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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 8: "Spirits in the Material World" Filmed: April 3-5, 2007?
Airdate: July 17, 2007
Ep.8 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 8 detailed Boot spoilers/ speculation
   Someone will be cast out. Set adrift, with only a flickering lamp, plus a camera crew, spot light, boom mic and rescue boat for company. Oh, the tragedy.
  We note that TVGuide has changed their wording from a pirate being "cut adrift" to being "eliminated by the crew," exclusively for this episode. Could this indicate the white crew gets to do more than just abscond with treasure? Hmmm.

  We'd guess if the white crew were to win the expedition, there might be some additional incentive (beyond keeping the treasure) attached. Whether that means picking the week's black spotees (we'd guess the captain and officers would not be safe), or even going so far as voting, it's hard to say.
   Update: CBS has said they could both get treasure and hand out black spots. But since the black crew appear to be the most likely expedition winners, that seems to be a moot point.

Future expedition/ voting pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
ben in ep11 black crew boat?
Ben in Ep11 black crew boat?
ben in ep11 black crew boat?
Ep11 crews: Jupiter, Laurel, Jay vs. Christa, Louie, Ben?

    Who goes this episode? The three most likely to be out are the three we don't see above: at least Nessa and Kendra, or Azmyth. As the show currently stands, Azmyth is the most vulnerable against a white crew of rested ex-pirates, because a lot of the people on his own (black) crew would like to see him leave.
    Among the rest, Kendra and Nessa each have marks against them: Nessa was close to Joe Don, and would be a safe target because she has to sell the pardon this episode (and the triad did finally seem to figure this feature of the pardon out in the last episode). And Kendra could be a repeat target, because she's viewed as the weakest player left (although if Jay has any say, he'll try to keep her around).

   If the black crew wins the expedition, as we speculate, that means Azmyth, Ben and Jay will be safe again (barring mutiny), and handing out black spots. That would put Nessa into the most-vulnerable spot, since she can't buy the pardon. She's not terribly disliked, but if it's her versus Louie or Christa (or some other reasonably popular combo), mutiny would be her only hope.
   We say that despite an alleged boot list that surfaced this week (here, and here, and at multiple times in our inbox), which also claims Nessa goes this week. We'll lend that list a bit more credence if it's still accurate after Ep11, but since there aren't 15 episodes, we'll need to see a bit more of a track record before we beleve.

   Also: what are the odds of a mutiny? We'd think they're pretty low. If Azmyth successfully leads all the remaining contestants to save their own treasure from the ghosts, he'll get a lot more slack from the previously disgruntled crew, since they'll all be on the winning side this episode. And even though Jay claims to be all for the concept, we haven't seen any similar quotes from Ben, who's sitting pretty comfortably as the good cop to Azmyth's bad cop. Azmyth does appear to leave within the next three episodes, and the next ep's title is "24 Hour Party Pirates," but we don't see a mutiny happening just yet.

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