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True Dork Times Pirate Master Spoilers
Episode 4: "Death by Coconuts" Filmed: March 23-24, 2007?
Airdate: June 21, 2007
Ep.4 : Summary | Crews | Expedition | Captain | Cut adrift | Future crews
Spoilers - Click to jump to: Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
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Pirate Master Episode 4 future expedition spoilers/ speculation
Episode 5: "Loose Lips Sink Ships"
Expedition: Should be 12 left; 6 people on each crew. Captain, officers on black.  

Dominica travel location info: "The Pilot's Jackpot - Hampstead beach: A beautiful black-sand beach on the island's north coast, this was also where the Black Pearl was washed ashore in Pirates 2!"

    We're not really sure the shots below are from Ep5, but at least (after much going back and forth), we've reverted to our original idea that both sets of crews carrying ladders is probably from the same expedition. We later thought Ben was visible in both sets of shots, and on different crews (clearly on black, mostly concealed behind Joe Don on red), but after much squinting, we've decided we can't really tell who that is behind Joe Don. So we'll go with two crews, red and black, distributed as follows:
- Black crew: Clearly Ben (carrying the map and the black flag), Azmyth and Christa. There's another woman carrying the ladder with Christa (Laurel?), and someone hidden just behind her. Lastly, there's a guy in a white shirt bringing up the rear, either Jay or Sean.
- Red crew: Nessa is carrying the red flag, and sharing the ladder with Joe Don (who also has the map). Since the last guy on the black crew is not Louie, he must be on the red crew as well. As for the rest, your guess is as good as ours.
Episode 5 (?) expedition pics: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
black: ben, azmyth, christa, etc black: ben, azmyth, christa, etc  
joe don, nessa on red joe don and nessa on red crew ben (below, left of JD's shoulder)
Black crew (6): Ben, Azmyth, Christa, Laurel?, ?, ?
Red crew (6): Nessa, Joe Don, Louie, ?, ?, ?

Episode 6: ""
Expedition: Should be 11 people left; 6 people on black crew, 5 people on red crew.  

Dominica travel location info: "Dubique: Episode 6 was shot at Dubique on the south coast."

    No clear shots of Ep6 stuff, except perhaps for some of the random shots at the bottom of the page. Or perhaps the stuff we thought might be Ep5, above.

Episode 7: ""
Expedition: Should be 10 people left; 5 people on each crew.
- Appears to be: 10 people left, all on black crew; all 6 outcasts return as "white crew."

Dominica travel location info: "The Purser's Point - Scott's Head: At the southern tip of Dominica, this stunningly beautiful bay is a marine reserve."

- The white crew
= six-plus people in boat = Outcasts II, the Resurrection?
    And finally... the white crew. Christian, Alexis, Joe Don and Joy are all clearly visible. The guy behind Joe Don looks facially like Sean, but seems to have on one of Jay's shirts - but is most likely actually John, the scientist/ Chippendale dancer (as suggested by Aye Too Tacky). And there's also someone in the front of the boat, visible only as a flash of arm in the video, who we think is probably Cheryl (long-sleeved green shirt?). They seem to be rowing pretty hard, so we'd guess they at least get to keep the treasure if they find it, if not get back into the game entirely to some degree.
'White crew' pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
white crew white crew
white crew
White crew: Cheryl?, Christian, Alexis, Joy, Joe Don, John?

   For what it's worth, we think the "white crew", who are in the red crew's old boat, may be opposed by this group, flying the black crew's flag, which makes sense, since they're the captain and his crew (who are the black crew by default), opposing the outsiders.
    We see at least Nessa, Ben, Jupiter and Christa, and possibly Laurel with the Amidala-esque hairdo in the center. By our count, there are eight oars in the water, and two people (Jupiter, Laurel?) not rowing, so that would make 10 non-booted players, putting this in Episode 7, barring a prior multiple-boot episode.
Black crew pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
non-white crew non-white crew
Non-white/ black crew: Ben, ?, ?, Nessa, Jupiter, Laurel?, Christa, ?, ?, ?
Episode 8: ""
Expedition: Should be 9 people left; 5 on black crew, 4 on red crew.  
Dominica travel location info: "Indian River: Episode 1 and the Haunted Forest of episode 8. The Indian River is a mangrove-lined river in the north-west of the island. Also featured in Pirates of the Caribean 2!"

