Survivor - merge-reaching demographics

Demographic chances of reaching the Survivor merge

Vap per TCA


If you've seen our companion look at post-merge Survivor voting demographics, you've already learned that men get voted against a lot after the merge (unless they're really old).


Well, as it turns out, there's a good reason for that: Chances of reaching the merge are much higher if you are a dude (unless you're in your 40s, in which case, it's all bad news for you). For most of the age- and gender-sorted bins above, there are roughly even numbers of people that make the merge or are pre-merge boots (women age 25-49, men age 40-49 all hover around a 50% success rate of making merge). Older women (50+) have a harder time, although their overall numbers are much smaller, so it's probably a sample size problem.


In contrast, young women (19-24) and almost all men have a much easier road: 60% or better chances of wearing a merge buff (except the middle-aged 40s guys, as noted above). In fact, men aged 35-39 have an astonishing 74% success rate!


So perhaps it's not surprising that as soon as they get there, everyone wants to vote against the men. Except for the 50+-year-old guys and the under-25 women. They're set.


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