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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 4: "Tonight, We Make Our Move" Filmed: August 17-19, 2009
Airdate: March 4, 2010
Episode 4: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary | Future Challenges
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 4 detailed immunity challenge spoilers/ spec
   CBS hoarded this info until the day before the show, but from the press photos, it appears Survivor will re-enact their only failed challenge thus far (?), "Roll With It" from Samoa (in which Russell Swan passed out and was medically removed).
    Since the only shots are those from the press package, no idea on who (apart from the two guys in the balls, Tom for the Heroes, and Boston Rob for the Villains) does what. But feel free to look back at the Samoa version for details on how the challenge works:

"An article and video at reveal the big yellow and purple balls, and the tilting maze tables in the production shots on the future challenges page (which contains vidcaps from the video) are all from "Roll With It".
   The final version of the challenge involves one contestant [Tom for Heroes, Boston Rob for Villains] being strapped inside the giant ball, with two other (blindfolded) contestants pushing it. The rolling person has to shout directions to his tribemates. After rolling a brief distance, they reach a tilting maze table, in which the (still strapped into the ball) non-blindfolded contestant must then guide the rollers and two more blindfolded tribemates in navigating a ball into a hole in the maze."

   Considering the tribes are now larger, and that the effort of pushing the heavy ball sapped Russell Swan's strength, we'd guess there may be more rollers this time around. Especially since both tribes opted against putting their lightest tribe members inside the balls.

Immunity challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture
Shot from Dalton Ross's perusal of the art department, pre-Heroes vs. Villains

   So who wins? According to spoilers (including those above), the boot comes from the Heroes tribe, meaning the Villains win the fourth IC.

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