  No clear shots of Ep8 stuff, except perhaps for some of the random shots at the bottom of the page.
Episode 9: ""
Expedition: Should be 8 people left; 4 on each crew.  
Dominica travel location info: "Cabrits & Fort Shirley: Episode 2, 9 & 14. A national park and home of Fort Shirley, a large 18th-century British garrison."

   No clear shots of Ep9 stuff, except perhaps for some of the random shots at the bottom of the page.
Episode 10: ""
Expedition: Should be 7 people left; 4 on black crew, 3 on red.  
Dominica travel location info: "The Cooper's Treasure - Middleham Fallss: One of our tallest waterfalls, deep in the rainforest."

   No clear shots of Ep10 stuff, except perhaps for some of the random shots at the bottom of the page.
Episode 11: ""
Expedition: Should be 6 people left; 3 on each crew.
- Note: This matches the (non-CBS) picture at right.
- Black crew: Ben, two others. Red crew: three people.
e11 expedition
Dominica travel location info: "The Smuggler's Keep - Secret Beach: We'd tell you where this is... but it's a secret!"
(Photo at right from Dominica travel site's gallery).

    Again, the Dominica travel page's gallery shows a 3-on-3 challenge here. The only person we can definitively make out is Ben, who is the black boat's bow, with his back to the camera. It's possible the other two people in the black boat are Louie (brown shirt, in front of Ben) and Christa (blond hair, black head band), but the shot isn't clear enough to be sure.

Episode 12: ""
Expedition: Should be 5 people left; 3 on black, 2 on red?
- May be: A second outcast return, with the 5 people booted since Ep7 competing against the remaining five?
Dominica travel location info: "The Mapmaker's Constellation - Crabier: At the southern end of the island."

   No clear shots of Ep12 stuff, except perhaps for some of the random shots at the bottom of the page.
Episode 13: "" (series finale)
Expedition(s): Should be 4 people left: 2-on-2, then a three-way battle for the final treasure? laurel - f3?

Dominica travel location info (lists locations for Ep13 & Ep14):
(1) "The Carpenter's Noose - Miracle Lake."
(2) "The Captain's Bounty - Titou Gorge: A waterfall within a cave, featured in Pirates of the Caribbean 2." (Also, Cabrits & Fort Shirley, as in Ep.2 and Ep.9).

- Note: the Dominica travel site's interactive map lists Titou Gorge as the Ep.14 (second half of the finale?) location, along with Fort Shirley. Interestingly, the site's gallery has a shot of a rope bridge, which is also identified as being at Titou Gorge. As long as that location wasn't also used previously in the show, that would suggest that the CBS pre-show promotional shot of Laurel (above) comes from the final three portion of the finale. Maybe Laurel is the woman Cameron Daddo described as: "not particularly strong on expeditions and not particularly popular with the crew and yet she persevered and the other pirates kept her around."

Extra images...

But wait, there's more, barely. While we're rapidly running out of previously aired (yet unseen thus far) scenes, there are still the following shots:
- Pictures 1: As mentioned prior to Ep.3, this one could be from the winning red crew from that episode, but Jay is wearing his bandana in a different manner. Could be a future shot.
- Picture 2: Up until (and through) Ep.4, Christa and Joy have never been together on the black crew, as they appear to be here.
- Picture 3: This seems likely to be simply a shot for atmosphere, since (1) the captain/officers never wear jackets on the expeditions, (2) they never take swords, and (3) they're always done in broad daylight, not the dusk shown here. Still, the person on the right sort of looks like Jupiter, so you never know.
Stray future pictures: Click thumbnail image to view larger image
red crew
Possible Ep3 pic, or future?
joy and christa, together on black crew
Joy and Christa, together on black crew.
future crew or stand-ins?
Future crew or stand-ins?

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