Alecia Holden - Survivor: Kaoh Rong

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 11 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 0

  • Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong (2016) - 14th place, 5th out.
  • Voted out in Episode 4, "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" (Day 11).

Alecia Holden on social media: twitter | Instagram

Alecia Holden - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
S32: Kaoh Rong 0.13 1.12 0.11 2 8 3 0.49 1.46 - - - 0.60 1.68
Career 0.13 1.12 0.11 2 8 3 0.49 1.46 - - - 0.60 1.68


Alecia Holden - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Alecia Holden - Challenge record
Survivor 32 logo  S32: Kaoh Rong

Ep1 RC/IC - Wooden Ships

Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-5; 1 2nd):

  • Kaoh Rong Ep. 1 RC/IC: "Wooden Ships" - Briefly part of the puzzle team, then swaps out for Scot. Brawn loses on the puzzle by one piece (3rd/3).
  • Kaoh Rong Ep. 2 RC/IC: "Dragging the River" - Carries the log, pulls in the string, but Brawn loses again (3rd/3).
  • Kaoh Rong Ep. 3 RC/IC: "Rice Race" - Performs no solo tasks, but Brawn doesn't lose! (2nd*/3).
  • Kaoh Rong Ep. 4 RC: "Dig It" - Races and digs, but Brawn loses again (3rd/3).
  • Kaoh Rong Ep. 4 IC: "Snake, Rattle and Roll" - Running leg, works the puzzle with Cydney, but Brawn loses (3rd/3).


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • Kaoh Rong: None.


Redemption/Exile Island duel record (0-for-0):

  • Kaoh Rong: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 0
2nd place: 1
Played: 5
Win%: 0.10
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -
Alecia Holden - Tribal Council record
Survivor 32 logo  S32: Kaoh Rong

Ep1 Tribal Council

Idols held/played: (0/0)

  • Kaoh Rong: None.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (2/3):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep1 Darnell Darnell Hamilton (voted out, 3-3; 4-0) Yes
Ep2 Jennifer Jennifer Lanzetti (voted out, 3-2) Yes
Ep4 Scot Alecia Holden (voted out, 3-1) -


VAP - Votes against (8):

  • Kaoh Rong, Ep. 1: Three votes, from Cydney, Darnell, and Jason.
  • Kaoh Rong, Ep. 2: Two votes, from Jennifer and Scot.
  • Kaoh Rong, Ep. 4: Three votes, from Cydney, Jason, and Scot (voted out, 3-1).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • Kaoh Rong: None.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols/ advantages
Advantages held/played: 0/0
Idols found: 0
Idols played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 2
Tribals: 3
VAP: 8
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Alecia Holden - Pictures
Survivor 32 logo  S32: Kaoh Rong
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Kaoh Rong intro shot
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Kaoh Rong intro shot
  • Alecia Holden S32
    CBS pre-game interview
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn tribe class picture, circa Ep1
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn tribe on the boat, pre-marooning
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Paddling out, as Scot plays basketball
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Requisite confessional about being underestimated
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Day 1 Brawn tribe meet-and-greet
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Chopping things in camp
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Taking a break while everyone else works
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Back to sort of working
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Not fitting in very well
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Worried about being a person down in the challenge if Jennifer leaves, Ep1
  • Alecia Holden S32
    To Tang arrival, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Starting line
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn tribe trailing
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Caught up again
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Pushing the boat
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Hauling the boat, Ep1 RC/IC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Getting started on the puzzle
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Working the puzzle with Jennifer
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Swapped out, watching Scot and Jennifer
  • Alecia Holden S32
    I'm not a puzzle wizard!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn tribe, Ep1 Tribal Council
  • Alecia Holden S32
    I have a name, Jason!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Listening to Darnell
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Watching the vote reveal
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Trying to make fire with Jennifer, early Ep2
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Still trying to make fire, now solo
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Five hours later... success!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    High fiving Jason
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Victory chicken
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC/IC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Listening to Probst
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Starting line
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Hauling log
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Watching Scot miss the winning shot
  • Alecia Holden S32
    The losing Brawns
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Looking confused
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Not one person has asked to be in an alliance with me
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Looking for idols
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Jennifer floats an all-women's alliance
  • Alecia Holden S32
    That makes sense!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Just a few minutes ago, I thought I was going!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Okay, we're all set on the women's alliance, right?
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn tribe, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Arguing about whose idea the women's alliance was
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Scot voted for me because he knew Jenny was going? That's dumb.
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Just found an idol clue, with Cydney, Ep3
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Trying to read Jason's tool/key instructions
  • Alecia Holden S32
    It was all so confusing!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC/IC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Listening to Probst
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Starting line
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn doesn't lose!
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Finally idoled.
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Arrival, Ep4 RC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Listening to Probst
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Starting line
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Ready to go under the log
  • Alecia Holden S32
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Still digging
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Post-medevac chat with Probst
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Didn't mean to start something with Scot, but felt she needed to address the cheerleader comment
  • Alecia Holden S32
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Starting line
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Retrieving puzzle pieces
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Working the puzzle with Cydney
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn loses again
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Not liking those chances
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Brawn tribe, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Talking to Probst
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Fifth person out of Kaoh Rong...
  • Alecia Holden S32
    Snuffed, Day 11 (Episode 4)
Alecia Holden - Interviews
Survivor 32 logo  S32: Kaoh Rong

Pre-game interviews


Post-game interviews

  • Gordon Holmes at (3/10/16): "Alecia: '(Jason Is) Probably a Mall Cop Rolling Around on a Segway'"
  • Josh Wigler at (3/10/16): "Alecia Holden Talks About Life on Brawn"
  • Rob Cesternino at RHAP (3/10/16): "Exit Interview | Episode 4 - 3/10/16"
  • Dalton Ross at (3/10/16): "Caleb Reynolds on his medical evacuation and what you didn't see" (also Alecia)
  • Andrea Boehlke at PeopleNOW (3/10/16): "Caleb Reynolds Opens up about Suffering from Severe Heatstroke in Last Night's Episode"
Alecia Holden - Bio
Survivor 32 logo  S32: Kaoh Rong

From her official CBS Survivor: Kaoh Rong cast bio page: (1/20/16)

"Personal Claim to Fame: (What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?) I made a bucket list of adventures I wanted to accomplish. I went out and did it; bungee jumping in Indonesia, hang gliding in Rio, skydiving, jumped off the stratosphere in Las Vegas, face to face shark diving in Australia, and interacting with uncaged tigers in Thailand.

Pet Peeves: People who lie and can't be straight up. I tell it how it is and expect the same. Also negativity. I’m all about positive vibes and energy.

3 Words to Describe You: (How would your friends describe you?) Fearless, ambitious and adrenaline junkie.

If You Could Have 3 Things on the Island What Would They Be and Why? I would want a camera, because capturing moments are priceless. A cellphone to call my family. Pizza, because I LOVE pizza.

Survivor Contestant You Are Most Like: I'm most like Kass. She was the last woman standing, but she also brought chaos.

Why You Think You’ll “Survive” Survivor: I'm the daughter of a boxing promoter, I'm tough. Don’t let the blonde hair fool you. I won’t cry or back down. No one will break me. I'm not here to make friends, I’m here to win. My ambition and drive to succeed will lead me through."