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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 12: "A Sinking Ship" Filmed: September 5-7, 2009
Airdate: April 29, 2010
Episode 12: IC1 | HII | Boot1 | IC2 | Boot2 | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 12 detailed boot 1 spoiler/speculation summary
tribal council    Continuing with the boot order that was spoiled during the summer/early fall of 2009, this week, the Villains continue to dismantle the remnants of the Heroes tribe, as (as spoiled by SurvivorsUnite) this episode's boot is Candice.

  Surprisingly, not many details spoiler-wise about this boot (before HvsV started airing), apart from survivrcuz: "russell defends candice, and the girls in his alliance dont like this, candice makes it know that russell has promised her f2. the girls go against russell and vote off candice."
   Not to be outdone, blackwhale embellishes the story: "The Villain girls, who are already suspicious of Russell's connection with Candice, become upset when Candice flagrantly sits out of the challenge. After Parvati wins immunity at the top 8, she again asserts her authority over Russell and has the girls' backing to eliminate Candice before Rupert. Though Candice may not have been able to defeat Parvati in the challenge, she still made a critical error in showing her hand and helping to get the wheels in the girls' heads spinning."
    And despite implying the opposite, blackwhale later comes up with this: "Russell votes against Candice, but grudgingly."

   One note about the timing: it's clear from the Ponderosa videos that the first boot takes place the day after Amanda arrived. Yes, we know blackwhale already spoiled that, but at least there's confirmation.

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