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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 2: "Pirates, Guns and Money" Filmed: March 19-20, 2007
Airdate: June 7, 2007
Ep. 2: Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Set adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 2 spoiler/ speculation summary
arrival    Since the assignment is random each week, it's a bit surprising to see the most of the contestants on the same crews as in Ep1. But that's the way the marbles are drawn, apparently.

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ew, water    The teams apparently do a lot of swimming and running around, with one group bringing back some doubloons. We're not sure which crew wins, but we suspect it may be lame. But it's at least moderately amusing to try to match vidcaps together for.

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See also: Future expeditions
Joe Don votes   Since Joe Don is shown voting, he cannot get removed from office by mutiny (at least in this episode). So it seems likely that this week's winning crew will simply elect a new captain. It could be Joe Don again, but now that everyone knows the stakes ($20k worth of it), that seems unlikely. So... someone else.
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boot    Everyone except Christian appears to be accounted for in shots of future red/black expeditions. Of course, there is also one of Christian on the white crew, so make your own guesses here.

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