Screaming at the Screen - Damnbueno's Survivor 48 recaps
The best Survivor winner's moves ever
By Damnbueno | Published: January 27, 2025
Survivor Multi-season analysis

The best Survivor winning moves

This past season we saw something that’s pretty rare in Survivor – a move we’ve never seen before.

At Final 11, right after the merge, Rachel was facing a dilemma. She knew she was on the bottom. She’d just been rescued by Sol at final 12 when he gifted her the Safety Without Power Advantage. She knew she couldn’t trust any of the remaining Tuku members. She couldn’t trust her Gata tribemates who’d left her out of the blindside on her partner Anika. And she wasn’t sure if she could trust any of the remaining Lavo members outside of Sol. Rachel also knew the Tuku members believed Sam and Sierra were calling the shots and could be targets too.

Rachel was also holding an Idol and was smart enough not to tell anyone she had it. But she wasn’t sure if she needed to play it. She ran the risk of wasting it if Sam or Sierra got most of the votes.

What to do?

Rachel did something nobody who’d played Survivor before had ever done. First, she eyeballed everyone who went up to vote before her. Very often a player either won’t look at the person they just voted for, or they’ll make eye contact and immediately look away when they return to their seat. Nobody was looking at Rachel, so she grabbed her Shot in the Dark out of her bag. She played her Shot in the Dark to gauge the reaction of the other players. This gave her two opportunities to decide if she should play her Idol.

First, when she announced she was gonna play her Shot in the Dark and handed her scroll to Probst, she looked at everyone’s faces. If anyone looked worried or nervous, she’d know they’d voted for her. Second, when Probst revealed the “Not Safe” note, she eyed everyone’s faces again. If anyone looked relieved, she’d know they’d voted for her, and she’d have to play her Idol.

Rachel gauging responses

But nobody looked worried or relieved. They all looked apathetic. Nobody was concerned that the votes they’d just cast could be negated, or happy their plan was gonna work. Rachel knew she could hold on to her Idol. As it turned out, Sam and Sierra were tied in the first vote, and Sierra was booted in the revote. Rachel was able to save her Idol until she really needed it at final 6.

Rachel didn’t even realize how valuable and innovative her move was. She didn’t mention it during Final Tribal Council Jury questioning. But I noticed.

So, entering season 48, I thought it would be a good time to review some of the best moves from Survivor winners of the past.

Some of these moves are innovative, some are not. These are just the moves that stand out to me that indicate a winner was just a little more observant or aware of their circumstances, and clever or persuasive enough to know what to do on the spot to change things back into their favor.

I’ve actually ranked these moves. I don’t like having to scroll down to see #1, so that’s where I’ll start.

#1: Natalie Anderson

Natalie Anderson, SJdS F5

“Jaclyn, did you vote for who I told you to?” - S29: San Juan del Sur, Final five

Natalie Anderson had done a masterful job of keeping herself off the voting radar. She hadn’t received a single vote against her. Nobody believed she was pulling any strings either. That was also her biggest problem. Nobody knew how well she was playing. Keith was the biggest target. He was likable, hadn’t angered anyone, had friends on the Jury, and was good at challenges. But he won Immunity. Natalie knew Missy, Baylor and Keith all wanted Jaclyn gone because “she wasn’t deserving.” They also knew she was a lock to get boyfriend Jon’s jury vote. But Natalie wanted to split up the last loved ones pair left. Jaclyn wanted Missy gone. But Natalie realized Baylor was becoming tougher to manipulate. Natalie also had a weapon. She had an Idol.

Baylor was with Natalie when she found it and asked Natalie to play it for Missy. Because of Natalie’s excellent social game, she knew where all the votes were going. So, she killed 3 birds with one stone. At Tribal Council, she went to play her Idol, stopped, turned and said “Jaclyn, did you vote for who I told you to?” Everyone was shocked and looked at Jaclyn, who nodded yes. Natalie played her Idol for Jaclyn, who was saved when 3 votes with her name were revealed. Then when Baylor’s name came up twice, everyone in the game knew Natalie had just pulled off a stunning move.

