Episode 5: "Crocs, Cowboys, and
City Slickers"
By Jeff Pitman | Published: August 10,
Guatemala boxscores Episode
Filmed: July 8-10, 2005 | Aired:
October 13, 2005
- Ep5 Reward challenge: "Slave to the
Grind" - Yaxhá wins, thanks to Brandon's super-heroic
stone chopping technique, and Jamie's lack thereof.
Yaxhá gets a pool, chips, guac, and several earfuls of
Blake's stories.
- Ep5 Immunity challenge: "What's
for Launch" - Nakúm wins, 5-2. Jamie rejoices loudly.
- Voted out: Blake, 5-2 over Brian.
Episode 5 scoring notes
- Even tribes, no sit-outs (even though only one Nakum
participated in the RC), and no vote splits. A
straightforward episode, scoring-wise. Still, a
strategically curious episode from Danni. She had an easy,
no-brainer path to the merge by simply keeping to original
tribal lines, and voting off Brian. Yet Brian's "bait Blake"
tactic seemingly worked, and Blake instead found himself
voted out. Our guess is that Danni felt like (1) the merge
was not imminent, and (2) she could better depend on Gary
than on most of the Nakúm guys that came over with her
(especially Blake), and wanted to at least gain Gary's trust
with this vote. If Gary seemed like a good alliance choice
post-merge (not the least because she could use the NFL
thing against him at the final Tribal Council, if need be),
maybe this makes sense. Still, a difficult choice to
intentionally create a 3-3 tie going forward.
- For those who claim Guatemala was not a good
season, look no further than this episode for proof that
this opinion is dead wrong:
- Jamie's spectacular, slow-motion implosion in the RC.
Painful to watch, yet gripping, especially in his sad
attempt to keep playing after the challenge has ended.
- Danni's debut as a social/strategic player. Even if
her reasoning was hidden, her decision to join the
Blake-booting group was key to the episode. She was then
able to recruit Bobby Jon, but not Brandon.
- Brian's scheming escalates, as he successfully erases
the original Yaxhás' post-swap numbers deficit. His
power ultimately ends around here, but at the moment,
he's Mr. Platinum.
- Just as Brian's edit begins to shine, Stephenie's hero
narrative rapidly begins to tarnish, as she calls Bobby
Jon "a fricking girl" and "gay" for celebrating the RC
win, then later admits she's jealous and breaks down in
tears during confessional.
- Lydia emerges as her tribe's spirits-lifter, doing The
Pancake, and proclaiming herself the Queen of Rock.
- The fortunes-reversing Nakúm IC victory, replete
with excessive Jamie celebration and a near-explosion in
response by Bobby Jon (foreshadowing their almost-brawl
in the next episode).
- It's also, by modern standards, a strangely edited season.
A huge amount of the early narration has come from the late
pre-merge boots: Margaret, Brian, Amy (especially this
episode), and Brandon. Of the late-game people, only Gary,
Judd, and Stephenie have really had extensive screen time.
Danni, Rafe, Lydia, and Cindy have been largely hidden.
Maybe the rapid die-off of beloved narrators in the next
three episodes is to blame for fans' displeasure?
Vote count:
- Blake received 5 votes, from Danni, Gary,
Bobby Jon, Amy, and Brian (voted out, 5-2).
- Brian received 2 votes, from Blake and
Glossary of terms
- Challenge
- ChW: Challenge Wins. For tribal
challenges, a contestant earns a fraction of 1 win,
depending on if they participated (no points for sitting
out). So in a five-person tribe's win, each participant
gets (1/5) of a point, or 0.2 points. Duels (or
individual RCs as in Ep1) at Redemption Island count as
half a challenge (and half a win). Individual challenge
wins count as a full point.
- ChA: Challenge Appearances. Used
to calculate ChW%. Fractional for tribal challenges
(same as ChW), except sit-outs get charged for an
appearance, because they could have participated.
- ChW%: Challenge Win%. Simply,
ChW% = ChW / ChA.
- SO: The number of times a contestant
sat out of a challenge.
- Tribal
Council stats
- VFB: Votes For Bootee. The
number of times the contestant has voted for the person
who was ultimately voted out. Applies only to initial
votes (no points for revotes in case of a tie). Special
case: In a final three TC, where only one vote is cast
(by the F3 IC winner), only that vote counts.
- VAP: Votes Against the Player.
The total number of tribal council votes cast against
the contestant. Again, only initial votes count (no
penalty for revotes), and here a hidden immunity idol
(if played) erases the votes. In the special case of a
final three tribal council above, only the F3 bootee
receives a vote against.
- TotV: Total votes cast during
the tribal councils the player has attended (again, only
initial votes count). Used to adjust for different vote
totals as tribes shrink.
- TCA: Tribal council appearances.
The number of times a contestant has attended tribal
council (at which they voted).
- TC%: Tribal Council percent.
Attempts to reward voting for the bootee (which players
controlling the vote almost always do), while punishing
receiving votes yourself. The formula is: TC% = [VFB -
(VAP/TotV)] / TCA.
- wTCR: weighted Tribal Council
Ratio. Very similar in intent to TC%, but calculated as
a ratio of VFB to VAP, while also scaling to a uniform
number of TC appearances. The formula is as follows:
wTCR =2* [VFB / (4+VAP)] x (14/TCA). I originally tried
(1+VAP) to avoid dividing by zero, but this overly
rewarded getting zero votes against relative to just one
vote against, which seemed silly. (4+VAP) scaled that
effect back comfortably. 14 was used as the scaling
factor for TC appearances because there are usually 14
episodes, then a final scaling factor of 2 to bring
maximal scores up to roughly even with ChW and JV% high
- Jury
- JVF: Number of jury votes for
the contestant to win. Maximum nine (Earl Cole, Fiji),
- TotJ: Total number of jurors.
Necessary to not punish unanimous 7-juror winners (JT
Thomas, Tocantins).
- JV%: The percent of total jury
votes cast for the contestant, or Jur% = JVF/ TotJ. This
number is used, raw, in SurvSc, and is scaled in SurvAv
(multiplied by six) to make it similar in size to ChW
and wTCR.
- Overall
- Survival Score (SurvSc). It's simply
the sum of Challenge Win% (ChW%) + Tribal Council% (TC%)
+ Jury Vote%, for a maximum possible score of 2 (3 after
the finale).
- Survival Average (SurvAv). It's a
simple sum of fractional Challenge Wins (ChW), weighted
TC Ratio (wTCR), and (eventually) a weighted Jury%. The
latter two max out at six points total, for a
theoretical maximum score of around 18 or so.