Tessa O'Halloran - SurvivorAU: 2017

Seasons: 1 | Days played: 42 | Wins: 0 | Jury: 1 (0)

  • SurvivorAU 2: 2017 (2017) - 9th place, 16th out - 4th juror, then not a juror (Day 50).
  • Voted out in Episode 19, "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures" (Day 42).
  • Removed from the jury (via advantage) in Episode 24, "Day 50" (Day 50).

Tessa O'Halloran on social media: Instagram

Tessa O'Halloran - Career statistics

Challenge stats Tribal council stats Jury stats Overall stats
Season ChW ChA ChW% VFB VAP TCA TC% wTCR JVF TotJ JV% SurvSc SurvAv
AU2: 2017 3.69 7.97 0.46 4 7 11 0.36 0.93 - - - 0.82 4.62
Career 3.69 7.97 0.46 4 7 11 0.36 0.93 - - - 0.82 4.62


Tessa O'Halloran - Performance ranks

Challenges: MPF percentile


Tribal: VFB% percentile


Tribal: rVAP percentile


Performance ranks are a quick visual measure of the contestant's season vs. historical data from all prior contestants, in three basic (scorable) categories:

1. Performance in individual challenges (MPF), as a measure of "physical game";

2. Ability to vote people out consistently (VFB%, or VFB/TCA), or "strategic game"; and

3. Ability to avoid being voted against (rVAP, or TCA-VAP) - which scales better than a percentage would - for "social/strategic game."

See also: Full glossary for all these abbreviations.


Tessa O'Halloran - Challenge record
SurvivorAU 2 logo  AU2: 2017 challenges

Ep6 IC

Tribal/team challenge record (14-for-24; 2 sit-outs):

  • AU: 2017, Ep.1 RC - Helps carry the raft and get the rice; Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.1 IC - Crosses obstacles and rolls cubes, and Samatau wins again.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.2 RC (Water slide) - Loses a point to Sam, but Samatau wins, 7-5.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.2 IC (Three little pigs OC, war clubs) - Crosses the obstacles, but Samatau blows a lead, loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.3 RC (Big balls) - Helps push the big ball around, and Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.3 IC (Rafts, bamboo tower) - Paddles and stacks bamboo, but Samatau loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.4 RC (Coconuts, surfing) - Helps gather coconuts and move the raft; Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.4 IC (Builders & runners) - One of the runners, but Samatau loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.5 IC (Team "This Much") - Drops out somewhere in the middle; Samatau loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.6 RC "By the Numbers" - First person to cross successfully, and Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.6 IC (Water obstacles, puzzle) - Works the puzzle with Anneliese, and Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.7 IC "Sumo'an Mud" - Scores a point vs. Michelle, and Samatau wins, 7-6.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.8 RC (Ball on disc, tiles) - Helps carry the ball on the disc, but Samatau loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.8 IC (Gates, sled) - Does not perform a task, as Samatau gets stuck on the gate maze, loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.9 IC (Water football) - Part of one point-scoring team, as Samatau wins, 3-1.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.10 RC (Palm tree puzzle) - Works the tree puzzle with AK, but Samatau blows their lead, loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.10 IC (Disc race, circle puzzle) - Helps move discs along the rope, Samatau wins, easily.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.11 RC (Keys, logo puzzle, sandbags) - Builds the block puzzle with AK, and Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.12 RC "Idol Hands" - Sits out, as Samatau loses, 7-6.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.12 IC (Filling up barrels) - Helps fill buckets with water; Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.13 IC (Team "When it Rains") - Holds up her sandbag the entire time, but Samatau loses.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.14 RC (Blindfolds, catapults) - Successfully smashes a watermelon, and Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.14 IC (Planks, hanging puzzle) - Gathers and stacks planks; Samatau wins.
  • AU: 2017, Ep.15 IC (A-frames, rope) - Sits out, as Samatau wins again.


Ep18 IC

Individual challenge record (2-for-5): (Mean % finish: 78.7%)

  • AU: 2017, Ep.16 RC "Ring Leader" - Goes 90 minutes, survives the transition, and Tessa wins! (1st/12).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.16 IC (Planking) - Holds on for 40 minutes, tenth to drop out (3rd/12).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.17 IC (Rings, ropes, ramp) - Last place in the second round (6th/11).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.18 IC "Bow Diddley" - Reaches the final stage, outlasts Locky, and Tessa wins! (1st/10).
  • AU: 2017, Ep.19 IC "Over Extended" - Fifth out, in the deluge of drops at 3 meters (5th/9).