Natalie’s move: 1) removed a vote (Baylor) she could no longer control; 2) broke up a pair that could vote against her at final 4; and 3) told the entire Jury that Natalie was in control of the game. This was reinforced at the next vote when Jaclyn won Immunity and stayed loyal to Natalie, helping to vote Keith out. Natalie won the game 5-2-1.

#2: Tony Vlachos

Tony blindsiding Sophie

Blindsiding Sophie - S40: Winners at War, Final nine

Sophie was playing the best overall game in the first all-winners season. She’d made the best relationships across both original tribes. Sophie manipulated the merge vote to remove Wendell, which rendered Jeremy powerless. She was also becoming closer to Tony’s #1 partner, Sarah. Tony feared Sarah and Sophie would betray him soon. When he realized votes were gonna be split between Jeremy and Michele, Tony took advantage and rallied four votes against Sophie.

First, he flipped Jeremy, who was carrying Michele’s vote in his pocket, by convincing him others were targeting him. Then he recruited outsider Nick. Tony laid out his plan in confessional saying “Everybody's so calm, cool and quiet ... that's better for me, 'cause I’m not stoppin' or slowin' down. It’s time for me to blindside somebody, and Sophie is getting too close to my partner Sarah .... Because my real alliance is splitting the votes, that creates a huge opportunity for me because you don't need that many numbers. Jeremy and Michele don’t have a choice. Once I tell 'em a name, they’re gonna go for it. So, all I need is Nick. I'm just watchin' the sun, as it’s startin' to set. I wanna hit them maybe minutes before we have to go to Tribal.”

Sophie was blindsided 4-3-2, and she was holding an Idol. Tony’s move left Kim powerless, forced Sarah to stay loyal to him, and locked up new partners in Nick, Jeremy and an obedient Michele. And by waiting so late to bring Nick in on the plan, Tony minimized Nick’s ability to come up with a different plan that could thwart Tony’s plan. Tony now led a 5-person alliance at final 8.

#3: Yul Kwon

Yul with Adam and Parvati

Voting out Penner - S13: Cook Islands, Final seven

Yul was leading an alliance that was outnumbered 8-4 at one point. The Aitu 4 (Yul, Ozzy, Becky and Sundra) remained intact entering the 9-person merge. At that vote, Penner flipped on his majority alliance, joined Yul’s group and blindsided Nate, giving Yul’s alliance a 5-3 edge. Adam, Candice and Parvati were furious with Penner and became more focused on getting revenge instead of figuring out how to gain the power back.

Candice was voted out next. Yul noticed how Adam and Parvati were still fixated on Penner. So, he struck a deal with them – I’ll vote Penner out now if you promise to vote for me if I make it to the finals.

Yul removed Penner at final 7, followed by Parvati and Adam. Adam kept his word and voted for Yul at the end. Parvati broke her word and voted for Ozzy. Yul won by one vote, 5-4.

I should note, however, that Yul returned Penner’s favorite hat to him after voting him out and also got Penner’s Jury vote. But Adam’s vote may have secured the win.

#4: Dee Valladares

Dee and Austin

Dee fools Austin into thinking she didn’t warn Julie to play her Idol - Survivor 45, Final seven

Dee, Austin, Julie and Drew were in a controlling alliance. Dee had the best relationships, because none of the other 3 would make a move without knowing Dee was on board with it. But Julie was very well-liked, was doing well in challenges, and was holding an Idol Austin had given to her. Drew and Austin also had Emily’s vote in their pocket. Austin and Dee were also becoming romantic. Austin confessed to Dee there was a move to blindside Julie. Dee reluctantly agreed to the plan, promised not to warn Julie, and he believed her. But Dee had no intention of letting Emily replace Julie in that group.

So she not only warned Julie to play her Idol, but convinced her not to tell anyone she’d been warned. Julie negated six votes, and Emily was blindsided with Julie’s lone vote. Dee maintained her cover by voting for Julie.

