Jericho Malabonga - SurvivorAU: 2017, SurvivorAU: All-Stars

Seasons: 2 | Days played: 60 | Wins: 1 | Jury: 0

  • SurvivorAU: 2017 (2017) - Winner, 6-3.
  • Received six jury votes to win, 6-3, in Episode 26, "The Wet, the Cold, the Wind, and the Dark" (Day 55).

Jericho Malabonga on social media: Instagram

Jericho Malabonga - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall scores
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU2: 2017 2.97 15.22 0.19 14 2 17 0.82 3.84 6 9 0.67 1.68 10.81
AU5: All-Stars 0.17 0.34 0.49 0 7 1 -0.58 0.00 - - - -0.09 0.17
Career 3.13 15.56 0.20 14 9 18 0.77 3.63 6 9 0.67 0.98 5.20


Jericho Malabonga - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Jericho Malabonga - Challenge record

Ep12 RC

Tribal/team challenge record (8-for-25; 2 sit-outs):

  • AU: 2017, Ep.1 RC (Rice race) - Helps carry the raft and try to get rice, but Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.1 IC (Obstacles, tiki puzzle) - Crosses obstacles and rolls cubes, and Asaga loses again.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.2 RC (Water slide) - Beats Peter for a point, but Asaga loses, 7-5.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.2 IC (Three little pigs OC, war clubs) - Goes through the obstacles, and eventually, Asaga wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.3 RC (Big balls) - Walks on the ball, but can't hook the levers, and Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.3 IC (Rafts, bamboo tower) - Paddles and stacks bamboo, and Asaga wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.4 RC (Coconuts, surfing) - Helps gather coconuts and move the raft, but Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.4 IC (Builders & runners) - Runner, throws sandbags with Henry, and Asaga wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.5 IC (Team "This Much") - Sits out with Ben, as Asaga eventually wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.6 RC "By the Numbers" - Doesn't have a chance to get across, Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.6 IC (Water obstacles, puzzle) - Crosses obstacles, Asaga mysteriously blows the puzzle, "loses."
  • AU: 2017, Ep.7 IC "Sumo'an Mud" - Sits out with Ben, as Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.8 RC (Ball on disc, tiles) - Helps transport the ball through all the obstacles, and Asaga wins!.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.8 IC (Gates, sled) - With Henry, works the final gate maze, hauls the sled, and Asaga wins!.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.9 IC (Water football) - Competes all four times (kicking twice); no goals, and Asaga loses, 3-1.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.10 RC (Palm tree puzzle) - Hauls the cart and holds up the puzzle; Asaga wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.10 IC (Disc race, circle puzzle) - Part of the main Asaga group that can't move the discs along, loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.11 RC (Keys, logo puzzle, sandbags) - With Tara, blows an Asaga lead on the final sandbag stage; loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.12 RC "Idol Hands" - Wins one bout vs. Michelle; Asaga wins, 7-6.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.12 IC (Filling up barrels) - One of the barrel-fillers for Asaga; Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.13 IC (Team "When it Rains") - All six Asagas hold up their sandbags, and Asaga wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.14 RC (Blindfolds, catapults) - Successfully smashes his watermelon, but Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.14 IC (Planks, hanging puzzle) - Struggles on the puzzle with Sarah; Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.15 IC (A-frames, rope) - Last Asaga standing, holding on for 2 hrs, but Asaga loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.20 RC (Survivor Charades) - Part of the (barely) losing purple team.


Ep26 IC

Individual challenge record (2-for-12): (Mean % finish: 63.8%)

  • AU: 2017, Ep.16 RC "Ring Leader" - Final person out, on the transition to the other hand (2nd/12).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.16 IC (Planking) - Holds on for 25 minutes, eighth to drop out (5th/12).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.17 IC (Rings, ropes, ramp) - Makes it to the final round, falls just short (2nd/11).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.18 IC "Bow Diddley" - Reaches the second stage, but fifth person to drop (6th/10).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.19 IC "Over Extended" - First out, in the deluge of drops at 3 meters (9th/9).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.20 IC (Log rolling) - Reaches the second round, but loses to Luke (tie-3rd/8).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.21 IC (Memory race) - Eliminated on the third item (5th/7).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.22 IC "Will It Go Round?" - Fourth person to drop out (3rd/6).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.21 IC "High Step Back" - One of three to try and fail at the final knocking-down test (tie-3rd/5).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.24 RC (Peg wall) - Ends up battling Peter, and Jericho wins advantage! (1st/4).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.25 IC (Canoe, ropes, puzzle) - First to the puzzle, but then fades, not close (tie-3rd/4).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.26 IC "Hand on a Hard Idol" - Outlasts all for an impressive 5 hrs, 13 min.; Jericho wins! (1st/3).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: 2017: None.

