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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 5: "Loose Lips Sink Ships" Filmed: March 25-27, 2007?
Airdate: June 28, 2007
Ep.5 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
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Pirate Master episode 5 detailed Crews spoilers/ speculation
   Episode 5 crew summary (evidence discussed below):
Black crew (6): Louie, Nessa, Sean, Joy, Christa, Joe Don
Red crew (6): Azmyth, Jay, Ben, Jupiter, Kendra, Laurel

    While Louie, Nessa and Sean are on the black crew, the rest are randomly assigned. Who ends up where may determine who ends up returning with some exciting, coin-like props. So who ends up where?

Ep5 black/red crew pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
joy and christa, together on black crew red crew = happy joe don, joy, christa on black

   Because Nessa is on the black crew this week, the shot of Nessa and Joe Don on the red crew together (see future expeditions page) means (1) the red crew wins this week, and (2) Joe Don doesn't get the axe yet. And since he and Joy are the next two to go, that means the shot of Joy and Christa together on the black crew (above) must come from this episode. That leaves only one spot on the black crew, for another guy.  Thus, Jupiter, Kendra and Laurel are all red this week.
   We also have a shot of Jupiter, Jay and Azmyth together on the red crew, and upon re-viewing the sequence, Ben is also there (to the right of Jay). That would fit this week's expedition, if Joe Don is on black. So we'll go with that arrangement.
   Update: the TV ad shows Joe Don, Joy and Christa on the black crew, so the above appears to be correct.

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