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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 11: "Jumping Ship" Filmed: September 5-7, 2009
Airdate: April 29, 2010
Episode 11: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 11 detailed reward challenge spoilers/ spec
  As with all reward challenges, we'll go out on a limb and predict there will probably be a lot of running around and/or puzzles. And everyone will want to know what they're playing for. Could be individual, or in teams of three. We'd guess the latter.
   Apparently, if you mock running around and/or puzzles, you get shuffleboard as your punishment. Yes, as if "Faux Coconut Bowling" wasn't bad enough, SEG has apparently decided that "Shuffleboard" is one of the 24 best challenges, ever. So says blackwhale at Sucks, anyway:

"They will compete in teams of 3 in shuffleboard in the next reward challenge to win movies and popcorn. Victorious are Amanda, Colby and Danielle. After Amanda and Danielle spot a clue in the tub of popcorn, they literally engage in a wrestling match to obtain the clue. Danielle being more aggressive gets the clue and after she is back to camp, is stalked by the heroes who follow her every move."

Reward challenge vidcaps: click to view larger picture


   So who wins? The answer would appear to be Amanda, Colby and Danielle. More as actual ads air. Or not, as is the case recently with CBS. Thanks for putting all Russell, all the time, in the ads, instead of challenges!
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