But the best part of Dee’s move was in keeping it secret until Final Tribal Council. Austin was Dee’s strongest competition for the win, but Dee put an end to that when she told the Jury she DID warn Julie, and Austin never found out. Austin was left speechless. The Jury knew Dee had outwitted him and gave her a 5-3-0 win.

#5: Tony Vlachos (again)

Tony and his bag of tricks

Tony bluffing about his “Special Idol” - S28: Cagayan, Final four

Tony makes the first repeat appearance on my countdown. (Count up?) Tony had been keeping everyone off balance with his haphazard play, alternating between voting out members of the opposing alliance and his own alliance. He often bragged about what he had in his “bag of tricks,” pulling out an Idol and playing it for L.J., then playing another one for himself.

Tony had also found an Overpowered Idol – one that could be played AFTER the votes were read. He told everyone he’d found it too, but left out one important detail. That Idol expired at final 5, but he told everyone he was gonna use it at final 4. His bluff worked. Everyone was afraid to vote for him. So, when Kass won Immunity at final 4, they removed Spencer instead of Tony.

#6: Tina Wesson

Tina voting out Mitchell

Tina recruits Colby to target Mitchell - S2: The Australian Outback, Final 14

Tina’s Ogakor tribe had lost two Immunity Challenges and had six members left. Tina and Keith were in a minority against the foursome of Colby, Jerri, Mitch and Amber. Jerri had annoyed most of her tribe by being pushy and insulting, and Tina observed how Colby was getting frustrated with her. Tina appealed to Colby by pitching a “good guys should win” mindset. Colby decided he didn’t want to stick with “the bad guys” and forced a tie vote with Mitch.

Back then, ties were broken a different way. If you had received more prior votes than the player you were tied with, you were eliminated. Mitch had received one vote at a prior Tribal Council, so he was gone. You might wonder why I think such an early pre-merge vote could be a “best winning move.” Well, Tina continued selling her “good guys should win” mantra all season long. When Colby won Immunity at final 3, he opted to remove Keith, who was now “the bad guy” instead of “good guy” Tina.

Tina won the Jury vote 4-3. Tina got Keith’s vote. She also got a vote from Jerri, who said she voted for Tina because she convinced Colby to make a game losing move.

#7: Danni Boatwright

Danni in confessional

Danni keeps her mouth shut in confessionals - S11: Guatemala

Guatemala was the first season to feature a mix of returning and first-time players. Stephenie and Bobby Jon played the previous season in Palau. The rookies applauded this pair as they were introduced. Danni quickly picked up on the fact that everyone was following the veterans’ lead. But she picked up on something else too.

Early on, Danni was open and honest when being interviewed for her confessionals. She talked about which players she did and didn’t like, who she wanted to vote out, etc. But right around day 10, Danni heard Bobby Jon talking about something she’d told producers in confessional. She was sure she’d never discussed it with any players and concluded producers were leaking information to the returning players. From then on, she largely kept her mouth shut when filming confessionals. She just wouldn’t discuss her strategy at all.

No doubt by the end of the game, producers were frustrated because nothing Danni said in confessional matched what she did in the game. The result was that Danni largely became invisible in the final edit. It didn’t do much for her legacy as a Survivor winner, but it easily gave her an edge over Stephenie and Bobby Jon that none of the other players had. Danni’s adjustment definitely helped her win.

#8: Nick Wilson

The Davids' minority vote split

Nick’s minority vote split - S37: David vs. Goliath, Final 12

Nick’s Davids alliance was outnumbered by the Goliaths, 7-5. Nick’s partner Christian had emerged as a very smart and well-liked player. The Davids believed the Goliaths were gonna remove one of their own - the annoying Angelina. But then Goliath Alec tipped Nick off that Mike convinced the Goliaths to go after Christian. Nick thought Mike was a trusted partner. At first, Nick wanted Davie to use his Steal A Vote Advantage, but he realized that wouldn’t work. If Christian still left, Nick would shoot to the top of the target list.

