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True Dork Times Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains spoilers
Episode 10: "Going Down in Flames" Filmed: September 2-4, 2009
Airdate: April 22, 2010
Episode 10: RC | HII | IC | Boot | Summary
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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains episode 10 detailed reward challenge spoilers/ spec
  Again, since this appears to be the merge episode, there probably won't be a reward "challenge", although it's not out of the question that the tree mail will mislead the tribes into thinking there might be. Expect a lot of feasting instead.
   So far, no evidence of feasting from the post-Ep9 preview. But there are lots of shiny, new, black buffs. Although we do mourn the absence of SEG's feeble attempts at hiding the merged buff colors. *sniff*

New merged tribe vidcaps: click to view larger picture
CBS is all about math this week. 5 Heroes +...
...5 villains = 10th episode, 10 years & ten-sion (or it would if it weren't spoiled 6 months ago).
Travesty! Neither the King nor the Queen riding on their palanquin! Quick, fetch the Heroes!
*Groan* You bellowed, your Highnesses?
I'm the Queen. Bow down before the one you serve.
No, I'm the Queen! Er, king. Yeah.
Yay, temporarily less stinky buffs!
parvati + amanda
Why JT made the move he did.
Black-buffed Russell.
Danielle searches for other things to hide.
jt, russell
The kiss of death.
rupert, sandra
Ok, we got Balboa buffs. Pray for no Outcasts.

   So who wins? As usual: everyone gets to eat, so everyone.
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