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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 8: "Expectations" Filmed: August 27-29, 2009
Airdate: April 8, 2010
Episode 8: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 8 hidden idol spoiler/speculation summary
 hidden idol   Once again, there are two idols in circulation. The Heroes were told about one in the previous episode, so they could, in theory, find it here. And with Boston Rob out of the picture, Russell is free to spend 24 hours a day digging various trenches around the Villains' camp.

    About the remaining idols to be found, SurvivorsUnite says there are four hidden idols found during the game, and all are played to take a player out.  survivrcuz begs to (slightly) differ, stating "more than 4 idols will be played and only one by the heroes the rest all villains, each time one is used it goes back in to play."
    Time will tell who is more accurate, but presumably someone, or multiple someones, should be busy finding idols at this point. Doesn't sound like any more are played until the merged tribe phase, however.

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