So instead, Nick convinced Davie to play his Idol for Christian. Nick feigned surprise twice – once when Davie stood to play his Idol, and again when Davie played it for Christian. The Davids knew Goliath Dan had an Idol and had promised to play it for Angelina (though he was probably lying). But when Dan realized Christian was safe, he played his Idol for Angelina. What the Goliaths didn’t know was Nick had convinced the Davids to split their 5 votes between John and Angelina. The seven Goliath votes against Christian were negated by Davie’s Idol, and the two votes against Angelina were negated by Dan’s Idol. John was blindsided with three votes.

Nick’s move saved partner Christian, removed a Goliath Idol, and put the target focus on Davie instead of himself.

#9: Earl Cole

Earl coordinates the Edgardo blindside

Earl coordinates the blindside on Edgardo - S14: Fiji, Final nine

Earl had rebuilt his alliance after losing partner Michelle in a split squad Tribal Council. Earl, Cassandra and Yau-Man had recruited Boo and Stacy to their side. Earl also had an informant in Dreamz, who was playing double agent, leaking information to everyone. Because of Dreamz, Earl knew Mookie had an Idol. Earl gathered his alliance to discuss strategy.

In my favorite all-time episode of Survivor, Dreamz bounced back and forth telling each alliance what the other was planning. Dreamz told Earl that Alex, then Mookie, then Alex had the Idol. Earl was the communication hub for his alliance. Finally, when Stacy suggested they vote for Edgardo instead, Earl provided the key to the plan working: He made sure nobody told Dreamz who their real target was.

Alex played the Idol for himself and Edgardo was blindsided 5-3-1. A confused Dreamz voted for Mookie, which alienated him from Mookie and Alex. Perhaps the best part of the plan was that Earl was able to maintain trust from Dreamz. This paid off when Dreamz leaked his plan to remove Yau-Man at final 6. Earl warned Yau-Man to save himself with his own Idol. Earl became the first unanimous winner by a 10-0-0 vote.

#10: Rachel LaMont

Rachel gauging responses

Rachel plays her Shot in the Dark to help her decide if she needs to play her Idol - Survivor 47, Final 11

(As described at the top of this article. Feel free to scroll up and read again!)

#11: Kim Spradlin

Kim fools the men

Kim fools the men - S24: One World, Final 11

Kim had played an excellent game going into the merge. This men vs. women season merged with 6 men and 6 women. Kim had given herself the most options. She had one alliance with the women, and another with Troyzan, Jay and Mike. She decided to stick with the women. In exchange for voting Jonas out first, Kim, Sabrina and Chelsea promised the men they’d vote out a woman next.

But Kim and Sabrina had secretly hatched a plan to blindside Mike. They knew Troyzan didn’t like or trust Mike. It was a perfect opportunity for the women to take control and maintain their cover. They filled the women in on the plan. Jay won Immunity but was still suspicious of the women. After the Immunity Challenge, Chelsea asked “Jay, what do you think about getting rid of Mike tonight?” Jay was alarmed and set off looking for Mike to compare notes. Chelsea casually let Kim know of her verbal slip up, and Kim sprang into action.

She caught up to Jay just as he found Mike and said “Let’s do Christina. To me, Christina, Alicia, Tarzan, Leif, they’re all sitting in the same boat. So, let’s just do Christina, and make everyone feel better.” Mike and Jay bought it. Troyzan eventually convinced Jay the women were sincere about sticking with them, and Jay voted for Mike. Mike was blindsided and the damage was done. The women were now in full control of the game. Jay was voted out next. Kim never faced a serious threat the rest of the game.

#12: Todd Herzog

Todd gives two idols to James

Todd gives two Idols to James - China, Final 10

S15: China was only the fifth season to have Immunity Idols. In the first season (Guatemala), the Idol had to be played before players voted. The next two seasons (Panama & Cook Islands) had overpowered Idols that could be played after the votes were read. China was only the second season in which Idols had to be played after the voting, but before the votes were read. There was more risk involved now. Everyone who held an Idol up to this season never seriously considered using it for anyone but themselves except for Alex and Mookie in Fiji (and we know how that worked out).

