while the Heroes have their idol found, we haven't seen anything
of Russell's non-stop attempt to find idols in the Villains'
camp. Because you know he's been looking, even if they haven't
received a clue since the last one was used.
Nonetheless, all is not for naught, Russell
fans (CBS seems convinced that there are still some of you
out there). Because as the post-Ep8 preview shows, JT is about
to get creative, and give Russell the coveted Heroes' idol,
to, uh... win his trust?
For what it's worth, Sucks poster blackwhale had this to say about JT's Big Plan, which seems to be borne
out by the ads/previews so far: "JT isn't all to blame for
his error. The Heroes back this idea as a group and get Russell
the idol before the merge. I can see where they thought it
was a smart move. All they saw was 4 men in a row go home and
Russell be left with all 5 women, one of whom perfected the
women's alliance strategy in the past. They thought they could
help Russell get to the merge and gain an ally. They didn't
realize Parvati was playing a different game this time around
but they couldn't have known that. So their move seemed like
common sense."
Update: blackwhale's story wasn't detailed
enough, apparently, so another was added: "When the Villains
visit the Outback Steakhouse hut they have set up, the clue
will be printed on a napkin that only Parvati or Danielle see.
They will share the clue with each other and will cover for
each other while they take turns looking for the idol, leaving
Russell out of the loop the entire time. Parvati is the one
who ultimately finds it on one of her excursions. Russell won't
know til day 27 when Parvati whips a second idol out of her
pocket to give to Sandra."