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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 14: "Anything Could Happen" (Season finale) Filmed: September 14-16, 2009
Airdate: Sun., May 16, 2010
Episode 14: F5 IC | F5 Boot | F4 IC | F4 Boot | Jury vote | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains ep. 14 detailed F5 boot spoiler/speculation summary
tribal council    Continuing with the boot order that was spoiled during the summer/early fall of 2009, this week, the dismantling of the remnants of the Heroes tribe is finally complete, as (as spoiled by SurvivorsUnite) the fifth-place boot is: Colby.

   Not much of any spoiler-related details as to how this goes down so far, although it should be fairly obvious with Russell, Parvati and Sandra likely having no interest in a Colby-Jerri duo facing the jury (although we're guessing that's the outcome CBS was rooting for, after Russell vs. Rupert).

   Eventually, actual details from the show should become available, and may end up here as well. But before he goes, don't miss our tribute to Colby's many contributions to this season's last few episodes.

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