So when Todd gave an Idol to James, then told him how to find a second Idol, it was a Survivor first. Todd expected James to save himself with one Idol and return the other Idol to him at the merge. But James didn’t need either Idol and ended up keeping both of them. Just the same, Todd had 100% of James’ trust. While this move wasn’t a significant factor in Todd’s win (he eventually blindsided James with both Idols in his pocket), it was still a Survivor innovation. Giving away an Idol or playing one for a different player became a basic fundamental part of Survivor strategy. Many have copied Todd’s move since China.

#13: Vecepia Towery

Vecepia convinces Paschal and Neleh to flip on their alliance

Vecepia convinces Paschal and Neleh to flip on their alliance - S4: Marquesas, Final nine

The saddest part of Vecepia’s move is that it wasn’t even included in the broadcast. I discovered it as an Extra on the DVD. Sean, Vecepia and Boston Rob merged at a 7-3 hole. It became clear to Kathy that she, Neleh and Paschal were on the bottom of their tribe. But Kathy couldn’t convince Paschal and Neleh to flip. Sean had the same idea, but he was so confrontational and volatile, nobody would listen to him. Even as Vecepia, Sean, Kathy and Paschal were the first 4 removed in the “Chop 3 Ropes” challenge, Paschal still wasn’t convinced there was a pecking order.

In a scene not included in the broadcast, Vecepia met with Neleh and Sean and said “They (John, Tammy, Zoe and the General) came to me about 6 or 7 days after we got here (at the swap) and told me they wanted me to be part of their fivesome. I said ‘If you don’t lie to me, I’ll go 5 with you. Then once we get to 5, its every man for himself.’” Neleh was sold, then she convinced Paschal to flip with her. John got blindsided, and Tammy, Zoe and the General found themselves on the bottom.

Vecepia was the first one to flip the game to her favor by convincing those on the bottom of the opposing alliance to flip. This move has been used dozens of times since Marquesas.

#14: Kim Spradlin (again)

Kim removes Alicia’s pocket vote, Tarzan

Kim removes Alicia’s pocket vote, Tarzan - S24: One World, Final six

The annoying Tarzan was the last man standing. Most had written him off as a finals goat. Judging by his behavior they were largely correct. Tarzan was playing to share the experience with his wife at the Loved Ones Reward. But after he saw his wife, Kim, Sabrina and Chelsea left on a Reward. Tarzan launched a plot to remove Kim. All of a sudden, he was playing to win (or at least make more money by finishing higher).

Alicia still trusted Kim and told her of Tarzan’s plan. Kim realized Alicia had been carrying Tarzan’s vote in her pocket and could use him to break up her preferred final 3 by booting Chelsea. Kim immediately convinced Alicia that Tarzan was trying to break up the women. She used Alicia’s hair-trigger temper against her. Alicia bought it and helped blindside Tarzan next. Alicia was powerless to move against Kim and was voted out next.

#15: Sandra Diaz-Twine

Sandra plays dead

Sandra plays dead - S7: Pearl Islands, Final five

The strongest part of Sandra’s game is her ability to read a situation and react accordingly. But she’s just as capable of plotting out a good plan in advance too. 40 seasons before Rachel masterfully played dead at last season’s final 6, Sandra innovated the move in her first winning season.

Sandra had been underestimated all season long, and had just lost her closest partner Christa at final 6. Burton and Jonny Fairplay had been carrying Lill’s vote in their pocket, and Darrah was in the middle of an Immunity winning streak. Sandra’s prospects were dim at best. But Sandra had something nobody else had that season: she knew what other players wanted to hear. She was the best manipulator.

Sandra convinced Darrah and Lill that Burton and Fairplay were just too obnoxious and insulting to allow to win the game. She asked them to remove whoever didn’t win Immunity. When Darrah won her 3rd straight Immunity, Sandra told the women she would play dead and they could vote out Burton, who was doing most of the planning. Sandra laid in the shelter, acting depressed. Burton was completely fooled. He believed Sandra would vote for Lill just to save herself. Fairplay was suspicious, but believed the women didn’t talk to each other at all, calling them “followers.” The guys decided to cut Lill loose, and thought Sandra was on board.

