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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 4: "Tonight, We Make Our Move" Filmed: August 17-19, 2009
Airdate: March 4, 2010
Episode 4: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary | Future Challenges
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 4 detailed reward challenge spoilers/ spec
   This one was last seen in everyone's favorite season, S14: Fiji, as the Ep3 RC. We suspect that, despite this stain, everyone will still want to know what they're playing for.
   In its original form, the two Fiji tribes (Ravu and Moto) dove down slip-n-slides, and had to grab a specific numbered ball (randomly assigned), then shoot it into a basket at the end of the course. First tribe to get the ball in the basket got a point, and first tribe to six points won. We'd guess the rules would be pretty similar here. Partial Fiji version video is here.

   We originally thought this might be the Ep2 RC, but after comparing Colby's beard growth to the Ep1 IC (one day earlier than the Ep2 RC), we think it's probably later. There's no clear evidence in the pictures to suggest that it's for reward or immunity, however, so this could be the IC, or yet another RC/IC.

  Update: As noted by VolcanicGlass at SurvivorPhoenix, there's a huge, colorful pile o' something (no, it's not Rupert) on the sidelines at the slip-n-slide challenge shot that (briefly) aired in the PIP ad during NCAA basketball (SP's video of the PIP ad here). So this challenge is at least for reward. Whether it's also for immunity remains unclear. Vidcaps at the bottom.

Reward challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture
Colby, Heroes
Colby gets set to slide
Amanda takes a run at it
James takes off
James, mid-slide
Slicked-up Russell
Cirie, amid the balls
Sandra slides
Danielle by the balls
Jerri, Amanda
Jerri and (Amanda?), grabbing balls
Russell vs. Cirie
Russell vs. Cirie, pile of rewardy stuff at right
Russell vs. Cirie
Russell vs. Cirie, pile of rewardy stuff centered
Russell vs. Cirie
Russell vs. Cirie, pile of rewardy stuff at left

   So who wins? Not clear yet.
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