Hero challenge/ duel record (0-for-0):

  • AU: 2017: None.
Career totals - challenges
Team/tribal challenges
Wins: 14
Played: 24
Win%: 0.58
Sat out: 2
Individual challenges
Wins: 2
Played: 5
Win%: 0.40
Mean% Finish: 78.7%
Hero challenges/ duels
Wins: 0
Played: 0
Win%: -
Mean% Finish: -


Tessa O'Halloran - Tribal Council record
SurvivorAU 2 logo  AU2: 2017 Tribal

Ep5 Tribal Council

Idols held/played (1/1; 6 votes voided):

  • AU: 2017, Ep. 4: Tarzan finds an idol, gives it to Tessa in camp, knowing she's the target (Day 11).
  • AU: 2017, Ep. 4: Tessa plays the idol for herself, voiding six votes and saving herself, but the vote was split, and Tarzan gets voted out instead (Day 11).


VFB - Votes for the person booted (4/11):

Tribal Voted Boot (totals) VFB?
Ep2 Anneliese Adam Parkin (voted out, 5-4-2-1) -
Ep3 Tara Kate Temby (voted out, 5-4-2) -
Ep4 Locky Tarzan Herlaar (idoled out, [0]-3-1) -
Ep5 Aimee Aimee Stanton (voted out, 5-4) Yes
Ep8 (v1)* Tara Tara Pitt (*not* voted out, 3-3-2; 5-1) Yes
Ep8 (v2)* Anneliese Anneliese Wilson (*not* voted out, 3-3-1; 5-0) Yes
Ep13 Michelle Ben Morgan (voted out, 5-3) -
Ep16 Luke Jarrad Seng (voted out, 7-5) -
Ep17 Locky Anneliese Wilson (voted out, 8-3) -
Ep18 Henry Henry Nicholson (voted out, 6-4) Yes
Ep19 Tara Tessa O'Halloran (voted out, 3-2-2-2) -

*Both Ep.8 votes ended in the surprise exile of Tara and Anneliese to Asaga.


VAP - Votes against (7):

  • AU: 2017, Ep. 3: Four votes, from Aimee, Anneliese, Tara, and Ziggy.
  • [AU: 2017, Ep. 4: Six votes, from Aimee, AK, Anneliese, Tara, Tarzan, and Ziggy - all voided by Tarzan's idol.]
  • AU: 2017, Ep. 19: Three votes, from Jericho, Luke, and Sarah (voted out, 3-2-2-2).


Jury votes made (0/0):

  • AU: 2017, Ep. 24: Removed as a juror by Jericho, who won the juror removal advantage (Day 50).
Career totals - Tribal Council
Hidden idols
Found: 1
Played: 1
Votes voided: 6
Voting record
VFB: 4
Tribals: 11
VAP: 7
Jury votes
Made: 0
For winners: -
Received: -


