Filmed: September 11, 2023 | Aired: March 12, 2024
- Ep.21 idol: Everyone's looking for one, but Caroline finds it.
- Ep.21 Immunity Challenge: "On Shaky Ground" - It's somehow the F4 IC from Survivor 44, but in Samoa. Kirby wins her fourth necklace.
- Ep.21 idol play: Caroline has a plan to play her idol for Mark, thinking she has talked the old Rebels into voting for him, while she votes Feras, except ...
- Ep.21 voted out: Mark only receives one vote (from Kitty) and instead Kitty is out, 4-1-[0] over Feras and [not Mark].
Episode 21 scoring notes
- The IC: As is often the case in this type of challenge, we can't assume progress at the time the challenge ended would have been maintained (see Mark's collapse on the final block). So everyone who isn't Kirby tied for second.
Vote count:
- Kitty received 5 votes, from Feras, Kirby, Mark, and Raymond (voted out, 4-1-[0]).
- Feras received 1 vote, from Caroline.
- [*Mark received 1 vote, from Kitty, voided by Caroline's idol play.]