Ep2 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (2-for-4):

  • AU: All-Stars Ep. 1 RC: (Sled, bonfire) - Helps haul the sled, stacks sticks, but Vakama loses.
  • AU: All-Stars Ep. 1 IC: (Obstacles, balls) - Crosses the obstacles through to the final platform; Vakama wins!
  • AU: All-Stars Ep. 2 RC: (Team wrestling) - Not shown competing, but Vakama wins, 3-1.
  • AU: All-Stars Ep. 1 RC: (Sled, bonfire) - Runs the course, helps roll barrels, but Vakama loses.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: All-Stars: None.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: All-Stars: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 10
Played: 29
Win%: 0.34
Sat out: 2
Individual challenges
Wins: 2
Played: 12
Win%: 0.17
Mean % Finish: 63.8%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -


Jericho Malabonga - Tribal Council record

Final Tribal Council

Idols found/played (0/0) | Advantages won/played (1/1):

  • AU: 2017, Ep. 24: Wins an advantage in the RC, allowing him to remove a juror (Day 50).
  • AU: 2017, Ep. 24: Removes Tessa from the jury at a special Tribal Council (Day 50).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (14/17):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Kent Joan Caballero (voted out, 6-6; 7-3) -
Ep6 Sam Samantha Gash (voted out, 9-2) Yes
Ep7 Jacqui Mark Wales (voted out, 7-3) -
Ep9 Jacqui Jacqui Patterson (voted out, 6-3) Yes
Ep10 Kent Kent Nelson (voted out, 5-2-1) Yes
Ep12 AK A.K. Knight (voted out, 4-2-1) Yes
Ep15 Odette Odette Blacklock (voted out, 4-1) Yes
Ep16 Jarrad Jarrad Seng (voted out, 7-5) Yes
Ep17 Anneliese Anneliese Wilson (voted out, 8-3) Yes
Ep18 Henry Henry Nicholson (voted out, 6-4) Yes
Ep19 Tessa Tessa O'Halloran (voted out, 3-2-2-2) Yes
Ep20 Sarah Sarah Tilleke (voted out, 7-1) Yes
Ep21 Ziggy Luke Toki (voted out, 5-2) -
Ep22 Ziggy Ziggy Zagame (voted out, 4-2) Yes
Ep23 Locky Locky Gilbert (voted out, 3-2) Yes
Ep25 Michelle Michelle Dougan (voted out, 2-2; 1-1; out via fire) Yes
Ep26 Peter Peter Conte (voted out, 1-0) Yes
17 TOTALS 14


VAP - Votes against (2):

  • AU: 2017, Ep. 25: Two votes, from Michelle and Peter.


Jury votes received (6/9):

  • AU: 2017, Ep. 26: Received six jury votes, from Michelle Dougan, Ziggy Zagame, Luke Toki, Henry Nicholson, Anneliese Wilson, and Jarrad Seng (to win, 6-3).

Ep2 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • AU: All-Stars: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/1):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Daisy Jericho Malabonga (voted out, 7-5) -


VAP - Votes against (7):

  • AU: All-Stars, Ep. 2: Seven votes, from AK, Brooke, Daisy, David, Flick, Locky, and Phoebe (voted out, 7-5).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • AU: All-Stars: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/ played: 1/1
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 14
Tribals: 18
VAP: 9
Jury votes
Made: 0
Received: 6
Total jurors: 9


