Morgan Mitchell - SurvivorAU: Brains v Brawn II

Seasons: 1 | Days played: - | Wins: - | Jury: -

Morgan Mitchell on social media: Instagram

Morgan Mitchell - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU: BvB II - - - - - - - - - - - NA NA
Career - - - - - - - - - - - NA NA


Morgan Mitchell - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Morgan Mitchell - Challenge record
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II challenges


Tribal/team challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None yet.


Individual challenge record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None yet.


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None yet.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Sat out: -
Individual challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Hero challenges
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean % Finish: -
Morgan Mitchell - Tribal Council record
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II Tribal

Tribal Council

Idols held/played (0/0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None yet.


VFB - Votes for the person booted (0/0):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?


VAP - Votes against (0):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None yet.


Jury votes made (1/1):

  • AU: Brains v Brawn II: None yet.
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 0
Played: -
Votes voided: -
Voting record
VFB: 0
Tribals: 0
VAP: -
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -
Morgan Mitchell - Pictures
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II image gallery
  • Morgan Mitchell AU10
    On the beach with the Brawns
  • Morgan Mitchell AU10
    A Brawn Tribal Council
  • Morgan Mitchell AU10
  • Morgan Mitchell AU10
    Watching Laura N celebrate
Morgan Mitchell - Interviews
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None yet.


Post-game interviews

  • None yet.
Morgan Mitchell - Bio
SurvivorAU 10 logo  AU: Brains v Brawn II bio

Official Ten AU: Brains v Brawn II bio excerpts (January 20, 2025):

"Resilient and strong, Morgan says there are many different sides to her saying, “There’s Olympic Morgan who will help win challenges. Then there’s Social Morgan who is fun and chatting to everyone. But they’ll both know when to take a backstep and went to be front and centre.”

An Olympic sprinter, Morgan has been racing since 2012 and made three World Championships, two Commonwealth Games and two Olympics. She’s been an Olympic finalist in the 4x400m relay and three-time national champion over 400m. Morgan then switched to the 800m and is one of only a few athletes who have been able to compete in the Olympics in both races.

Morgan recently got engaged so winning the prize money is high on her list of priorities to put towards the wedding. She says, “Before coming to Samoa, I kind of woke up at 4am in the morning like a possessed demon. I looked to my fiancé Tom, and I said, I'm winning. We have a wedding to pay for, and it will be the wedding of the century.”

A natural go getter, Morgan says her mother and coach are her two inspirations, saying, “I would definitely attribute my success to my mother, she’s my best friend. She’s the coolest person you’ll ever meet. And my first coach, Peter Burke who guided me and really set up the foundations for me to become one of the best in Australia at what I do.”"