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Heroes vs. Villains episode 12 detailed immunity challenge
1 spoilers/ spec |
clear yet (as of pre-Ep6) where the double boot in the jury occurs,
but we're guessing it's about here. If so, as in Samoa,
there should be two sets of immunity challenges and tribal councils.
First challenge will be discussed here.
Sucks poster blackwhale has
(naturally) a story to go here: "At the top 8, with the Heroes
down at a 5-3 deficit, the offer is made, as it has been in a
few seasons, to either feast or compete for immunity. Candice,
feeling assured by her deal with Russell, chooses to eat! The
Villain girls, who are already suspicious of Russell's connection
with Candice, become upset when Candice flagrantly sits out of
the challenge. After Parvati wins immunity at the top 8...."
(We'll continue the story on the boot page).
So... some challenge with a choice of sitting
(and eating) or competing.
Not surprisingly, blackwhale later
added the actual challenge info: "Parvati wins the one where
you wrap your arms & legs around the totem pole, 'When It
Rains It Pours,'"... and
"It comes down to her versus Rupert as Candice, Danielle
and Jerri sit on the side eating snacks."
This challenge was previously done as far
back as Africa (Ep7/merge
IC), also in All-Stars (Ep12
IC, where Rupert finished
second; Jerri and Colby had already been booted),
and in Micronesia: Fans vs Favorites (Ep10
IC, where
Parvati won, after Jason Siska [whose name
is an anagram for "Just a fucking stick"] stepped down).
In the past, Probst
has supplied food inducements for the contestants to drop
challenge vidcaps: click
to view larger picture |

Candice contemplates flipping to three more alliances

Those shoes don't look very comfortable |

Way to get our hopes up, CBS |

Colby wouldn't care if it were him (nor the viewers) |

Russell in HD = less to the imagination (sorry) |

Colby in HD = still bored, stuck looking at Russell |

Also appearing on this season (we think): Danielle |

Oh look, a special Villains bucket |

On the plus side, the dousings are festively colored |

Say hello to red, say hello to spring |
who wins? Allegedly Parvati. Vidcaps from the weekend ads show
Candice competing in this one, which removes any remaining doubt
that it's the final 8 IC.