Filmed: September 12-13, 2023 | Aired: March 17, 2024
- Ep.22 fake idol: Feras comes up with a scheme to have Raymond re-find Feras's idol near where Mark and Caroline are searching, to both protect Ray and keep Mark and Caroline from looking more. It works!
- Ep.22 Immunity Challenge: "Always On the Run" - It comes down to a standoff between Mark and Feras, and despite Feras's superior approach (counting to accurately time ball placement), Mark wins.
- Ep.22 idol play: Feras finally plays his idol at Tribal, declining Kirby's request to play it for her, and playing it for himself instead.
- Ep.22 voted out: Kirby is out, 4-1 over Caroline.
Episode 22 scoring notes
- Not much out of the ordinary scoring-wise, since most of the creative gameplay involved a fake idol, plus an idol play (at the last possible Tribal to do so) that Feras knew would be ineffective.
Vote count:
- Kirby received 4 votes, from Caroline, Feras, Mark, and Raymond (voted out, 4-1).
- Caroline received 1 vote, from Kirby.