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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 5: "Loose Lips Sink Ships" Filmed: March 25-27, 2007?
Airdate: June 28, 2007
Ep.5 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 5 spoiler/ speculation summary
christa, joy on black crew    While Louie, Nessa and Sean are on the black crew, the rest are randomly assigned. Who ends up where may determine who ends up returning with some exciting, coin-like props. So who ends up where?

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happy red crew    The teams apparently do a lot of swimming and running around, with one group bringing back some official Burnett Mint replica doubloons. We're reasonably sure the red crew wins, and we suspect the losers (particularly Louie) may be bitter. As may the viewers! (All two of them).

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See also: Future expeditions
stuffed jacket   With the red crew winning yet again, another captain is displaced other than by mutiny. Will Azmyth return to the blue coat? We don't see why not: his reign included hippie cash distribution and no discernible labor. Although there was that accent to deal with....
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no joy    Someone will be cast out. Set adrift, with only a flickering light, plus a camera crew, spot light, boom mic and rescue boat for company. Oh, the tragedy. There is no Joy in Rumville tonight.

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future crews    Whereupon you'll find answers to such exciting questions as "Who's on the black crew two episodes from now?", "Why are those jokers wearing white bandanas?", and so on. Also known as: wasting time with stray vidcaps.

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