They were shocked when the women blindsided Burton. It was the second time Sandra had blindsided Burton. Many have copied Sandra’s “play dead” strategy since Pearl Islands. But I’ll commend Rachel for expanding on it by convincing all the remaining players to tell the Jury how well Rachel was playing.

#16: Tony Vlachos (again!)

Tony's spy shack

Tony’s Spy Shack - S28: Cagayan

Tony didn’t invent the art of eavesdropping on other players. Sandra did that in Pearl Islands when she pulled Tijuana along to spy on Burton and Fairplay. But Tony expanded on the move in the most creative and entertaining fashion. After establishing that he’d be gone from camp for long stretches, most players thought Tony was just obsessed with finding Idols. What they didn’t know was that Tony was building a palm frond and bush covered hideout he called a “Spy Shack” behind the shelter listening in on their conversations. He built another one near the Water Well.

Nothing is more important in Survivor than information, and Tony knew how to get unfiltered, honest intel on how everyone was strategizing. Tony expanded on this move in Game Changers with his subterranean Spy Bunker, and again in Winners At War with his overhead Spy Nest.

#17: Natalie Anderson (again)

Natalie plays dumb

Natalie plays dumb - S29: San Juan del Sur, Final seven/six

Natalie was still recovering from losing her partner Jeremy at final 10. She’d done a good job of convincing Jon, Jaclyn, Missy and Baylor that she was sticking with them. She wanted to go after Jon, but he won Immunity at final 7. Jon and Missy wanted Keith gone and instructed their alliance to split their votes between Keith and Alec with Alec as the backup. But Natalie knew she could manipulate Keith better than Alec. So, she promised Jon she’d be the 3rd vote on Keith. Then she voted for Alec. A confused Jaclyn, Jon and Missy questioned Natalie after returning to camp. Natalie convinced them she got confused and voted wrong. In confessional, Natalie said “I had to pretend I messed up and voted Alec out instead of Keith. I acted my ass off. It was a risk I was willing to take because I didn’t want Jon to have any more power than he needs. He’s been on my hitlist since he sent Jeremy home. It’s a long time coming.”

Her plan worked perfectly. Nobody suspected Natalie was setting herself up to take control from Jon and Missy. She kept her cover and got rid of Jon at the next vote.

#18: Richard Hatch

Hatch throws the F3 IC

Rich throwing the final 3 Immunity Challenge - S1: Borneo, Final three IC

Rich innovated the use of forming an alliance to protect himself and his partners. While that is probably the most significant innovation in Survivor history, I can’t really call it a game-winning move because it didn’t necessarily give him an edge on alliance partners Sue, Kelly or Rudy. But when Sue was voted out at final 4, the final 3 faced a grueling endurance challenge for Immunity. Rich knew he’d played a game worthy of winning. He was very confident in his ability to convince a jury to vote for him. But he also knew he’d have a tough time winning his way into the finals after Kelly had won 4 Immunity Challenges and was the most desperate.

After hanging in for 2 ½ hours, Rich realized he didn’t even need to win Immunity. He knew Kelly didn’t want to go against the well-liked Rudy at the end, and Rudy was very dedicated to keeping his promise to go to the end with Rich. So, Rich casually stepped out of the challenge, letting Kelly and Rudy battle it out. Rich spent the next 2 hours thinking about his jury speech. Kelly won Immunity, but Rich won the million by one vote.

#19: Brian Heidik

Brian saves Ted and Clay

Brian saves Ted and Clay - S5: Thailand, Final 13

Brian was full of Survivor innovations, the best of which was forming multiple partnerships and keeping them secret. He had already made Final Two deals with Clay and Ted. But Clay had angered most of the tribe by being lazy and urinating in the tribe’s cave shelter. Ted had just gotten into a huge fight with Ghandia over allegedly grinding on her while they slept. So, when his tribe lost the third out of the first four Immunity Challenges, Brian had a dilemma.

The women were standing with Ghandia and wanted Ted gone. Brian pulled Helen aside and convinced her they needed Ted’s strength for challenges. Helen agreed but then suggested booting Clay since he sucked at challenges. Brian thought quickly on his feet and made a Final Two deal with Helen on the condition she help boot Ghandia instead. She agreed.

