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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 2: "Pirates, Guns and Money" Filmed: March 19-20, 2007
Airdate: June 7, 2007
Ep. 2: Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Set adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 2 detailed captain & officers spoilers/ speculation
    Well, CBS's shots of Captain Azmyth and officers Sean and Jupiter (below) apparently came from some time after the first episode. Obviously, from the pictures below, Joe Don doesn't stay captain forever. So the question of the week is: does the Joe Don/ Ben/ Cheryl captaincy/ officership hold for another episode, does it get dissolved automatically when new crews are chosen for the expedition, or is there some kind of mutiny?

Ep2 (-plus) captain/officer pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
Azmyth cuts someone (not Cheryl) loose Jupiter and Sean drink up joe don votes

   Answer: We can at least rule out an Ep2 mutiny against Joe Don, since he's shown voting at Pirates' Court (above), either in Ep2 or at some time in the future. So Joe Don is displaced from the captain's cabin (at some point in the future) without a mutiny.
    The captain removal process should be obvious after Ep2 airs. But it seems hard to believe that if Joe Don is on the losing crew, then the winning crew would elect him as captain. And it would be incredibly lame (albeit not unlike the rest of the show) if the winning crew did not get to select a captain. So a peaceful removal seems likely. Especially since the ads suggest a good chunk of the episode will be devoted to Joe Don thinking he gets to be captain forever.

   Who actually is in charge this episode? Your guess is as good as ours. Since Christian appears to be the boot, and the first episode established the pattern that the boot comes from the winning crew (which seems logical early on, with squabbling over booty shares and power), the red crew probably gets the treasure, and the new captain should come from there. That rules out Azmyth, who's on the black crew this week. We'd guess either Jay or Sean would be elected captain from that bunch. Jay seems more likely to cut Christian loose, so we'll go with him.

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