Filmed: November 22-24, 2007 | Aired: April 17, 2008
- Ep.10 RC: "Bai Bai" - There's a schoolyard pick, and for some reason, Natalie picks beefy, water-averse James for a challenge that's all agility and swimming, over Erik or Amanda for her #1 pick. Has she just been napping for the first 24 days?
- Ep.10 reward/punishment: Jason's (& Ozzy's) team gets the royal treatment overnight in Yap. Cirie, unpicked for the RC, is instead whisked away to Exile, where there is no idol (as everyone knows), and it rains for two days straight. Fun.
- Ep.10 IC: "When It Rains, It Pours" - Probst is a dick to Alexis when she drops out for food, but he hasn't announced it yet; Parvati helps negotiate a surrender for Jason, a promise which Ozzy, James, and Amanda promptly violate. Parvati gets immunity.
- Voted out: Ozzy, 5-4, over Jason. Cirie uses the cover of everyone piling on to screw over Jason to blindside Ozzy while he's holding his idol, despite Probst nudging him to play it.
Episode 10 scoring notes
- Cirie's non-sitout: Because she did not sit out by choice, and also wasn't even present for the challenge, Cirie is not charged with a ChA or a sitout for the RC.
Vote count:
- Ozzy received 5 votes, from Alexis, Cirie, Jason, Natalie, and Parvati (voted out, 5-4).
- Jason received 4 votes, from Amanda, Erik, James, and Ozzy.