Survivor - post-merge voting demographics

Post-merge voting demographics

Vap per TCA


Are you a post-merge Survivor contestant, and concerned about who's going to get voted against at the next Tribal Council? Well, don't worry: It's probably that dude, over there. Above, you'll find the average number of votes a post-merge Survivor contestant received per Tribal Council, from seasons 1-29. If you're a woman over 40, good news! On average, you'll get one paltry vote at each Tribal. But if you're a man between 30-39, we have some bad news: On average, you'll be getting 2.5 votes every time you show up. Oh well, sucks to be you.


Separating just by gender, that dude over there is still in the most danger. The average male contestant sees 2.31 +/- 0.17 votes per Tribal, whereas the average woman receives 1.45 +/- 0.14 votes. This difference is significant (p < 0.0001, by two-tailed unpaired Student's t test). Separating by gender and age (in 5- to 10-year bins, as above), the trend is still there: At every age, men are more likely to receive votes than women of the same age.


So relax, and just vote against that youngish guy, like everyone else.


But wait, there's more: It turns out that men have more success reaching the merge in the first place.





- Mean VAP/TCA is calculated simply as: (Total post-merge votes a contestant receives) divided by (Total post-merge Tribal Council Appearances). So if you're the merge boot, and you rack up 8 votes in one Tribal, your VAP/TCA is 8.0. If you gradually accumulate 8 votes over 4 post-merge Tribals, your VAP/TCA isa more manageable 2.0.

- Every post-merge Tribal Council at which someone was voted out was counted as a Tribal Council appearance. (If someone quit or was medevacced, no TCA is charged.)

- If a person was immune at the time of voting, it did not count as a Tribal Council appearance for them (since they couldn't be voted against).

- Idols are irrelevant, this stat counts voting intent, not outcome. So if someone played an idol, canceling out votes against them, the votes were still counted here.

- Data above are expressed as the mean +/- S.E.M.

- Your guess is as good as ours as to why women aged 30-34 seem to be underrepresented here. (Women over 50 are underrepresented because they're rarely cast in the first place.)


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