The Baker's Dozen

S31 ballot time

Episode 13: One Blowhard's Ballot

Published: May 15, 2015


Andy casts a final, skeptical glance at Survivor: Worlds Apart, then turns his attention to his preferred set of 20 contestants for Survivor: Second Chance. Hope is renewed.

Merge time

Episode 7: Merge Feast

Published: April 5, 2015


Andy returns from the land of casuals, revisits his pre-season predictions, and assesses how the Worlds Apart game appears to be shaping up in the post-merge environment.

Cast assessment

Pre-season: 30 Thoughts on Season 30

Published: February 22, 2015


Andy presents an extra 17 bullet points to cover all his excitement about the cast and season potential for Survivor: Worlds Apart. Then predicts how the contestants will fare.

Andy Baker

Andy Baker is a long-time, but definitely not long-winded, Survivor blogger.


Follow Andy on twitter: @SurvivorGenius