Jericho Malabonga - Pictures
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    SurvivorAU: 2017 intro shot
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    SurvivorAU: 2017 intro shot
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Opening sequence confessional
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Greeting Jonathan, Day 1
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The Asaga tribe
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Bringing the raft in, opening RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga loses the rice reward
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Yay, Asaga has fire now!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Crossing obstacles
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The losing Asagas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Discussing plans
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Muddy, almost to the war clubs stage
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Waiting to walk on the ball
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Paddling out
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Stacking bamboo
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Idoled up
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Running out, Ep4 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Bringing the raft in
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The reward-losing Asagas, as always
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking about the cookies-or-wood moral dilemma
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Jericho the cookie monster
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Recruiting Henry to his cookie jar alliance
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Enjoying a sneaky cookie
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Now pulling in Luke
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Throwing sandbags with Henry
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    More cookie jar antics, Ep5
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Bringing in Sarah, too
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Alas, the cookie jar is finally empty
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Sitting this one out, with Ben
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Waiting to jump
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Watching Henry slow-roll the puzzle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep6 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The losing Asagas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep7 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Kent
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Carrying the ball
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Reward feasting
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Hauling the cart
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Surprise! Asaga gets two new women
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The new Asaga tribe
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Watching Samatau score
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The losing Asagas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Plotting with Luke and Michelle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep9 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Ready to push the cart
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Cheers to ice cream!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    An unlimited supply
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    I probably had too much...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, trailing badly
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep10 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Luke
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Shark-catching twins! Ep11
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga opens their items from home
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Tossing sandbags
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Time for a swap, Ep12
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The new Asaga tribe
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Scoring a point vs. Michelle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Returning to camp with Samatau's old stuff
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Reward feasting
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The losing Asagas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep12 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Blindfolded, listening to Luke
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Watching Luke try to catch up on the catapult
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The Asagas not picked to join Samatau for reward
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    With Sarah, not making much progress on the puzzle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The losing Asagas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking about trying to get Sarah and Luke back on the same alliance again
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Mediation accomplished?
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep14 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Peter volunteers to mutiny to Samatau
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    We're down to five, but maybe we're more unified?
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Post-Tribal chatting
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep15 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Still going...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The losing Asagas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asaga, Ep15 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Then there were four... (Ep16)
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-merge lineup
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    You are merged!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Now the game really starts
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line, Ep16 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Battling Tessa
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Feasting on muffins and listening to letters from home
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep16 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Jarrad pitches a deal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep16 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Luke
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Henry pretends to look for his idol again, Ep17
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Wow, good job finding it, Henry
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    I looked for days! He found it in 10 seconds!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The sugar snackers
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep17 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line, first round
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Ready to go, second round
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Battling Locky and Henry, final round
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep17 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Henry
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Auction time, Ep18
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Sarah reveals Henry already had the idol
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    So long, Henry
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep18 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    So far, so good
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep18 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Luke
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    *I* was the one who took out Henry, Ep19
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep19 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Still going...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Tessa has a plan...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Nah, we're not doing that
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep19 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep20 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Purple team, charades-ing
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Delivering the news that Michelle has flipped to Samatau
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Worried about what the Asagas can do now
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep20 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    About to eliminate Tara
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep20 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Michelle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Luke is like my brother out here
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Hanging out with Luke
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Tara wants to vote out Locky?!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep21 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Racing out for an item
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep21 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Ready to create some chaos now that Luke's gone, Ep22
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Tara was trying to vote you out, Locky
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep22 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Still going...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Oh yay, Locky won again
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep22 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Reflecting on reaching Day 50, Ep23
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Snorkeling with Locky
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    That really meant a lot to me that Locky would do that with me
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep23 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Adjusting the stack
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Joining Michelle on reward
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Enjoying the picnic
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep23 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Locky
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Top four! Ep24
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Checking in with Michelle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep24 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Still going...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Jericho wins juror removal advantage!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking about finding out what everyone wants ... then doing the opposite
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Juror removal Tribal Council, Ep24
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    So long, Tessa
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Where's the challenge? Ep25
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Loved ones are here!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Jericho and his brother
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Coconut chopping lesson, in camp
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep25 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Filling the tube
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to the puzzle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Worried he's the target
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking to Tara
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Firemaking deal reached
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, Ep25 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Michelle
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line, firemaking tiebreaker
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Jericho wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Heading to the final IC, Ep26
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep26 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    About to lose Tara
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Still going...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Jericho wins final immunity!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Asatoa, ready for the final boot
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Listening to Tara and Peter's pitches
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Making his decision
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Day 55!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Morning 55 breakfast
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Leaving camp for the final time
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Final Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Making his pitch to the jury
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Reunion show
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    With Tara, watching the vote reveal
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    The winner of Survivor AU 2017...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Full cast, reunion show
  • Jericho Malabonga AU2
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    All Stars intro shot
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    All Stars intro shot
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Featured shot, pre-season ad
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    On the winners' truck with Shane
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    More truck
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    All Stars arrival lineup
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Freshly sorted into tribes
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Pushing the sled, Ep1 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Starting to build the fire
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Arrival at Vakama camp
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Chatting with Phoebe and Daisy
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Made it across the stepping poles
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Watching AK throw
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Vakama wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Talking about phones whose battery is about to die, Ep2
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    It's Day 3, and we don't have fire, so we don't have food
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Night 3: Vakama makes fire!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Watching the grappling
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Vakama wins!
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Pretty sure Locky and Phoebe are not telling us something about the reward
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Starting line
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Preparing barrels to walk on
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Watching AK and Mat toss sandbags
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    The losing Vakamas
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Vakama, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Listening to Mat
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Second person voted out of All Stars...
  • Jericho Malabonga AU5
    Snuffed, Day 5 (Episode 2)


