NZ: Nicaragua intro shot
NZ: Nicaragua intro shot
On the truck, Day 1
Pre-game lineup, listening to Matt
More listening to Matt
The newly formed Hermosa tribe
A little disappointed to not be on the other tribe
We have to vote someone out on Day 1?
Opening scramble for survival items
Belatedly tackling Shay
Gutted that he didn't react when Izzy stole stuff
Looking at what's left after Izzy's theft
We'll get over it
Scouting out Hermosa camp
Chatting with Mike
Heading to Tribal, Day 1
Hermosa, Ep1 Tribal Council
Listening to the Ep1 duel treemail
Pre-duel sitdown
Welcome to Redemption Island
Watching Hannah vs. Dee
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
Listening to Matt
Starting line
Ready to hoist the platform, with Jak
Hermosa wins!
Gauging whether Shannon can be trusted, Ep3
Listening to the Ep3 RC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
Listening to Matt
Opting to sit out
Now with company
Hermosa wins, grabs the reward
Heading back to camp
With Barb, trying to recruit Jak
Listening to Georgia and Shannon's post-duel report, Ep4
Talking about the age gap at Hermosa
It doesn't look good for us, Barb
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
Listening to Matt
Starting line, taking a seat with Jak and Barb
The winning Hermosas
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
Starting line
The losing Hermosas, for once
Ready to watch the Ep5 duel, with Barb and Mike
Watching Izzy vs. Tony
Watching Tony burn his buff
Reporting back about the duel
Things are looking pretty bleak at Hermosa if we don't win immunity, Ep6
Pre-swap lineup, Ep6
Listening to Matt
Switch happened
Couldn't have worked out better
The new Hermosa tribe, pre-Ep6 IC
Starting line, already trailing
A bridge too far
Almost done...
The losing Hermosas
Connecting with new tribemate Sala
Georgia tries to scramble
Hermosa, Ep6 Tribal Council
Happy with the new tribe, Ep7
Making plans with Sala
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 RC
Ready to watch Avi vs. Lee
Avi/Hermosa wins!
Helping Avi test out the hammock
Mmm, chocolate-covered plastic bag
Trying to get a read on Shannon, again
Listening to the Ep7 duel treemail
Watching Georgia vs. Izzy
Reading the Ep8 IC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
Starting line
The "winning" Hermosas
Listening to the Ep9 duel treemail
Watching Georgia vs. Shay
The newly merged Casar tribe
Merge feasting
Checking in with Barb
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
Starting line
And out...
Watching Mike take his reward cake
Getting annoyed by Jak
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
Listening to Matt
Starting line
Still going...
In camp, waiting for news about Barb
Heading to the first post-merge Tribal
Casar, Ep10 Tribal Council
Another IC? Right after Lee's boot? Ep11
Ready to answer questions
Already out
Casar, Ep11 Tribal Council
Shay argues against Mike
That all worked out pretty well
Thinking either Shannon or Jak should be next
Listening to the Ep11 RC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
Starting line
Down to Nate vs. Barb
Happy to be picked for reward anyway
With Jak, ready to watch Mike vs. Lee in the Ep11 duel
Tough break, Lee
Post-duel report back to camp
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
Made it to the second round
Round 2, ready to go
Ugh, I'm not doing that
Sitting out the rest of round 2
Yay, Tom won
Uncomfortable with Barb's plan to vote Sala
Not sure I can write Sala's name down
Casar, Ep12 Tribal Council
Listening to Sala
Avi is upset about Sala's blindside, Ep13
Ready to watch Sala vs. Mike
Don't worry, Avi. We still want to work with you.
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
Listening to Matt's story
Starting line
Plotting with Avi, Shay, and Shannon
It has to be Jak
That settles it
Casar, Ep13 Tribal Council
Listening to Jak
Amused at Jak's departing antics
Talking to Avi and Shay, Ep14
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
Starting line
Tossing sandbags
Yay, Tom won
Conferring with Barb
Casar, Ep14 Tribal Council
First final 5, Ep15
Making plans with Avi
Listening to the Ep15 RC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep15 RC
Getting dirty
Going back for more
Listening to the weigh-in results
Back in camp, stuck with Shay
Thrilled with Barb's endless stories about the reward
She did go on a bit, didn't she?
Ready to watch the Ep15 duel
Shannon's out? Okay.
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep16 IC
Starting line
Still going
Yay, Tom won again
I hope it's Shay tonight
Casar, Ep16 Tribal Council
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep17 RC
Starting line, teamed with Avi
Ready to take on Barb
Nate scores a point!
Avi and Nate win!
Gathering some nuts
Water and nuts. Cheers!
Excitement at the Nicaraguan crab races
Listening to the Ep17 duel treemail
Ready to watch Shay vs. Mike vs. Jak
Keep it up, guys
Watching Shay burn her buff
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep17 RC/IC
Teaser message from home
Starting line
Falling behind again
Scrambling with Barb, Ep18
Casar, Ep18 Tribal Council
Talking to Matt
Worth a shot
Three votes Nate...
Snuffed, Day 35 (Episode 18)
Getting to hang out with Jak and Mike again. Yay.
You're right, guys, RI is pretty terrible
One way or another, it should be over today, at least
Pre-duel lineup, Ep18 (final) duel
Starting line
Still going...
The newly reformulated Casar tribe
Plotting with Mike, Ep19
Pre-challenge lineup, Final 5 IC
Starting line
Falling behind
Casar, Ep19 Final 5 Tribal Council
Listening to nearly departed Mike
Casar, Ep19 Final 5 Tribal Council
Welp, I'm next, probably
Pre-challenge lineup, Final 4 IC
Starting line
And done, two minutes in
Waiting for it to end
Tom gets medical attention for fainting
Heading to the final vote-out
Casar, Final 4 Tribal Council
This seems familiar
Snuffed again, Day 38 (Episode 19)
The jury, Final Tribal Council
Listening to opening statements
Asking his jury question
Reunion show, waiting for the vote reveal
Reunion show, chats with Matt