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Heroes vs. Villains episode 6 detailed reward challenge
spoilers/ spec |
shots of the challenge(s) yet, but we're guessing
there's a reward/individual immunity challenge here. The press
release says "In a high stakes challenge, both tribes battle
for a chance to win immunity and a coveted reward that promises
to improve not only their morale but their entire tribe's strategy."
It also mentions, "everyone scrambles to save their own skin."
To our eyes, that reads like a tribal reward with a chance for
individual immunity thrown in.
With respect to the double boot in this episode,
Jeff Probst said in his EW
blog during Samoa:
For the record,
I have always hated the 'win or lose, you must vote someone
out' twist, but it’s existence comes from necessity....
I am happy to say that we have since figured out a better
way to do double eliminations. So should we ever need
to vote out two people in one episode it will not be
a 'win or lose both tribes going to tribal council' scenario. |
(Thanks to those who emailed us the link. See
also discussion at Sucks, MeSS, Blows and Skills).
We're guessing
that mechanism is a clue to hidden individual immunity idols
(either that or playing a challenge for individual immunity,
as was done in Vanuatu,
then never done again, for some obscure reason). Why individual
immunity idols?
A couple of episodes back (for episode
4), SurvivorsUnite predicted:
"Villains end up getting the clues. Something happens at the
reward where the clues are read, and the Heroes now know there
is an idol back at camp which ignites their search for the idol."
We're thinking that this might actually relate to episode 6,
since Tyson is still there, and that would fit with "everyone
scrambles to save their own skin." At least until CBS starts
putting out ads for this episode, anyway.
Updates: From the weekend ads, it's clear the
challenge is an updated version of "Rope-A-Dope," the (individual)
IC from Tocantins. In its original version, the
contestants followed a rope line that twisted through and around
a short length of fence. The top three finishers (Brendan, Tyson
and JT) then competed on a more elaborate, multilevel course
for individual immunity (which Tyson won). Odd choice here, considering
two of the remaining contestants did extremely well in its first
lecturing vidcaps: click
to view larger picture |

"We're merging early! No, wait... Actually,
you're both screwed. Sorry." (Also, 2 necklaces) |

Yes, I probably could win this time. |

One could win, the other may compete! |

No chocolate with the reward? You bastards! |
Update: As for the mechanics of this version, there
are only two starting posts (one red, one blue) on the second stage
course, and each tribe appears to do the initial stage separately. Based on that,
the top individual finisher from each tribe moves on to the final round, competing
for individual immunity. Interestingly, there are two necklaces next
to Probst, one on top of the other.
In theory, the challenge should favor someone agile,
with decent stamina. The pre-challenge shots focus on JT (who did well the first
time) and Parvati, who seems like a good guess for someone who could do well.
Shown on the course are JT (moving quickly, as he is wont to do), Boston Rob
(struggling, although apparently ahead of Tyson and Danielle), Jerri (ditto)
and Candice (whipping around quickly, with Probst nearby, suggesting she's a
contender). There's also an overhead shot of the Heroes, in which JT and Candice
appear to both be near the end of the first set of fences, ahead of their tribemates. We'd
guess they're both finalists for the Heroes.
RC/IC in-challenge vidcaps: click
to view larger picture |

"Survivors ready? Goat! Damn it! I keep screwing that
up! Ok, seriously guys, I'll get it this time." |

JT twists and turns |

Boston Rob, barely fitting |

Candice zips through with ease |

Probst in view, near Candice |

Jerri, re-enacting Colby's dumping of her in S2 |

CBS would like you to remember that Mark Burnett is still
the nominal show-runner

Heroes on the first-tier course
who wins, utlimately? SurvivorsUnite has
said that the Villains win the challenge. Not clear how that
fits with an apparent individual win, apart from the necklace-winner
netting their entire tribe a reward. Still, that should eliminate
JT and Candice from contention. Unless they unfairly bestow a
necklace on the top finisher from each tribe, in which case JT
or Candice could be safe at Tribal Council.
The ads also show Boston Rob telling Russell
he'd better go get his hidden idol for use at Tribal Council,
which suggests (shocking, we know) that Russell isn't the winner.
Similarly, we're going to go out on a wafer-thin limb, and categorically
state that Courtney doesn't win. That leaves seven suspects from
the Villains.
We would guess Parvati wins, but that goes against
blackwhale and SurvivorsUnite's
stories that she plays an idol during the Villains' tribal
council, which she wouldn't do if she was wearing a necklace. From
the boot, it's probably not Tyson, either. Boston Rob or Jerri?
Update: We'll go with Boston
Rob FTW, since he's shown in the finalist stage in
the press
photos, and that would explain his cocky attitude with
Russell. If there's a separate Heroes winner, it's either JT
or Candice (strongly looks like Candice in the press photos).
Since there are two necklaces, our guess
is that the winner (Boston Rob or Candice) takes one, and bestows
the other on the person of their choosing on the other tribe.