- None of the voting booth confessionals were shown, so we had to do some armchair handwriting analysis to figure out who cast the two stray votes (and for whom). Keith was obviously one, but which of the two votes came from him was a mystery. As it turns out: Wendy cast the vote for "Kelly," meaning Keith voted for Wendy. Yay, and thanks to Dalton Ross for forcing the contestants to each write an essay ("my most embarrassing moment") before they played.
Analysis summarized here, but see also the picture below. Key points: (1) Wendy's letter Y's (red lines) are two straight lines, with the longer one often tilted almost vertically, just like the Y in "Kelly." (2) Keith, in contrast, draws his lower-case y with a rounded bottom (matching the vote for Wendy). (3) Keith also draws his lowercase e almost larger than his d in words with "end" in them (green underline), as in the vote for Wendy. (4) He intermittently draws lowercase d (green arrows) with no vertical line (or curled tail) below the loop, as seen in the vote. Writing samples come from Dalton Ross's Instagram posts: Wendy, and Keith.
Vote count:
- Keith received 6 votes, from Chris, David, Kelley, Lauren, Rick, and Wardog (voted out, 6-1-1).
- Kelley received 1 vote, from Wendy.
- Wendy received 1 vote, from Keith.