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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 13: "Loose Lips Sink Ships" Filmed: September 11-13, 2009
Airdate: May 13, 2010
Episode 13: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 13 detailed boot spoiler/speculation summary
tribal council    Continuing with the boot order that was spoiled during the summer/early fall of 2009, this week, the dismantling of the remnants of the Heroes tribe is nearly complete, as (as spoiled by SurvivorsUnite) this episode's boot is: Rupert.

  Here are some of the spoiler details about Rupert's boot:
- survivorsims07 (10/13/09): "I am usually not the type to come across this kind of information, but I did receive word about how far Rupert went in Survivor 20. According to my source Rupert makes it to at least the final six because his wife was flown out to location and got to be on the show."
- survivrcuz (10/15/09): "[Rupert] does participate in the family challenge."
- SurvivorsUnite (10/26/09): [Rupert ends up in 6th place].
- survivrcuz (11/29/09): "rupert is with JT… they leave colby in the cold, but rupert will regret that he treated colby badly to the point of always ignoring him and not considering him a valuable member of the tribe."

   Updates: More detailed story of Rupert's boot, from blackwhale: "At tribal council on day 36, everyone was surprised when Sandra pulled out an immunity idol. They again underestimated her and didn't expect that she could find one on her own. Sandra didn't need that idol, she only got 2 votes from Rupert and Colby. But Rupert left the game in tears. As everyone found out after Rupert's departure, he had the opportunity to advance in the game if he was willing to be flexible and look past the previous vote. Apparently, Sandra wanted to give him the idol to eliminate Russell once and for all. When she offered him a way to stay in the game, without offering up details, he did not trust her as a result of her vote. Instead, he sought reprieve from Russell, who voted to save him at the final 7. After a confrontation between Sandra and Russell, she knew that Rupert had told on her. The idol she planned to hand to him, she used for herself."

   Eventually, actual details from the show should become available, and may end up here as well.

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