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Heroes vs. Villains ep5 detailed reward/immunity challenge
spoilers/ spec |
second challenge in a row that almost killed someone mere months
earlier in Samoa. Way to "create some reality,"
SEG! Although this one also got someone thrown out the first
time through, so there's that.
Not immediately clear whether this is for reward
or immunity (or both). In Samoa, the reward & immunity
stands were immediately next to Probst's dais. Although it
does appear that production apparently went to great lengths
to ensure that Probst's clips from each season could be interchanged
at random.
As for who gets injured, this was spoiled
months ago, initially by somerandomdouche,
with a correction by SurvivorsUnite,
then a follow-up by missyae.
But the weekend ads make clear the context of the injury
(see below): James curiously decides to make a huge vertical
leap to snag a rebound (against the Hobbit on crack), but
James lands poorly, apparently injuring his knee.
Probst then stops the challenge to have the medical team
take a look at it. Since James doesn't leave in this episode,
presumably the challenge resumes, and someone eventually
vs. S20 Reward challenge vidcaps: click
to view larger picture |

Samoa Probst, parting the Purple-Yellow

HvsV Probst: "Injuries? Again?" |

Samoa sidelines, idol & reward near Probst

HvsV sidelines & Probst, no idol/reward visible |

Samoa version, Foa Foa side

Same spot, freshly re-painted (now Villains) |
S20 challenge (the James injury)
vidcaps: click
to view larger picture |

JT shoots... |

James leaps, takes the rebound (over Russell?) |

James lands, not in a good way |

James takes a seat |

Not again! |

James, down |

Amanda's usual expression of concern |

James waits for medical, Villains head back |
who wins? Not clear yet. James is sitting on the bench, waiting
for a medical evaluation, as the Villains tribe heads back to
camp behind him. Can't really see any reward items (or for that
matter, an idol) in their arms. If this is actually for immunity,
though, the boot comes from the Heroes tribe, so Villains would
And from Amanda's tearful concern for James
(or more accurately, her own position in the game) in the ads,
it's possible it really is for immunity, otherwise, Amanda's
wails of "what am I going to do?" would probably be "how are
we going to win the next challenge?"
Update: As
Sylvester points out at Blows, the shot of Coach at right (found
in the web promo, never made it to TV as far as we saw) appears
to be taken at a location that's neither camp nor challenge,
suggesting the Villains
win reward. In addition
to that, in the press photos CBS released Wednesday, there's
shot of the Villains walking on a beach, in which both Boston
Rob and Coach appear to be carrying bottles of some kind (presumably
won as a reward). From its time stamp, it came from the third
day in this episode, which would indicate that the RC comes very
late in the three-day cycle, and as such, is probably combined
with the IC. Although it would have been much easier to know
that if CBS had just included a challenge shot or two....
Putting it all together, we'd guess the Villains
win a combined RC/IC that gives them a getaway reward
of some kind. It's probably too early for an overnight resort
visit, although this is about the point where Galu won their
sailing ship reward in Samoa. A single challenge for both reward
and immunity best fits Amanda's fretting about herself after
James's injury.
Updated update: CBS released MORE press photos on Thursday, showing
that Schmergen Brawl is indeed a separate reward challenge, which
takes place on the first day of this three-day episode. Regardless,
the signs that the Villains win are still there.