Jericho Malabonga - Interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None found.


Post-game interviews

  • Ashling Lee at (10/11/17): "Jericho Isn't Going to Splurge with His Half a Million: 'The Most Expensive Thing I've Ever Bought Is a GoPro'"
  • Ryan Brink at Brink of Reality (10/12/17): "Jericho Malabonga Exit Interviews | Australian Survivor 2017 Ep.26 (Tuesday October 10th)"
  • Nick Iadanza at RHAP (10/24/17): "SurvivorAU Know-It-Oz | Jericho Malabonga Deep Dive Interview"

Pre-game interviews

  • None found.


Post-game interviews

  • Michaela Morgan at (2/4/20): "'Those Were Genuine Tears': Who Jericho Was Really Thinking About Before His Elimination"
  • Shannon Guss at RHAP (2/6/20): "Australian Survivor All-Stars | Week 1 Exit Interviews"
Jericho Malabonga - Bios

Official Ten SurvivorAU: 2017 bio excerpts (July, 2017):

"From the Philippines to Auckland and now Melbourne, Jericho is used to being the new kid in town. But instead of letting his guard down quickly, on Australian Survivor he will be pretending to be someone else entirely.

“It’s been my childhood dream to play the game and to become another person. It is not my normal way of behaving so I can be anyone out there. I will make up a life and say I am three years younger, just for the sake of it,” he said.

“I watched last year’s series and I liked some of the contenders but they weren’t given enough room to strike. They were playing with people who do not get the game so they left early. That won’t happen to me.”

Jericho is not afraid to show his darker competitive side when it comes to the game.

“I don’t want to play safe, I want to play risky. I want to be the sole survivor and to experience it all. Just being called up is an enormous bonus to my life, I am so excited. It’s already one of the greatest achievements in my life.”

After studying anthropology, Jericho followed his dream of becoming a flight attendant. Starting as a cabin cleaner and working his way up the ranks, he now works for a major airline, flying internationally.

A mega-fan of Survivor, Jericho has his game plan mapped out but is also enjoying every moment in the lead up to setting foot on the island.

“There will be people who think they are the alpha male or the strategist of the whole game. My plan is to fuel those egos. I will keep feeding it until they let their guard down, then I will strike,” he said.

“I’m just enjoying every moment of this adventure – from intensifying my exercise, the joy of playing the game and to the lead up of simply listening to music, hanging with my family and friends because I know it is going to be very isolated over there. I’m ready though.”"

Official Ten SurvivorAU: All-Stars bio excerpts (February 3, 2020):

"Jericho knows coming back to All Stars as a previous winner is not going to be an easy run. With a clear target on his back, Jeri is ready to fight hard to stay in the game and isn’t fazed about people going after him. “I’m definitely going to be more on the frontline of the battle and more likelihood of getting booted early, but I’ve won already so this is a second chance and added bonus. I still want to win. I definitely won’t let people walk over me to get to the final two. I’m back for blood.”

With his sweet nature but tough talking style, Jeri is hoping to convince everyone he’s not a threat and still be himself but hide his competitive side for as long as he can.

Even without his right-hand man, Luke, by his side, he’s hoping the other contestants will, “Welcome me with open arms, hiding all signs that what they’ve really done is invite evil into their home!”

While he loves playing the game and talking trash about his fellow castaways, Jeri hopes to be an inspiration for people watching at home to aim big. “I would love to be a small catalyst for people who want to achieve their own dreams and goals. If I can do just that, I’d be happy. But if I won another $500,000, I wouldn’t be unhappy.”"