SurvivorAU 8: Heroes v Villains boxscores
Episode 7
By Jeff Pitman | Published: February 12, 2023
SurvivorAU: Heroes v Villains Episode 7 boxscore

Filmed: August 23, 2022 |  Aired: February 12, 2023
Gerry returns to Heroes
Heroes win team IC
Simon wins surprise individual IC
Fraser out, 3-2-[0]


  • Ep.7 pre-IC: Gerry is given a choice of staying with the Villains or returning to the Heroes. He picks Heroes, for some reason.
  • Ep.7 team IC: "Chinese Checkers" - Unsurprisingly, Heroes win an all-physical challenge.
  • Ep.7 individual IC: (Jailbreak, fire) - In the middle of Tribal, everyone takes a break and does a challenge! Simon wins.
  • Ep.7 voted out: Fraser, 3-2-[0], over Steve and an idol-playing George, respectively. Lots and lots of lots of arguing leading up to that.
Episode 7 scoring notes
  • For the individual IC, nobody else had retrieved their flint, and even though it looked like a few people stopped really trying, everyone not named Simon tied for second place.
Vote count:
  • Fraser received 3 votes, from George, Liz, and Shonee (voted out, 3-2-[0]).
  • Steve received 2 votes, from Fraser and Jordie.
  • [*George received 2 votes, from Simon and Steve, both voided by his idol play.]
Episode 7 boxscore - Challenges

Team immunity challenge Ind. immunity challenge Overall scores
Contestant ChW ChA SO ChW ChA Plc % Fin MPF
Simon 0.00 0.14 - 1 1 1 1.00 100%
Liz 0.00 0.14 - 0 1 t-2 0.50 50%
Shonee 0.00 0.14 - 0 1 t-2 0.50 50%
Jordie 0.00 0.14 - 0 1 t-2 0.50 50%
George 0.00 0.14 - 0 1 t-2 0.50 50%
Fraser 0.00 0.14 - 0 1 t-2 0.50 50%
Steve 0.00 0.14 - 0 1 t-2 0.50 50%
Flick 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
Hayley 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
Nina 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
David 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
Matt 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
Sam 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
Shaun 0.14 0.14 - - - - - N/A
Paige - 0.14 1 - - - - N/A
Sharni - 0.14 1 - - - - N/A
Benjamin - 0.14 1 - - - - N/A
Gerry - 0.14 1 - - - - N/A
Episode 7 boxscore - Tribal

Tribal council stats Overall scores
Contestant VFB VAP TotV TCA SurvSc SurvAv
Liz 1 - 7 1 1.20 7.46
Shonee 1 - 7 1 1.20 7.46
Simon 0 - 7 1 1.43 7.06
Jordie 0 - 7 1 1.00 6.06
George 1 0* 7 1 0.94 3.96
Fraser 0 3 7 1 0.99 3.66
Steve 0 2 7 1 0.98 2.95
Flick - - - - 1.60 7.87
Hayley - - - - 1.60 7.87
Nina - - - - 1.36 7.52
David - - - - 1.18 4.49
Matt - - - - 1.18 4.49
Sam - - - - 1.18 4.49
Shaun - - - - 1.18 4.49
Paige - - - - 1.21 4.40
Sharni - - - - 0.92 4.11
Benjamin - - - - 0.98 3.53
Gerry - - - - 0.83 1.58
Sarah - - - - 1.05 2.21
Rogue - - - - -0.12 0.39
Mimi - - - - 0.93 1.77
Michael - - - - 0.57 1.27
Anjali - - - - -0.90 0.00
Jackie - - - - -1.00 0.00
Glossary of terms
  • Challenge stats
    • ChW: Challenge Wins. For tribal challenges, a contestant earns a fraction of 1 win, depending on if they participated (no points for sitting out). So in a five-person tribe's win, each participant gets (1/5) of a point, or 0.2 points. Duels (or individual RCs as in Ep1) at Redemption Island count as half a challenge (and half a win). Individual challenge wins count as a full point.
    • ChA: Challenge Appearances. Used to calculate ChW%. Fractional for tribal challenges (same as ChW), except sit-outs get charged for an appearance, because they could have participated.
    • ChW%: Challenge Win%. Simply, ChW% = ChW / ChA.
    • SO: The number of times a contestant sat out of a challenge.