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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 1: "Slay Everyone, Trust No One" Filmed: August 9-11, 2009
Airdate: February 11, 2010
Episode 1: Tribes | RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 1 detailed reward challenge spoilers/ spec
   According to EW's Dalton Ross, "The contestants arrived for the start of the game via four New Zealand military helicopters and were immediately thrust into a brutally physical challenge that results in one topless player and two painful injuries. (All of the challenges will be based on classic challenges from past seasons.)"

   There was no challenge visible in the People's Choice footage of the helicopter arrival, but the beach looks very similar to the one shown in the digging/wrestling challenge shots from the CBS "Meet the Cast" video. So we'll go with that as the reward challenge. This looks like a resurrection of the "Pull stuff out of Nick's ass" challenge (the Ep3 IC) from Survivor Panama: Exile Island, in which contestants dug up pillows and tried to either race back to get their pillows past their goal lines, or tried to prevent their opponents from doing so.
   As for the topless contestant Dalton talks about, that one's easy: Several months ago at Sucks, Survivrcuz claimed: "sugars out first after exposing her tits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", which missyae modified with "The info about Sugar makes people think she exposed herself. Thats not what happened. She had her top tore off during a challenge." So it seems there'll be a lot of blurring to look forward to in this episode.
   Who gets injured? EW's pre-game interview with Stephenie (at the bottom of the page with Dalton Ross's story) includes Probst mentioning that she has a problem with her shoulder getting dislocated, and actually shows footage of this being treated by Survivor's medical team in this very challenge (caps below).
   Update: Probst said at the 10th anniversary reunion event (video here): "Five minutes into the game, we have a broken toe, a dislocated shoulder, and a topless finish." And SurvivorsUnite adds more details: "Parvati is the one who dislocates Stephenie's arm during the challenge. And Boston Rob is the one who gives a broken toe to Rupert."

   For the sequencing of the various battles below, we've just followed Kona's order posted at Sucks (based on the order of the press photos), since it saves us the work.

Reward challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture
Pre-RC lineups
Heroes, pre-challenge huddle
Pre-RC lineups
Villains, pre-challenge huddle
randy, jerri, amanda, jt
Randy & Jerri vs. JT & Amanda
Please, Sugar, put that back on
Coach & Russell
Coach & Russell head out
colby, tom,
Colby, Tom, Coach and Russell on the course
Tom & Russell
Tom & Russell digging
Colby & Russell
Colby tackles a fleeing Russell
Tom & Russell
Mommy, look! Those 2 firemen are fighting!
Russell with a faceful of sand
parvati vs. Cirie
Parvati vs. Cirie
Parvati, Stephenie
Parvati takes on Stephenie
danielle, steph, parvati, cirie
Danielle, (Probst), Stephenie, Parvati, Cirie
Grappling accomplished
getting dirty
Grappling gets dirtier
Stephenie's shoulder
The curse of Ulong returns... to Steph's shoulder
Bout 4: James & Rupert vs. Tyson & Boston Rob
Pre-RC lineups
Rob, politely declining to stare
James, Rupert, Tyson, Rob
James & Rupert vs. Tyson & Rob
James, Rupert, Tyson, Rob
James & Rupert vs. Tyson & Rob
James heads back
Bout 5: Candice & Sugar vs. Sandra & Courtney
sugar, candice
Sugar and Candice head out
Sandra, Courtney, Candice, ?
Sandra & Courtney vs. Candice & Sugar
Sandra, Courtney, Candice, ?
Sandra & Courtney vs. Candice & Sugar
topless Sugar
Topless Sugar goes for maximum blurring

   So who wins? We originally thought the Villains, since they clearly have a selection of fishing gear in their camp shots from the EW interview videos, including a mask, fins and a spear. Since those videos went up, however, a couple of lines of evidence appear to disprove this:
(1) As pointed out to us in email by "Badlands77", in EW's interview with Sugar, the Heroes also have swimming/fishing gear, so the gear is not necessarily indicative of a reward win (and since EW's video all appears to be from Ep1, it would appear the mask, et al. may not even be reward items).
(2) In an interview with cwalton of, Mark Burnett allegedly stated, "we had one women [sic.] finish the challenge, and win it for her tribe, topless. That was the first challenge." And since we've been told about (above) and can see in TV Guide's preview video the (heavily blurred) topless Sugar, that would argue that in fact, the Heroes win reward.
    As further evidence, gretchensucks at Sucks points out that the Villains have to resort to rubbing sticks together in the hope of making fire (vidcap below). So no flint for them, and since the usual first reward is firemaking tools, more evidence that Heroes win reward. Also, in addition to shots of smoke in the Heroes camp in the TV Guide Channel preview, there's also the shot below of James and Colby standing next to their fire, with a pot of something cooking/boiling on it. So the Heroes reward win seems fairly certain.

Post-Reward challenge camp shot vidcaps: click to view larger picture
Tyson, Sandra
Tyson and Sandra, catching shellfish
Mask at heroes camp
Candice, Sugar, mask at right
villains, no flint
Villains, not using flint to start a fire
heroes with fire
James, Colby, fire in between them

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