The move paid off as Ted, Helen and Clay all stayed loyal to Brian all the way to the Final five. Helen warned Brian that Ted was thinking of moving against him, so Brian blindsided Ted. Then Brian turned on Helen at the next vote. While Brian angered his entire alliance, he knew they all hated Clay more than him. He got all of their votes along with Jake’s and won 4-3. Making multiple Final two deals was a Survivor innovation.

#20: Erika Casupanan

Erika flips the vote onto Shan

Erika flips a split vote plan onto Shan - Survivor 41, Final nine

Erika knew she, Heather and Xander were on the outside of a five-person alliance. But she’d built a good relationship with Ricard who filled her in on his plan to blindside Shantel. However, Erika also knew Shantel had an Idol, and that she wanted Erika gone. Erika knew if Shantel saved herself with that Idol, Erika could be the one booted.

But Erika also knew Danny had become annoyed with Shantel. Erika convinced Danny to make Shantel’s other partner Liana the backup vote instead of herself. Erika guaranteed her own safety, and Shantel was blindsided while holding an Idol. Erika was now in the majority with Ricard. Erika didn’t manipulate the voting much, but she stepped in when she had to.

So, that’s my top 20. What do you think? Am I missing anything? Should Ethan throwing a challenge be on this list? How about Aras keeping his misfits alliance loyal? Sandra saying, “I’m against you, Russell?” Denise turning on Malcolm? Wendell switching fire making stations with Angela? Tommy’s sandbagging? Let me know in the comments.

Just for shits and giggles, I thought I’d list 5 of the worst winner moves too. I’m still not sure of how some of these players recovered from these moves.

#1: Mike Holloway

Mike tries to screw everyone over at the Auction

Mike tries to screw everyone over at the Auction - S30: Worlds Apart, Final nine

Mike was leading a majority alliance after the merge. Everyone agreed to bid low so everyone could buy their letters from home. Mike insisted on walking up last to pay for his letters, then tried to hold his money to buy an Advantage if it came up later on. Mike pissed everyone off and got thrown out of his own alliance. This forced Mike to win 5 Immunity challenges and make a successful Idol play just to stay in the game.

#2: Tyson Apostol

Tyson opts to rock out

Tyson opting to pull a rock instead of playing his Idol - S27: Blood vs. Water, Final six

At final 6, Tyson, Gervase and Monica squared off against Hayden, Ciera and Katie. Tyson had thought he’d recruited Ciera to his side. But all through Tribal Council, Ciera got more and more nervous as Hayden pointed out how Ciera was #4 in Tyson’s alliance. Hayden added he and Katie were gonna vote for Monica (Gervase had Immunity). Gervase unintentionally confirmed Ciera’s #4 status, and Probst noted how things didn’t look good for her. Probst even brought up the possibility of a rock draw. Tyson dared Hayden to go to a rock draw. Gervase even warned Tyson that Hayden’s trio might actually vote for him.

Just the same, Tyson held on to his Idol knowing he’d face a rock draw if a tie vote couldn’t be broken. Monica and Hayden tied with 3 votes. The tie wasn’t broken in the revote, so Tyson, Ciera and Katie ended up drawing rocks. Tyson got VERY lucky when Katie drew the wrong rock and was sent to Exile. Tyson took an unnecessary risk in an attempt to preserve loyalty from Ciera who clearly was already gone. He even mocked Katie as she left by pointing to the Jury box and saying “There’s your seat over there.” Tyson had an Idol, and risked his entire game so he could draw a rock.

Tyson later said he liked his chances of returning to the game by winning duels on Exile. But just the same, the chances of someone winning after being voted out were pretty much zero. Blood vs Water was 11 seasons before Chris finally did it in Edge of Extinction. To this day, I’m still wondering why Tyson did it.

#3: Mike Holloway (again!)

