NZ: Nicaragua intro shot
NZ: Nicaragua intro shot
On the truck, Day 1
So excited to be on the beach, ready to play Survivor
Pre-game lineup, listening to Matt
More listening to Matt
The newly formed Hermosa tribe
Opening scramble for survival items
Looking at what's left after Izzy's theft
Hermosa arrives in camp
Talking to Georgia and Dee
Dee raises some good points
Heading to Tribal
Hermosa, Ep1 Tribal Council
Listening to the Ep1 duel invitation
Pre-duel sitdown, Ep1 duel
Welcome to Redemption Island!
Watching Hannah vs. Dee
Thinking she's in a pretty good position in the tribe, Ep2
Reading the Ep2 IC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
Listening to Matt
Starting line
Placing an item
Hermosa wins!
Using charcoal as toothpaste, Ep3
Talking to Nate about maybe not ebing with Mike and Georgia
Listening to the Ep3 RC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
Starting line
Hermosa wins!
Taking the reward
Heading back to camp
With Georgia, ready to watch the EP3 duel
Watching Hannah toss
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
Listening to Matt
Starting line
Still going...
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 RC
Listening to Matt
Watching from the sidelines, with Georgia
Watching the launching
Watching the winning Mogotóns, for once
Listening to Barb and Nate report back on the Ep5 duel
Pre-swap lineup, Ep6
Listening to Matt
Last to pick, draws the black buff
Yay, Redemption Island!
Temporarily hanging out with Georgia and Izzy, Ep7
Worried about having the same results as Georgia in new Hermosa
Hi, new tribe!
I have a lot of work to do here
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 RC
Ready to watch Avi vs. Lee
Avi/Hermosa wins!
Watching Avi test out the hammock
Reading the Ep7 duel treemail
Everyone's ready to watch Georgia vs. Izzy
(Go Georgia!)
Connecting with Sala, Ep8
Listening to the Ep8 IC treemail
If we don't win this, I'm done
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 IC
Retrieving the key
Getting to work on the word puzzle
Eventually... Hermosa wins!
Really happy to have immunity, Matt
Listening to the Ep9 duel treemail
Watching Georgia vs. Shay
So long, Georgia
The newly merged Casar tribe
Heading to camp
Merge feasting
More eating
Reconnecting with Mike
Making plans with Avi
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 RC
Starting line
Yay, Mike won
Ready to help eat Mike's chocolate cake
Checking in with Avi again, Ep10
Talking to the boys
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
Starting line
Still going...
Down to Shannon vs. Mike
Back in camp, waiting for news about the just-fainted Barb
Heading to Tribal
Casar, Ep10 Tribal Council
Listening to Mike
Another IC? At Tribal? Ep11
Starting line, Ep11 IC
Getting one right, at least
Mike wants to vote out Shay now
Mike and Lee were *really* mad at me
Listening to the Ep11 RC treemail
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
Starting line
Yay, Barb won
I chopped a coconut!
Talking with Sala
Barb proposes booting Sala
Sounds great!
But first, some Ep12 yoga
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
Advancing to the second round
Ready to go, round 2
Made it to the final round!
Working the puzzle
Pretty excited about Barb's plan
Casar, Ep12 Tribal Council
Listening to Sala
Very disappointed Avi, Ep13
Great, now everyone hates me
Listening to the Ep13 duel invitation
Ready to watch the Ep13 duel
Listening to Mike's complaints
Watching Sala burn his buff
I didn't intend to be the villain!
Getting support from Shay
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
Listening to Matt's story
Starting line
Answering a question
Playing cards
Casar, Ep13 Tribal Council
Listening to Avi
Amused at Jak's parting loincloth moves
Talking about Barb running the game, Ep14
Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
Starting line
Tossing sandbags
Trying to get Tom and Avi on board with targeting Barb
Worried that it might be her instead
Talking to Matt, Ep14 Tribal Council
Fifth person voted out of Casar...
Snuffed, Day 28 (Episode 14)
Unsure what to expect from Mike and Jak at Redemption, Ep15
Hey guys!
Doing an allegedly hilarious bit with Jak
Pre-duel lineup, Ep15 duel
Talking to Matt
Starting line
Still going...
...and done
Last words with Matt
Burning her buff, Day 30
The jury, Final Tribal Council
Listening to opening statements
Asking her jury question
Reunion show, waiting for the vote reveal
Reunion show, chats with Matt