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Heroes vs. Villains episode 1 detailed immunity challenge
spoilers/ spec |
the immunity challenge, we again quote Dalton
Ross: "All of the
challenges will be based on classic challenges from past seasons."
As suggested by PrettyGoodYear1988 at
Sucks, this one resembles the Ep1 RC/IC from Cook
Islands, which involved the following
parts: "(1) Race over
the berms to the beach; (2) assemble the various puzzle pieces
into a rowboat; (3) row out and get fire; (4) go back to the
beach, race back to the wall with fire and planks; (5) put your
planks on the wall to build a ladder;and (6) the entire tribe
climbs the ladder to light a barrel at the top."
So... Parvati and Candice have already
done this challenge before. Challenge producer John Kirhoffer
actually seems proud that it's an (almost) exact replica
of that challenge (albeit with two tribes, instead of four)
in TV Guide channel's preview
Update: From the TV Guide Channel preview,
it appears they've added another puzzle element to this challenge. As
if puzzle boats and puzzle ladders weren't enough, now both tribes have to disassemble
their ladder rungs from their boats and dump them on a mat. The four puzzle-solvers
then have to solve a completely unrelated puzzle. After that, they can get back
to work putting the ladder together and climbing up. It makes some sense, since
the challenge was originally designed for five-person tribes (which here have
doubled in size), but it does seem to be overdoing it a tad.
part 1 - Assemble puzzle boats: click
to view larger picture |

Over the berms, to the puzzle boats |

Villains running out |

Candice yanks a piece |

Candice yanks a piece |

Heroes dragging boat bits |

Heroes assembling boat |
first part follows the original formula fairly closely. Making
the boats and rowing out to get fire are: Tom, JT, Colby, James,
Stephenie and Candice (Heroes), vs. Coach, Tyson, Russell, Danielle,
Courtney and Parvati (Villains).
part 2 - row out and get fire, disassemble boats: click
to view larger picture |

Tom, saddled with the tribe in Ulong blue |

Heroes heading back, JT looking behind him |

Heroes heading back, in the lead |

Heroes heading back in |

Heroes coming back to shore |

Heroes start removing planks |

Villains coming back to shore |

Villains removing planks |

Danielle brings a ladder rung back |

Parvati & Coach: One rung between them |
this stage, as gretchensucks pointed
out at Sucks, as the Villains return to shore (above), there's
a blue paddle in the water, suggesting the Heroes beat them there.
In support of that, the TV Guide channel's preview
video shows JT looking back (at the Villains) as the Heroes
paddle. Update: With caps from the new ad that aired during "Surviving
Survivor," the Heroes clearly have a decent lead in the water.
part 3 - another puzzle! Then ladder time: click
to view larger picture |

Final wall, puzzle tables in front (with Kirhoffer) |

Heroes (try to) work puzzle |

Villains work puzzle |

Why is this taking so long? |

James: seriously guys, hurry up |

This. Is. So. Fricking. Lame. |

Boston Rob assembles the Villains' ladder |

Um... we tried? |
who wins? According to multiple spoilers the first boot comes
from the Heroes tribe, meaning the Villains win the first
IC. It would appear that, despite their earlier lead,
the Heroes fall prey to the pesky puzzle, as some combo of Amanda,
Cirie, Rupert & Sugar manage to blow the rest of the challenge.
The vidcaps above (mostly from the TV Guide Channel preview)
appear to bear that out. Lots of shots of the Heroes' rowing
team looking frustrated, as Boston Rob puts the Villains' ladder
together, creating their path to victory. Villains win.