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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 3: "That Girl Is Like A Virus" Filmed: August 15-16?, 2009
Airdate: February 25, 2010
Episode 3: No RC | HII | RC/IC | Boot | Summary | Future Challenges
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 3 detailed immunity challenge spoilers/ spec
   The tribes face off in a battle for the blessings of the all-powerful idol. It's an all-Fiji rehash week challenge-wise, with this one last seen as the Ep5 RC. While there are no ex-Fiji people on HvsV, a virtually identical challenge was used in Palau ("Sumo at Sea" in Palau, "Kung Fu Cannibals" in Fiji), so Tom & Stephenie have some experience here.
    In the Fiji version, the contestants faced off in a modified sumo battle, whacking each other with large pillows in an attempt to knock their opponent off the raised platform, and into the (muddy) water. First tribe to seven bout wins won the overall challenge. Chief new wrinkle here: more mud.
    Of note: in the shot of roaring Rupert, what looks like the immunity idol is visible in the lower right-hand corner. That means this is an IC. And it's clearly not the Ep2 IC, so we'll guess it's in Ep3, since Randy's there.
   Update: From the post-Ep2 preview of Ep3, it's clear this is the Ep3 IC. New footage aired in there shows the platform is no longer above water, but above, which explains why there's so much of the slimy stuff.
   Further updates: Web promo and PIP preview give even more shots. From the context, it appears Rupert's roar is actually from the sidelines, and is probably after the Heroes win the challenge (and is a delayed response to Coach's primal scream after he defeats Rupert). Clear winners are Coach, Colby and James. And the Sunday PIP preview shows Candice and Parvati both ending up in the mud together (if Parvati is on the bottom does she lose?). The rest are guesses, mostly based on degree of muddiness (equaling a possible loss).
  Final updatingy update: CBS finally released the press photos for this episode yesterday (see them at SurvivorPhoenix), and they reveal that it is indeed a combined RC/IC, creatively named "Sumo'an Mud".

   The sequence of the bouts below is based on who's muddy in the background (although it's unclear with some of the all-female bouts). Although based on the random shuffling of the Ep1 RC bouts for airing, they could be shown in any order. We'd guess the Colby-Boston Rob one might be the "last" one in the final airing, even though all the Villains are clearly already muddy when James saunters in front of them.

Pre-immunity challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture
candice, pre-ic
Candice, pre-ic (thanks, Kona)
amanda,candice, pre-ic
This is gonna be fun!
Immunity challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture
Bout 1: Russell vs. Tom (Tom wins?)
Russell vs. Tom
Tom's prior opponents did not fare well here
Bout 2: Danielle vs. Amanda (Amanda wins?)
Danielle, Amanda
Danielle vs. Amanda
Amanda: Muddy, but still standing?
Bout 3: Coach vs. Rupert (Coach wins)
Coach ftw!
Clearly, if only Rupert hadn't broken his toe...
Coach ftw!
An apparently victorious Coach
Coach roars
How do you like this roar? Huh?
Coach roars
More roaring
Bout 4: Parvati vs. Candice (? wins?)
parvati, candice
Must... resist... easy... joke...
people in mud
Candice drives Parvati off the platform...
people in mud
...and both end up in the mud. Score?
Bout 5: Tyson vs. JT (JT wins?)
jt vs. tyson
Battle of the Tocantins-ers, JT dominant
jt, tyson
Battle of the Tocantins-ers, Tyson dominant
Bout 6: Jerri vs. Cirie (Jerri wins?)
cirie, jerri
Cirie takes on Jerri
cirie, jerri
Cirie takes on Jerri, continued
Bout 7: Boston Rob vs. Colby (Colby wins)
clean Boston Rob
A temporarily clean Boston Rob
clean Colby
Colby faces off with Boston Rob
Colby gets first strike
Boston Rob: Down, but not out
Boston Rob
Muddy Boston Rob
Boston Rob
Muddy Boston Rob connects with (Colby?)
Boston Rob
Muddy Boston Rob, shoving
Colby, near victory
Colby shoving someone (Rob?)
Heroes win immunity!
Heroes win immunity! (?)
Bout 8: Randy vs. James (James wins, duh)
Randy awaits a thumping
James gets animated
In your face, old man!
Oh, James won. Randy lost. Amazing.
stay classy
James engages in some gentlemanly taunting
Sideline shots
Boston Bob
Pre-muddy Boston Bob
Muddy Danielle
Spare tuppence, guvnah?
roaring Rupert
Rupert, on the sidelines, gets the last roar
Post-challenge celebration?

   So who wins? According to spoilers (including those above), the boot comes from the Villains tribe, meaning the Heroes win the third IC. So that's why Rupert looks so happy. Not to mention Candice.

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