Tessa O'Halloran - Pictures
SurvivorAU 2 logo  AU2: 2017 image gallery
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    SurvivorAU: 2017 intro shot
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    SurvivorAU: 2017 intro shot
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Greeting Jonathan, Day 1
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The Samatau tribe
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Bringing the raft in, opening RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins the rice reward
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau meet and greet
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep1 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Crossing obstacles
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Idoled up
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Heading back to camp with the reward
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep2 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Muddy, watching the hammering
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The losing Samataus
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Checking out the alleged 'chicken idol'
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep2 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Talking about Tribal, Ep3
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep3 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Paddling out, Ep3 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Building the log tower
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    On the outs, with Kate and Tarzan
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep3 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Jonathan
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Enjoying the sunrise with Tarzan, Ep4
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Running out
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Tarzan's dilemma story
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep4 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Crossing the net
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching Ziggy throw
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The losing Samataus
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    It looks bleak, but Tarzan has an idol
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Tarzan just gave his idol to Tessa!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep4 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    With Tarzan
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Playing this for myself, Jonathan
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep5 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    We lost again?
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep5 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    I'm still in trouble, Jonathan!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep6 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching Locky chop
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Working the puzzle with Anneliese
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Finally safe from Tribal Council again
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep7 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep8 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Carrying the ball
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line, Ep8 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The losing Samataus
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    A plan emerges
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep8 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to AK
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Showing the camp to the new tribemates, Ep9
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep9 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching Samatau score
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Working the puzzle with AK
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Enjoying Henry's game show
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    No ulterior motives there!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep10 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, leading big
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep11 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Building the block puzzle with AK
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep11 Tribal, deciding who should get the Ultimate Reward
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Ziggy's reward story, Ep12
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Sounded plausible-ish
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-swap lineup, Ep12
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Opening new buffs
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Still on Samatau
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching from the sit-out bench
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The losing Samataus
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The newly spartan Samatau camp
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep12 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep13 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau, Ep13 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Locky
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Blindfolded, getting directions
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching Locky catapult
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins reward!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Reward feasting
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep14 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Waiting to climb the plank staircase
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching the puzzle stage
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching Asaga's Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Peter's back at Samatau, Ep15
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep15 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Watching from the sidelines
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Samatau wins!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Petey's back, we have the numbers, things are going great, Ep16
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-merge lineup
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    You are merged!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line, Ep16 RC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Still going...
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Deciding to give up reward so everyone can get their letters
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    I hope that was the right decision!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Feasting on muffins, listening to letters from home
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep16 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Waiting for it to end
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Time to take out Luke and finish off the Asagas
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Nothing can mess this up!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Well, you were last in, Michelle
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Asatoa, Ep16 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Talking to Jonathan
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Post-Tribal triage, Ep17
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep17 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line, first round
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Ready for the second phase
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    A plan emerges
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Play your idol, Anneliese!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Heading to Tribal
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Asatoa, Ep17 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Locky
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Ziggy played an idol nullifier?!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    She is, though; Ep18
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Time for the auction
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Just purchased a spa trip for three
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Cheers to the Champagne Alliance!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Various plotting
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Getting to talk to Luke and Michelle like this was perfect
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep18 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Still going, third stage
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Down to a showdown with Locky
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Tessa wins immunity!
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Now to put the Champagne alliance to work
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Asatoa, Ep18 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Michelle
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    The Henry boot was all my doing! Ep19
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Talking to Ziggy, as Luke creeps from his spy shack
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Pre-challenge lineup, Ep19 IC
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Starting line
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Plotting with Locky and Tara
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    That's not the real plan, of course
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Asatoa, Ep19 Tribal Council
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Listening to Peter
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    16th person voted out, and our 4th juror (for now)...
  • Tessa O'Halloran AU2
    Snuffed, Day 42


Tessa O'Halloran - Interviews
SurvivorAU 2 logo  AU2: 2017 interviews

Pre-game interviews

  • None found.


Post-game interviews

  • Ashling Lee at Popsugar.com.au (9/25/17): "Tessa O'Halloran on How She Became So Great at Those Endurance Challenges on Survivor"
  • Ryan Brink at Brink of Reality (9/24/17): "Tessa O'Halloran Exit Interview | Australian Survivor 2017 Ep19 Recap - Sunday 24th September"


Tessa O'Halloran - Bio
SurvivorAU 2 logo  AU2: 2017 bio

Official Ten SurvivorAU: 2017 bio excerpts (July, 2017):

"Always underestimated by her work colleagues and patients because of her age and gender, Tessa is highly intelligent and ready to compete.

Studying to become a doctor, Tessa worked under high-pressure conditions while attending lectures and studying to pass her physician’s exam. She is now one of the youngest doctors at her work.

Tessa’s youthful looks have meant patients and colleagues do not always think she knows what she is doing – but do not be fooled.

“I am quite used to people looking at me and thinking I am too young to be doing the job that I am doing, but I do it well. I do not make many mistakes. I know what I am doing,” she said.

Tessa’s strategy is to form an all-girls alliance and to work her magic when their backs are turned.

“Hopefully I am too small and blonde for the other survivors on the island to realise it, but I will work behind-the-scenes to play them against each other.

“They will not want to mess with me. When I am annoyed, I tend to have a quiet simmer. I then go out to get revenge and they will not see me coming.”

Tessa wants to win Australian Survivor for her family, especially her mum, and she does not feel any guilt about her strategy.

“I do not think that heroes go far in this game. People who say they are playing with honesty and integrity are infuriating. It is a game, it is not real life.”"