Mike forces a tie vote between Carolyn and Rodney

Mike forces a tie vote between Carolyn and Rodney - S30: Worlds Apart, Final four

Mike and Rodney had been arguing with each other all game long. At Final four, Carolyn was voting with Mike, and Will was voting with Rodney. Mike won Immunity and told Carolyn she should practice making fire. She practiced but had no success. She told Mike she wasn’t confident. But in confessional, Mike said “If Rodney loses (at fire) tonight, it would be poetic justice. He thought he’d have a smooth ride into the finals. It might teach him a lesson in humility. I would rather lose to Mamma C than be the guy who took two goats to the end and won.”

Mike absolutely knew Carolyn was capable of beating him for the million, yet he gave her life just the same. Mike also knew there was no chance he would get Rodney’s jury vote, but he could get Carolyn’s. It was a no-brainer to vote Carolyn out. Much like with Tyson, I wondered why anyone would make such an obviously bad move.

#4: Jenna Morasca

Jenna spilling all her tribe’s info

Jenna spills all her tribe’s info - S6: The Amazon, Final 13

In the first men-vs-women season, both tribes had lost two members. Treemail instructed the tribes to send their youngest member to a meeting. Dave and Jenna met and had a picnic in the jungle where Probst told them it would be an overnight excursion. Jenna promptly spilled every bit of information she knew about the women – who was strong and weak, who was aligned with whom, who she liked and disliked, and why everyone was voted out. Dave only gave up the men’s names and occupations.

They were surprised the next morning when Probst told them they’d be picking new tribes. Armed with plenty of information, Dave picked a stronger tribe and separated the tightest women’s alliances, starting with Jenna’s closest partner Heidi. The next two players voted out were women. In season 6, Survivor was still largely seen as a team game. It made no sense at all for Jenna to be so open with information.

#5: Adam Klein

Adam's panic fest at the merge

Adam's panic fest at the merge - S33: Millennials vs. Gen X, Final 13

At the 13-person merge, Adam played things about as badly as possible. First, he wandered off alone several times instead of bonding with new players. He ended up finding a Steal A Reward Advantage that was more of a disadvantage. Earlier, he’d helped blindside Figgy, who had become a strategic and romantic partner with Taylor. Just the same, one night when Adam saw Taylor wander off and eat some food he’d stolen, he inexplicably thought he could gain Taylor’s trust back by promising not to reveal his theft. Adam asked Taylor to go after Will.

In confessional, Taylor said “Holy crap, Adam’s trying to get Will out. Are you dumb? I couldn’t believe it! I don’t wanna work with Adam, he wrote my woman’s name down ... I didn’t have to do anything, and I get all this intel from Adam. I’m a fan of Survivor revenge, and I want to blindside Adam.” Taylor then warned Will, who busted his ass to win Immunity. Jay then plotted to remove Adam for betraying the Millennials.

Adam’s plan blew up in his face and he knew it. He started to panic, knowing he’d got himself targeted. He scrambled with everyone, and Hannah – the most nervous person in the game – had to calm him down. Even Zeke, who was planning on defecting to the Gen Xers, was losing confidence in Adam. Adam was holding an Idol but feared he’d look like a fool if he played it but didn’t need it.

Adam got very lucky David was able to convince a majority to boot Michelle next. Adam got 4 votes and lost a ton of trust. Adam almost talked himself out of the game by pitching a plan that was doomed to fail.

That’s my top (bottom?) five. Am I missing anything here? Perhaps Brian ignoring the opposing tribe members at the merge? Parvati underestimating Cirie in Micronesia? Bob letting partner Randy get fooled by Bob’s phony Idol? Michele telling Cydney she didn’t need to practice making fire? Ben letting Devon talk him into being a double agent?

Is there an innovation we could see in season 48? Could somebody finally pull off a “frenemies” strategy? What else have we not seen yet? Let me know in the comments. I look forward to chatting with you this season.

damnbuenoDamnbueno got his nickname in 8th grade Spanish class when his friend shouted out "You're pretty damn good at Spanish." The teacher insisted he say it in Spanish, so the friend said "Esto es damn bueno en Espanol." The nickname stuck. These days, when he's not forgetting his 8th grade Spanish, Damnbueno is indulging his obsession with all things Survivor. Reach him in the comments section here at True Dork Times.