Oops, apparently the ultimate irony of that great story was that it wasn't actually accurate. blackwhale has since updated: "I knew Jerri won card stacking but I thought it was at the final 5. Final 5 should be plate stacking. I think Parvati wins."
   That sounds a bit more like it. While there's no clear evidence of the challenges in the ads, we do have SurvivorsUnite's pre-show claim that Parvati would win the bulk of the immunities, and so far she only has two, and a Jerri or Russell win would tie them with her (and a Colby IC win is impossible, as is, let's face it, a Sandra one). So a Parvati win here seems like the best choice.

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